Hedera's Homestead

Contact: @hederava

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Last updated 4 months ago

@sithuaung2006 တခြားအကောင့်လုံးဝမသုံးပါ

Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago

ကြော်ငြာများထည့်သွင်းလိုပါက ဒီအကောင့်ကိုဆက်သွယ်ပေးပါ??

Last updated 2 months, 3 weeks ago

6 months ago
Hedera's Homestead
7 months, 2 weeks ago

If you feel overwhelmed by information, stop consuming it. It's likely a distraction from something more important. That something is probably a spirit in need. "Homesteading" won't fix that feeling of overwhelm, only add to it.

Don't worry. I've heard it said that to worry is to pray to the Devil to make your fears into reality. Don't fear, because there's nothing to be afraid of. Everything will work out as it's supposed to, and there's plenty of time to do what you need to do.

7 months, 2 weeks ago

Let's talk about the people in the homestead world who are always stressed, it's always the end of the world, banks are literally about to collapse tomorrow, buy all the silver you can, we don't have much time, our communities aren't connected, everything's going to destroy us, and so on. I'm betting this will ruffle some feathers, especially given the context of this channel and the content shared on it in the past.

Paradoxically, I think it is the chronic worriers who would become the "neediest" during an actual collapse, despite their whining about how "needy" everyone else will be. I think it is the neediest and most downtrodden who secretly wish for destruction, so they can have a sense of power over the situation - using their homesteading skillz to rise like a phoenix from the ashes. An easy, built-in switcheroo from dire straits to riding the waves of chaos.

I don't think it works like that. I don't believe there will be a collapse that completely destroys power grids (for long, anyway). I don't think we need to prepare for a pastoral existence in a dark age wasteland. And, if nuclear war happens, I'd honestly rather not survive if it is in close enough range to alter my life significantly in that way - but if I do, there is no reasonable way that I could prepare for the survival of such an event in the first place.

Nuclear fallout aside, I don't know exactly what some people are prepping for that requires this "every single commodity needs to be localized" mentality. On an individual basis, it is impossible, and without sufficient motivation for entire regions to do so, it will not be done. This aspiration seems self destructive in the same way obsessive diets and bodybuilding can be. We cannot enslave ourselves to unrealistic standards, whatever they are.

You can burn out so hard on a prepping/homesteading lifestyle that fundamental energy issues start to develop in your body. The stress alone can lead to a host of debilitating conditions, but of particular importance is the atrophy of the prefrontal cortex - where planning, empathy, and introspection take place. I think that is a pretty awful thing to do to a brain when our existence depends on our ability to cooperate with others.

The people with the best chances of surviving a "collapse" (whatever that could be) will be strong of mind, spirit, and body. They will come from a place of abundance rather than scarcity; a mindset of charity as opposed to self-preservation. They will not be stunted from fear.

Before fretting about idealistic, closed-circle ecosystems and economies (which is just as easy to solve as placing humans on Mars), I think priority should be placed nearer to our hearts. What can we do?

Instead of placing all of the focus on relatively meaningless skills, I think we need to assess our current standing in society and in our minds.

Is there a relationship we need to get out of?

Is something lacking (money, housing, food, connection)?

Are we stuck with responsibilities that we hate?

Are there health issues we struggle with?

These questions and their answers are the foundation that we have to work with. Almost everything else is a distraction from the readiness that we truly need to tend to (yes, even homesteading, which is rapidly becoming a buzzword that I hate). Without addressing these concerns, we will destroy ourselves, no matter how much "knowledge" we have obtained.

I believe in the human spirit as a driver of progress, hope, charity, and virtue. The preservation of these aspects of humanity is the only thing worth pursuing. It starts in our own lives.

What progress can you make in achieving a state of internal peace? How can you get in a position where charity is easy for you? How will you uphold the universal principles of good? How can you inspire hope in others, rather than fear?

I think these questions are vastly more important to answer than "how do I start a homestead". The homestead is inconsequential - harmful, even, if it's not aiding these goals of the spirit. What use would it be?

9 months ago

Stop hot dog reacting the male baby alpaca please

9 months ago

Can't believe I haven't uploaded this before.

I am a firm believer in mulch, and I employ it year-round in the garden for all of the reasons this book describes. I continually convert bare-dirt barons to this extravagant straw strategy, and you should, too.

9 months ago
1 year, 3 months ago
On the chestnut buds you’ll stick,

On the chestnut buds you’ll stick,
Buds of beech are sharp and prick,
Buds of ash are always put
In tidy pairs as black as soot.
In a jumble oak buds grow,
A most untidy twig they show.
Reddish-brown are buds of plane,
On the elm tree look again.
See the leaf buds, small and brown,
Growing up the twig and down,
Flower buds you’ll see as well
Brown and bead - like as they swell.
Buds of sycamore show green,
A big one at the top is seen.
But smaller down the twig they grow,
Lime buds ruby red will glow.
Poplar buds in single line,
Down the twig in crimson shine.
Thus may all the trees be known
In winter by their buds alone.

Enid Blyton

1 year, 3 months ago
1 year, 3 months ago
Made brioche by hand so I …

Made brioche by hand so I can truly appreciate the stand mixer my husband got me for Christmas ?‍?? only bakers would understand...

Happy Thanksgiving, everybody!

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Last updated 4 months ago

@sithuaung2006 တခြားအကောင့်လုံးဝမသုံးပါ

Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago

ကြော်ငြာများထည့်သွင်းလိုပါက ဒီအကောင့်ကိုဆက်သွယ်ပေးပါ??

Last updated 2 months, 3 weeks ago