The Homeland Institute

The purpose of the Homeland Institute is to explore the negative effects of globalization and multiculturalism on historic homelands and to propose workable and humane alternatives.
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Reserved for the 45th President of the United States

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Last updated 1 year ago

EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.

Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago

6 months ago
In just 60 years Texas has …

In just 60 years Texas has been transformed from a distinct White political and cultural area to one swamped by non-Western immigration.

Texas now has the highest rate of firearm deaths it has had since the 1980s.

Texas is also the principle area by which drugs are smuggled into the US, and where road traffic and other mobile crimes are on a sharp rise.

Read more about the Great Replacement in Texas here on our Substack.

6 months ago

Could single-issue anti-immigration voters one day be mobilized into an effective bloc which could wield as much power and influence as singe-issue voters on other hot topics such as abortion and gun rights? Based on the numbers from our latest poll, we certainly think so!

The Homeland Institute

The Rise of the Single-Issue Immigration Voter | The Homeland Institute

60.2% of Republicans self-identify as single-issue immigration voters in favor of less immigration—more than the 55.9% of Democrats who are single-issue pro-choice voters and the 48.1% of Republicans who are single-issue gun rights voters. The 32.9% of Independents…

Could single-issue anti-immigration voters one day be mobilized into an effective bloc which could wield as much power and influence …
6 months ago

The Great Replacement isn't a conspiracy theory. It's official state policy and you're paying for it.

8 months, 3 weeks ago
The Homeland Institute
8 months, 3 weeks ago

Despite some grumbling Puerto Rico is content with the current state of affairs because it allows them to get away with only having a 1% sales tax. Puerto Rico's attitude is the inverse of "no taxation without representation" in which foregoing national politics is a small cost to pay for virtually no taxes because they can free ride off the rest of the US. While we have a military base in Puerto Rico, a fair rental price would be much cheaper than continuing to baby Puerto Rico under the status quo, assuming we even want to keep the base.

9 months ago

Foreigners shouldn't even be going to our schools when our own people can't afford to.

11 months, 1 week ago

As conflict heats up even further in the Middle East it is important to remember one thing above all else: Israel is not a friend to the West.

Iran is certainly no friend of Whites either, but they make no pretense of that. Israeli officials and Western politicians will spend the coming days praising and offering unlimited support to the Israelis, despite them being hostile and parasitic upon White countries.

In America's Appalling Ally we detail how the United States has been spied on, undermined, had its national security compromised, and been targeted by Israel.

From giving away American technology to US adversaries to spying on the American people and politicians, Israel is no friend to the American people.

American politicians have given away nearly 300 billion dollars in White tax dollars to Israel. Yet, Israel still commits widespread economic espionage against American companies.

Since the war in Gaza began Israel and its political sympathizers in the West have lobbied to move millions of Palestinians into Europe and American. Which we cover in Palestinian Mass Migration, Courtesy of Israel.

Israel politicians , including former Mossad administrators and diplomats, are imploring the West to take in Palestinian refugees because, to quote: “Europe and the U.S. accepted millions who fled earlier wars.”

The Middle East is nothing but a hole into which White blood, treasure, and lives are thrown without care.

Time to cut ties with Israel, and ignore the conflicts of that region. White interests must come first.


America's Appalling Ally

The Arab-Israeli conflict is back in full swing, as the soldiers of Hamas and the Israeli Defense Forces battle for control of the whole of Palestine. Hezbollah has joined in with occasional rocket fire, and Egypt has thus far maintained humanitarian corridors…

As conflict heats up even further in the Middle East it is important to remember one thing above all else: …
11 months, 1 week ago
With tensions rising, it would be …

With tensions rising, it would be wise to heed how an overwhelming majority of respondents in our poll opposed direct intervention in the Israel-Hamas War with boots on the ground or airstrikes.

Even more Republicans were opposed to direct military intervention than in favor.

11 months, 1 week ago

We’ve all heard the claim that a National Divorce isn’t feasible because Red states supposedly couldn’t survive without federal funding. In our latest article, Executive Director David Zsutty breaks down how federal funding is a fancy rebate at best, and closer to a thief using his plunder to coerce and gas light his victims.

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The Homeland Institute

Texas Doesn’t Need Federal Money: Deconstructing the Myth of Federal Funding | The Homeland Institute

One of the most common arguments against a National Divorce is that the states could not survive without federal funding. But why would one oppose red state secession if red states are essentially charity cases? Why would opponents of red state secession…

We’ve all heard the claim that a National Divorce isn’t feasible because Red states supposedly couldn’t survive without federal funding. …
1 year ago

Race Relations in America

The Homeland Institute’s latest poll was prompted by how Charlie Kirk of TPUSA challenged the MLK narrative in January of this year. We asked a number of questions about how respondents view the legacy of the Civil Rights Movement, various leaders, and the prospects of current and future race relations.

Major findings are that:

84.2% of respondents have a positive view of MLK, as did 88.2% of respondents age 18-29. The general public and especially the youth, including even the Republican youth, require further education about the truth of MLK and the Civil Rights Movement.

Republicans report having more negative interracial interactions than Democrats.

Proximity to diversity in urban environments may breed contempt for it, but not at the level some may expect.

Democrats may tend to see diversity as an absolute moral imperative which can never be negative.

Respondents tend to see the other side’s president(s) as worsening race relations, and Democrats are almost lockstep in thinking that Donald Trump had a negative impact on race relations.

Respondents tend to think that immigration and affirmative action have a negative effect on race relations, but are nonetheless generally optimistic about race relations improving in America.

The Homeland Institute

Race Relations in America | The Homeland Institute

49.5% of white American registered voters polled think that immigration has a net negative effect on race relations, while 43.6% think that affirmative action has a net negative effect. 14.4% of urban respondents think their neighborhood needs less diversity.…

Race Relations in America
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Uncensored posts from the Office of Donald J. Trump

Reserved for the 45th President of the United States

Last updated 2 months, 3 weeks ago

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Last updated 1 year ago

EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.

Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago