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Uncensored posts from the Office of Donald J. Trump

Reserved for the 45th President of the United States

Last updated 2 weeks, 3 days ago

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Last updated 6 months, 4 weeks ago

EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.

Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago

1 month, 1 week ago

????? While world leaders talk about #Gaza in all the wrong ways, the occupied #WestBank is mired in a silence that refuses to hear of Palestinians being killed in a territory allegedly marked for state building and prosperity.
✒️ Ramona Wadi

#Palestine #Israel

TheAltWorld’s Newsletter

From Gaza to Jenin, international complicity with Israel must not be ignored

Ramona Wadi- While world leaders talk about Gaza in all the wrong ways, the occupied West Bank is mired in a silence that refuses to hear of Palestinians being killed in a territory allegedly marked f

***?******??******??*** While world leaders talk about [#Gaza](?q=%23Gaza) in all the wrong ways, the occupied [#WestBank](?q=%23WestBank) is mired in a silence …
1 month, 1 week ago

? #NASA Exposes Poor Quality Control and Insufficiently Qualified Workforce at #Boeing Rocket Manufacturing Facility
✒️ Brian Berletic

TheAltWorld’s Newsletter

More Problems for Boeing

Brian Berletic- NASA Exposes Poor Quality Control and Insufficiently Qualified Workforce at Boeing Rocket Manufacturing Facility

***?*** [#**NASA**](?q=%23NASA) **Exposes Poor Quality Control and Insufficiently Qualified Workforce at** [**#Boeing**](?q=%23Boeing) **Rocket Manufacturing Facility**
1 month, 1 week ago

?? I am unable to identify a single American institution that is worthy of trust. Can you?
✒️ Paul Craig Roberts

TheAltWorld’s Newsletter

Our Future

Paul Craig Roberts- I am unable to identify a single American institution that is worthy of trust. Can you?

***??*** I am unable to identify a single American institution that is worthy of trust. Can you?
1 month, 2 weeks ago

????? There can hardly be a better place to track the four-day, twice-a-decade plenum of the Communist Party of #China than dynamic, “one country, two systems” #HongKong.
✒️ Pepe Escobar

TheAltWorld’s Newsletter

China Designs an Economic Road Map All the Way to 2029

Pepe Escobar- There can hardly be a better place to track the four-day, twice-a-decade plenum of the Communist Party of China than dynamic, “one country, two systems” Hong Kong.

***?******??******??*** There can hardly be a better place to track the four-day, twice-a-decade plenum of the Communist Party of [#China](?q=%23China) …
1 month, 2 weeks ago

?? "Friendly reminder that all injuries and deaths of US military personnel in the middle east are always the fault of the Washington officials who put them there, not the middle easterners who are defending their own home."
✒️ Caitlin Johnstone

TheAltWorld’s Newsletter

US Troops Get Hurt In The Middle East Because Of The Assholes Who Put Them There

Caitlin Johnstone- "Friendly reminder that all injuries and deaths of US military personnel in the middle east are always the fault of the Washington officials who put them there, not the middle easte

***?******?*** "Friendly reminder that all injuries and deaths of US military personnel in the middle east are always the fault …
1 month, 2 weeks ago

????? The Beirut attack is Israeli escapism at its starkest and most cynical
✒️ Abdel Bari Atwan


TheAltWorld’s Newsletter

Netanyahu's tall-tree climbdown

Abdel Bari Atwan- The Beirut attack is Israeli escapism at its starkest and most cynical

***?******??******??*** The Beirut attack is Israeli escapism at its starkest and most cynical
1 month, 3 weeks ago

?✊????? Thierry Meyssan : "Juifs de #France, manifestez contre le massacre à #Gaza"
? @CStrateges

TheAltWorld’s Newsletter

Meyssan : "Juifs de France, manifestez contre le massacre à Gaza"

Pour le Courrier, Thierry Meyssan fait le point sur la situation en Palestine, un mois après l'attaque terroriste du Hamas. Une interview vérité à ne surtout pas manquer.

***?******✊?******??******??*** Thierry Meyssan : "Juifs de [#France](?q=%23France), manifestez contre le massacre à [#Gaza](?q=%23Gaza)"
1 month, 3 weeks ago
***?*** The Alternative World website's TOP …

? The Alternative World website's TOP articles- 2024.08.01

Philip Giraldi
Pepe Escobar
Alastair Crooke
Alan MacLeod
Leonid Savin
Andrew Korybko

1 month, 3 weeks ago

??????? @nodutdol’s @hermit_hwarang explain the untold history of connection between the DPRK and #Palestine
? Rania Khalek


TheAltWorld’s Newsletter

North Korea in Geopolitics: US Threats, Russia’s Alliance and the Palestine Connection

Rania Khalek- @nodutdol’s @hermit\_hwarang explain the untold history of connection between the DPRK and Palestine,

***?******??******??******??*** [@nodutdol](’s [@hermit\_hwarang]( explain the untold history of connection between the DPRK and [#Palestine](?q=%23Palestine)
2 months ago

???? Si la rhétorique des ayatollahs est clairement anti-israélienne, les relations entre les deux pays sont beaucoup plus complexes qu’on le croit.
✒️ Thierry Meyssan

#Iran #Israel

TheAltWorld’s Newsletter

Les relations complexes d’Israël avec l’Iran

Thierry Meyssan- Si la rhétorique des ayatollahs est clairement anti-israélienne, les relations entre les deux pays sont beaucoup plus complexes qu’on le croit.

***??******??*** Si la rhétorique des ayatollahs est clairement anti-israélienne, les relations entre les deux pays sont beaucoup plus complexes qu’on …
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Uncensored posts from the Office of Donald J. Trump

Reserved for the 45th President of the United States

Last updated 2 weeks, 3 days ago

Government of India's official channel on Telegram for communications and citizen engagement

MyGov homepage:

MyGov COVID19 page :

MyGov Hindi Newsdesk:

Last updated 6 months, 4 weeks ago

EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.

Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago