Community chat:
Last updated 4 days, 21 hours ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
🤖 Trading Bot: @BlumCryptoTradingBot
🆘 Help: @BlumSupport
💬 Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat
Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot
Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 2 weeks, 5 days ago
MUDOL2 Ecosystem v2 전환의 첫 발걸음인
MUDOL2 Ecosystem v2의 공식 사이트가 런칭하였습니다!??
MUDOL2 Ecosystem v2는 캐주얼 게이밍 플랫폼으로써,
게임 본연의 재미와 블록체인 기술을 결합하여 플레이어에게
즐거운 경험을 선사하고, 기존 Ecosystem v1을 통해 쌓아온
안정적인 Web3 생태계를 만들기 위한 경험을 기반으로
MUDOL2 생태계의 지속 가능성을 극대화하고 블록체인
게임 시장의 대중화에 기여할 수 있도록
Ecosystem v2로 생태계 전환으로의 첫 걸음을 시작합니다.✔️✔️
그 시작을 알리는 공식 사이트에서는
MUDOL2 Ecosystem v2 캐주얼 게이밍 플랫폼에 대한
자세한 소개는 물론 추구하고 있는 목표와 토큰 Economy 및
NFT, 스테이킹 등 Ecosystem v2이 나아갈 방향을
안내 및 제공해드릴 예정이며,
또한, MUDOL2 Ecosystem v2 생태계 안에서 앞으로 선보일 새롭고
창의적인 Web3 및 Web2 게임 또한 공식 사이트를 통해 소개될 예정입니다.??
공식 사이트를 확인하여 MUDOL2 Ecosystem v2 생태계를
확인하고 생태계에 참여자로 활동하여 다양한 혜택 및
영향력을 행사해 보세요❗️❗️
?MUDOL2 Ecosystem v2로의 상세한 전환 일정은 추후 공식 채널을 통해 안내드릴 예정이니,
공식 사이트 및 공식 채널을 꼭 확인해주세요!
앞으로도 MUDOL2 Ecosystem v2에 대한
다양한 소식을 빠짐없이 전해 드릴 예정이니,
많은 관심과 기대를 부탁드립니다. ?
? 공식 사이트 :
? 미디움 :
? 트위터 :
We are announcing the launching of the MUDOL2 Ecosystem v2 official site,
our first step towards the transition to MUDOL2 Ecosystem v2!??
MUDOL2 Ecosystem v2 is a casual gaming platform, providing entertainment to our players with the essential fun in games combined with blockchain technology, and with our experience in building a stable Web3 ecosystem through our Ecosystem v1, we will begin our transition to Ecosystem v2 to maximize the sustainability and contribute to the mass adoption of blockchain game market.?
Announcing the beginning of this transition, our official site will provide information on the MUDOL2 Ecosystem v2 casual gaming platform along with our goals, token economy, NFT, staking, etc.,
and the new and groundbreaking Web3 and Web2 games released within our MUDOL2 Ecosystem v2 will also be introduced through our official site.??
Visit our official site to check out MUDOL2 Ecosystem v2
and participate as an ecosystem contributor to receive various benefits and exert your influence‼️
We will continue to bring all the new updates on MUDOL2 Ecosystem v2,
so stay tuned?
? Official Site:
? Medium:
? Twitter:
Governance Vote 27th Proposal Close to an End????
[Vote Progress]
[A] Absolute Guan Yu - 8.68% ???
[B] Poet Cai Yan - 83.60% ???
[C] Life Ender Xiahou En - 7.71% ???
While not much time is left for the voting period, [B] is on the lead, making it likely to be passed!
Exert your influence until the very end!!
? Vote Period: April 15, 2024 (Mon) ~ April 19, 2024 (Fri) (UTC+9)
?Governance Vote 27th Proposal
[A] Absolute Guan Yu
[B] Poet Cai Yan
[C] Life Ender Xiahou En
We look forward to your participation until the end of the vote period!?♀️?♂️
?Go to Governance Vote?
Thank you.
✨Governance 27th Proposal Vote Start Announcement✨
Greetings Warlords!
The 27th Governance Proposal vote of Hero Blaze: Three Kingdoms begins today. ???
Please vote for which General to meet at the Limited Incident!
? Vote Period: April 15, 2024 (Mon) ~ April 19, 2024 (Fri) (UTC+9)
?Governance Vote 27th Proposal
[A]: Absolute Guan Yu
[B]: Poet Cai Yan
[C]: Life Ender Xiahou En
Who will be the new General to be released for this Limited Incident?
Exert your influence!
Keep this in mind when selecting the Proposal you wish to vote :)?♀️?♂️
?Go to Governance vote?
Thank you.
✨Governance 27th Proposal Vote Preparation Period Day 2✨
Day 2 of the Governance 27th Proposal Preparation Period has come!??
Make sure not to forget to complete ‘Setup Voting’ during the preparation period! It is mandatory to participate in the vote ??!
? Preparation Period: April 12, 2024 (Fri) ~ April 15, 2024 (Mon) (UTC+9)
?What is the Preparation Period?
It is the period where you can set up your vMUDOL to obtain voting power and select your voting method.
The votes from the vMUDOL obtained through Staking during the preparation period can be used as votes, but the vMUDOL obtained after the vote has started cannot be used as voting power.
?Only 1 ‘Setup Voting’ is required.
We look forward to your participation. ??
?Go to Proposal information and Governance vote?
*? Governance 27차 의제 투표 참여 이벤트 안내*
[ 이벤트 기간 ]
? 2024.04.12(금) Governance Proposals 등록 후 ~ 2024.04.19(금) Governance 종료
[ 이벤트 내용 ]
? Governance 27차 투표에 참여한 모든 분께 특별한 보상을 드려요!
