The Awakened

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6 months, 2 weeks ago

*“Can you give me the secret of your life,”
I asked.

He hesitated, then replied.

“Yes. I believe sincerely that every man has consummate genius within him. Some appear to have it more than others only because they are aware of it more than others are, and the awareness or unawareness of it is what makes each one of them into masters or holds them down to mediocrity.

I believe that mediocrity is self-inflicted and that genius is self-bestowed. Every successful man I have ever known, and I have known a great many, carries with him the key which unlocks that awareness and lets in the universal power that has made him into a master.”

“What is that key,” I asked.

“That key is desire,” he replied.

— From :
‘The Man Who Tapped the Secrets of the Universe,” by Glenn Clark. An exploration of the life and ideas of Walter Russell.


6 months, 2 weeks ago

My mother used to insist always on ruining a moment by forcing us all to pose for a picture of it. To capture it. And hold onto it. To, in a way, control it. I never truly understood why it always bothered me so much to have to stop whatever train of…

6 months, 2 weeks ago

My mother used to insist always on ruining a moment by forcing us all to pose for a picture of it.
To capture it.
And hold onto it.
To, in a way, control it.

I never truly understood why it always bothered me so much to have to stop whatever train of thought I was on and re-focus into this exercise of “capturing the moment”. It irritated the fuck out of me. Still can, actually.

But, I see now what that is. It’s not just an attempt to hold onto a nice memory, although that’s the way it was always explained. It’s actually a loss of the actual moment for the sake of trying to hold onto it. It’s a form of worry. Worry that you won’t remember it. Worry that you need to hold it somehow in order to actually retain it. Worry that you need to “own” it in order for it to matter.
It’s a form of control born out of Fear.

It makes me think about how some indigenous tribes did not want to have their photos taken because they believed it would steal the Soul. Perhaps it actually does in a way.

That’s not to say that I think we shouldn’t take pictures of things we enjoy or memories we wish to cherish. But if we are doing it at the expense of actually being IN that moment, then what’s the point? What are you hanging onto? Just the memory of taking the picture?

I have a lot of those in my mind, memories of taking a picture here, there and everywhere. It’s a bit harder to access the actual memory of the place and the feeling. I just remember standing there for the photo.

I’ve tried not to do that to my kids. Sure, we have tons of photos of them, that I’m very glad to have. But I have a lot of pics of them from behind as I tried to capture whatever we were doing without making them stop and turn around “so Mom can take a picture”.

I guess my ramble this morning is really about reminding us all to actually BE in the moment we are in. To soak it in fully (good and bad) because when we truly learn to do that, the vibration of that moment becomes part of us.

We are the crystals of our lives. The vessels that contain all of it and resonate at our own, unique frequencies.

Have a glorious day.
In Love,
Steph ?


9 months, 1 week ago
9 months, 1 week ago
9 months, 1 week ago
9 months, 2 weeks ago
9 months, 2 weeks ago

This is a culmination of vaccine data I got from this page. Books to read, articles, videos, NHK’s own words/wisdom and NHK links. How to detox from vaccines/pcr tests, and also some testimonials I got from this page. I copied and pasted a ton of stuff and just culminated it into this document.

Spread it far and wide yall

9 months, 2 weeks ago
11 months, 2 weeks ago

Paradoxically, restoration of the Sovereignty of the Individual is the only way to achieve real unity in the world.

It happens through Truth and Authenticity; NOT conformity.
Not through joining in a common way of thinking but through claiming True Inner Strength by being True to the Self.

That path leads to a resonant power that will automatically unite people.

Get your own shit together so you can Light the Way. And stop looking for anyone else to do it for you.
They CAN’T.

@TruthRascalHQ ?

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