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Last updated 1 month, 4 weeks ago
???:?:? | Hurmanetar said, "We have a god, you and I, and you have a god and I have a god. The people have their gods and the strangers within your gates have their gods; but hidden behind all these is another God. These lesser gods are no more than His members. It is this God, whom I seek. How can I, a mere mortal, describe Him? Only this do I know, as I learned it in a remote temple. This God came into existence before all else. He ever was, so none could know Him in the beginning, and none knows His mysterious nature. No god came into existence before Him. How can I even name One who had no mother after whom His name might have been made? He had no father who could have named Him and said, "This is I, your father." None can display His likeness in writing, nor can it be cut with knife in wood or stone. He is too great, that men should even enquire about Him. With what words could He be described to their understanding? No other god knows how to call Him by name, even the greatest of them being less than a servant before Him. Yet this I have been told, that the spirit of man can know this Great God and can even know His nature; therefore, perchance the spirit of man is greater than any of the gods."
You can send this to your friend if you like but I'm not so interested in debates, etc
From my POV, you have to peel off all ideologies based on historical narratives we're given that lead us to think A+B=positive outcome and return to fundamentals: align with and embody divine law.
This is first a mental orientation: understanding the male/ female principle in energy: pressure differential
This is how life is generated and sustained through toroidal induction.
The projective (father/pater/ pattern ) in-forms the receptive (mother/ mater / matter ).
Where electricity and magnetism meet, an inductive vortex is generated. This vortex generates "glory" or radiation.
The closer this frequency is to our home, the resonant frequency of the (h)earth, 8Hz, hOMe ?, the more Virtue can flow into that inductive vortex, the more glorious it becomes, the more life is generated in its presence.
What makes a metal noble is the same as what makes a person's literal heart noble. Virtue is energy.
All metals have crystal lattice structures; lattice structures are patterns of frequency. The Word made mineral.
The more dense and subtle this frequency can go fractally inwards, the more Virtue it stores.
In satanic science, they call this "atomic weight" on the periodic table. If you look up the meaning of "Ohmic metals", these are characterized by their constancy in resistance proportional to current and voltage, meaning they are steadfast regardless of power flowing through them.
This good store of Virtue cannot be conquered.
Virtue that cannot be conquered knows no limit.
Only a person who has lirnitiess Virtue is fit to lead.
Only the leader who possesses the Mother of the country will long endure.
This is called making the roots go deep
by restraining the trunk.
Learn to focus your life and you will see many days.Chapter 59
Thus, a man's heart must remain steadfast regardless of how much power he wields. His Virtue can be measured in everything he does, at every level.
His emotional reactivity reveals how noble and fit to lead he is.
An "Alpha" male is qualified as such based on his literal brainwaves remaining in an Alpha Frequency range of 8Hz at any degree of pressure; the hOMe ? frequency of the Mater plane.
An O(h)mega Ω (invert this symbol upside down) Female represents the same principle - a female who sustains her constancy at any degree of pressure.
This is the true "Ohm's Law" they could not remove from our education, they just deprive us of its divine significance in pursuing nobility in our lives.
You can only plant seeds. The harvest is up to God.
Community chat:
Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 1 month, 4 weeks ago