[ 이벤트 참여 방법 ]
1️⃣ 글로벌 공식 홈페이지 내 Governance 화면에서 의제 확인 후 투표를 통해 영향력을 행사해주세요.
2️⃣ 투표를 통해 영향력을 행사한 모든 분께 이벤트 보상을 드려요!
? 1회 이상 무돌조각을 지갑에 페어한 분들에 한해 이벤트 보상이 지급됩니다.
? 무돌조각을 지갑으로 교환한 이력이 없는 계정에는 보상이 지급되지 않는 점 이벤트 참여에 주의를 부탁합니다.
[ 이벤트 보상 ]
? 3성 장비 재료 선택 상자 5개
? 6~7성 무장 티켓 1개
? 2백만 금화상자 1개
[ 이벤트 보상 지급일 ]
?2024년 4월 24일(수) 지급 완료 후, 공지사항을 통해 별도 안내해 드리도록 하겠습니다.
? 거버넌스 투표하러 가기
※ Governance 의제 등록 시점의 전체 vMUDOL 수량의 10% 이상 참여 시에만 유효한 투표로 인정되며, 투표 참여율이 낮아 무효화될 경우 이벤트 당첨 보상도 지급되지 않습니다.
※ 지갑과 연결된 계정 중 가장 높은 레벨을 보유한 서버의 계정으로 보상이 지급됩니다.
- 만약 해당 계정으로 보상 지급을 원하지 않으신다면 고객센터로 문의를 접수해 주시기 바랍니다.
- 문의 접수 시 지갑 주소와 지급을 원하는 계정의 UID를 보내 주시기 바랍니다. (이전 이벤트에서 신청하셨어도, 이번 이벤트에 변경 신청을 다시 해주셔야합니다.)
※ 이벤트 내용 및 보상은 내부 사정에 의해 변경될 수 있습니다.
*? Governance 27th Proposal Vote Participation Event Information*
[ Event Period ]
? April 12, 2024 (Fri) after Governance Proposal registration ~ April 19, 2024 (Fri) Governance end (UTC+9)
[ Event Information ]
? We will give special rewards to all Warlords who participated in the 27th Governance Vote!
[ How to Participate ]
1️⃣ Check the Proposal from the Governance page on our official global website and exert your influence by voting.
2️⃣ We will give event rewards to all Warlords who exerted their influence!
? The event rewards will be given to Warlords who paired MUDOL Stones to their wallets at least once.
? Please note that rewards will not be given to accounts without a record of exchanging MUDOL Stones to the wallet.
[ Event Reward ]
? ★3 Equipment Ingredient Box (Selectable) x5
? ★6~7 General Ticket x1
? 2,000,000 Gold Chest x1
[ Reward Period ]
? Rewards will be given on April 24, 2024 (Wed) (UTC+9) and announced through a separate announcement.
*?Go to Governance vote?***
※ Only votes above 10% of the total vMUDOL at the Governance Proposal registration period will be counted as a vote, and the event rewards will not be given if it has been canceled due to low vote participation.
※ The rewards will be given to the account of the server with the highest level among the accounts connected to the wallet.
- If you do not wish to claim the rewards through a certain account, please contact our Customer Center.
- When submitting a report, please enter your wallet address and the UID of the account you wish to receive the rewards. (Even if you submitted during the 21st Proposal, please submit a change request again for the 22nd event.)
※ The event information and rewards may be changed according to internal circumstances.
**?* Governance Vote 26th Proposal Close to an End ? [Vote Progress]**
[A] Duel consecutive battle update - 90.23 % ?*?**? [B] Duel consecutive battle update - 9.76 %* ?*?*?** While not much time is left for the voting period, [A] is on the lead, making it likely to be passed!
Exert your influence until the very end!!*⚡️**⚡️*?* Vote Period: March 11, 2024 (Mon) ~ March 15, 2024 (Fri) (UTC+9)**ℹ️* Governance Vote 26th Proposal**
[A] Duel consecutive battle update - Yes
[B] Duel consecutive battle update - No
We look forward to your participation until the end of the vote period!*?**?*?* Go to Governance Vote *?* Thank you.
**▶️* Governance Vote 26th Proposal Progress [Day 3] ▶️** Greetings Warlords
Governance Vote 26th Proposal Day 3 Progress
[A] Duel consecutive battle update - 99.13 % ?*?? [B] Duel consecutive battle update - 0.86 % ??? Please vote for whether the consecutive battle in Duel update should take place!**?* Vote Period: March 11, 2024 (Mon) ~ March 15, 2024 (Fri) (UTC+9)*ℹ️* Governance Vote 26th Proposal**
[A] Duel consecutive battle update - Yes
[B] Duel consecutive battle update - No
We look forward to your participation.*?**?*?* Go to Governance Vote *?* Thank you.
**▶️* Governance Vote 26th Proposal Progress ▶️** Greetings Warlords.
We announce the progress of the 26th Proposal!
[A] Duel consecutive battle update - 99.34 % ?*?**? [B] Duel consecutive battle update - 0.65 %* ?*?*? Please vote for whether the consecutive battle in Duel update should take place!*?* Vote Period: March 11, 2024 (Mon) ~ March 15, 2024 (Fri) (UTC+9)*ℹ️* Governance Vote 26th Proposal**
[A] Duel consecutive battle update - Yes
[B] Duel consecutive battle update - No
We look forward to your participation.*?**?*?* Go to Governance Vote *?* Thank you.
Community chat:
Last updated 4 days, 21 hours ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
🤖 Trading Bot: @BlumCryptoTradingBot
🆘 Help: @BlumSupport
💬 Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat
Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot
Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 2 weeks, 5 days ago