Derek Johnson

Derek Johnson
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1 month ago
Derek Johnson
1 month ago
50 United States Code §1550, Executive …

50 United States Code §1550, Executive Orders 13912 and 13919 🎯🐂🇺🇸

Follow 👉* Derek Johnson✅️***

1 month ago
Derek Johnson
1 month, 1 week ago

For the cost of a Starbucks Coffee, you can read how to BYPASS Major Record Labels and go straight to the Top of THEIR Chart 👉🏻 Billboard Country Airplay.

This is how I beat the RIGGED System of the Country Music “Industry”… I’m the ONLY Artist who’s ever scored Billboard Hits who’s told it ALL.

Most Country Music “Fans” have never heard of me and that’s exactly why I’m taking one for ALL those I knew who too have been in my boots, with Hits on the Top Chart in Country Music, no one else knows, only to have INCOMPETENT Fools in Major Labels act like I didn’t know how this RIGGED MONOPOLY operates.

You do not have to live in Nashville, won’t ever need a Publishing deal, don’t have to set one foot in a “Writer’s Round” or deal with all the cesspool drama around any facet of that crapshow.

This isn’t some “get rich quick” scheme or some stupid Ad you see with “hit songwriters” who haven’t had a hit since who throw you crumbs on “how to write a song” or any of the bull crap.

This is the LEGIT Outline of HOW the Money Trail works and how Country Music Fans have no clue what they’ve been supporting.

It’s time to take it down and take it back. 🫡🐂🇺🇸

1 month, 1 week ago
Derek Johnson
1 month, 1 week ago
Ruh Roh… two B-52 Bombers rolling …

Ruh Roh… two B-52 Bombers rolling up the Nord Stream pipeline 🔥🐂🇺🇸

Follow 👉* Derek Johnson✅️***

3 months, 1 week ago

Politics = division for $.

Chaos plus Division = Power Acquisition.

You the misinformed, uninformed, and entitled majority of Americans kept this 💩 going by panicking, not standing up, not walking out, not sacrificing, and falling prey to the SWAMP tactics and antics.

Canadians and many other countries have more Patriots than America because the streets were flooded with millions of protesters.

Brazil is another great example of millions flooding the streets in 2020 over their stolen election (although it too, is a part of the Operation).

When Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes says the Department of Defense, whom she works with, says they’re testing the climate of the people and reactions…

2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 = the Majority have Failed.

And 2024 is getting better the more people discover me bc I’m the only one who lays out the Laws and Orders from top to bottom as fast as I can without throwing crumbs and not using drama, propaganda, and countless failed predictions and hypotheticals.

If “Biden” was President… why isn’t it worse than what it should be?

Where’s Trudeau? Where are these Dictators?

How come “Biden” hasn’t reversed ALL of 45’s Laws and Orders?

How come “he” has extended 11 Executive Orders with National Emergencies?

Why not let them terminate with their automatic 2 year termination clause?

All these Foreign Aircraft are under ORDERS.

They do not fly over foreign territory for nothing or “training.”

They have been here all day, every day since the Order was put into place and has increased due to the operational levels and plan by those in command.

So, think about it… If 45 is just played Politics like the rest of the swamp, then we are all screwed because the mass majority will not wake up, study, learn, take action.

But due to ALL the above and the visuals of the Capitulation and the command of the 1550 with the Aircraft daily in on National Guard bases, Regional, Municipal, County, and International Airports with zero Military Attachments or Bases, all a 2nd War Powers Act (1942) WW2 (Roosevelt) action, MORE THAN proves…

45 didn’t play politics. He didn’t walk away. He didn’t “take a deal.”

Military Occupation.

Continuity of Operations.

Learn those two first.

Once you learn and grasp those, the rest will come easy.

The good news is… Only 1.7% to 1.9% fought during the Revolution.

And we have more than 1.9% this time.

Follow 👉* Derek Johnson✅️***


Derek Johnson

Derek Johnson

Politics = division for $.
3 months, 1 week ago

Part Two: Shoutout Canadians 🇨🇦🍁

Remember how bad the ‘lockdowns’ were in Canada?

Remember how Trudeau seemed like Hitler?

Remember how the Truckers were being arrested?

Remember the Farmers and the Tractors raiding the streets?

The January 17 and June 13, 2017, Federal Continuity Directives 1 and 2, prove there’s a Continuity of Operations in action.

The Capitulation Tour by 45 prove Military Occupation hence Chapters 11 and 12 of the Law of War Manual, Chapter 12 specifically which explains Capitulation.

Every single publication from 2021 to the most recent December 2023 publication under FCD1 & FCD2, do not have one single Law or Legislation via “Biden.”

With the most recent, 12/2023, outlining Executive Order 13961, of 45’s.

45 told the whole world in March 2020… this will be over shortly.

The mass majority cannot see this Operation and that it was already over because 68% of Americans cannot name the 3 Branches of Government.

MANY Veterans do not even know the very Laws, Orders, Regulations, and Customs of which they took an Oath to.

A portion of those may feel I’m “attacking” when I’m trying to motivate them to uphold and match their attitudes with Integrity for the Oath.

In March 2020, CIC verbally declared a National Emergency on March 13, then on March 27, Federalized 1 Million Reserve Components to Active-Duty.

On March 30, 2020, he held a Press Conference in which he told the WHOLE WORLD they have 30 million doses of Hydroxychloroquine and 6 million doses of Chloroquine ALREADY ready meaning prepared and stocked with more to come.

In the same press conference is where he said this would be over quickly.

On April 30, 2020, he gave the Secretary of Defense equal authority to Federalize Reserves to Active-Duty.

All of which were in the FIRST 180-days from the clause in Section §1550 of the War Powers Act of 1973 that was NOT there until Bipartisan Congress and 45 put it there.

Which was put there December 20, 2019, the same day the:

  1. Space Force was established
  2. Uniform Code of Military Justice was overhauled with new laws
  3. Courts-Martial Handbook reissued
  4. Global Fragility Act signed

All of which were already under the Military Occupation and Continuity of Operations via Military and Federal Laws and Orders.

The Executive Orders 45 had in place for Vaccines proves even more so… they trapped these fools.

Why in 2019, did his EOs on Vaccines mention the CDC…?

But his EO on Vaccines in 2020 not include the CDC?

45 HAMMERED Big Pharm and Opioids.

He’s the one who launched the WAR on Drug Trafficking which is one of the key components of how other forms of trafficking are paid for.

Every participant in the Deep State was given the opportunity to step across the line drawn and do the right thing by humanity.

They did not. They retaliated with THEIR vaccines.

Which is why you cannot save everyone… only those who are willing to listen plus use wisdom and discernment to know who’s misleading and lying versus truly trying to evacuate and help people.

Which is why you must know how the Military and Government functions and operates, separately and together.

The Declaration of Independence specifically outlines our rights and duties.

“That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

👉🏻 “It is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government”

They’re = ALL Americans.

“We the people” isn’t just a slogan. It means WE are the government.

We’ve let too much 💩 enter the government and became politics.

Politics ≠ Government.


Derek Johnson

Derek Johnson

Part Two: Shoutout Canadians ***🇨🇦******🍁***
3 months, 1 week ago
Doomsday Plane up ***🔥******🐂******🇺🇸***

Doomsday Plane up 🔥🐂🇺🇸

Follow 👉* Derek Johnson✅️***

5 months, 1 week ago


Follow 👉* Derek Johnson✅️***

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Play: @hamster_kombat_boT

Last updated 2 days, 18 hours ago

Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Last updated 3 days, 16 hours ago

HaCk3D? Pokras Lampas

Last updated 22 hours ago