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┊? ᧘с: @kay_nes . ᥰ᧐дδ᧐ρκᥙ: ? ?୧ ㅤ۫
┊   ♡ ? ?  ׂɞɓ,σʒσʜ,α᧘υκ  ?
╰︎╮ ꒰ ܸ ◞ ◟ܸ ꒱ ρϱκ᧘αɱα: @mechtanyashekprice
ᶻ ? ? στʒыɞы-ηρƴϕы: @otzyvm3 ? ° ?  ᰍ?᧘υɥʜыύ τӷκ: @kaynesdauniha ~`

Last updated 2 months ago

1 year, 1 month ago


?wolf - cub?goat - kid?cow - calf?cat - kitten?pig - piglet?horse - foal?dog - puppy?sheep - lamb?bird - nestling?duck - duckling**Like it if you found it useful

?Save it for later!*?️*@English_Time_21?️**

1 year, 1 month ago

?So true?I agree?Exactly!?Precisely!?Quite right?Absolutely!?Damn right!?You're right?Fair enough?I think so too?I second that?I feel the same way?You can say that again!

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?Save it for later!*?️*@English_Time_21?️**

1 year, 1 month ago

As with any Writing task 1, this is important?. You should not keep repeating the same structures♻️

?Percentage Fraction

?80% = four-fifths
?75% three-quarters
?70% = seven in ten
?65% = two-thirds
?60% = three-fifths
?55% = more than half
?50% = half
?45% = more than two fifths
?40% = two-fifths
?35% = more than a third
?30% = less than a third
?25% = a quarter
?20% = a fifth
?15% = less than a fifth
?10% = one in ten
?5% = one in twenty

Percentage Qualifier

?77% = just over three quarters
?77% = approximately three quarters
?49% = just under a half
?49% = nearly a half
?32% = almost a third

Percentage proportion / number / amount / majority / minority

?75% - 85% = a very large majority
?65% - 75% = a significant proportion
?10% - 15% = a minority
?5% = a very small number

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?Save it for later!*?️*@English_Time_21?️**

1 year, 1 month ago

Phrases commonly used in speaking?***

  1. Stay out of trouble. Muammodan uzoqroqda yur.

  2. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. Bunday qilma. Men qilmagan bo’lardim.

  3. You’re pushing your luck. Omadingni o’zingdan itaryapsan.

  4. You have your head in the clouds. Asl haqiqatni ko’rmayapsan.

  5. Let me know… Menga xabar bering.

  6. Get back to me. Menga javob qaytaring.

  7. Get real. Realistik bo’l.

  8. Let’s get down to business. Qani, ishga kirishamiz!

  9. It was like pulling teeth. Juda qiyin kun bo’ldi.

  10. Good to know. Bilib qo’ygan yaxshi.

  11. Who knows? Buni javobini hech kim bilmaydi.

  12. Who cares? Bu hech kimga qiziq emas.

  13. Who do you think you are? O’zingizni kim deb o’ylayapsiz?

  14. Who asked you? Sizdan hech kim fikringizni so’ramadi.

  15. I’d like to pick your brain. Sizning fikringizni bilmoqchiman.

  16. Keep me posted. Menga xabar yozib turing. (Ko’pincha, sarkastik uslubda “bu menga juda qiziqarli emas” ma’nosida qo’llaniladi.)

  17. I don’t know it off the top of my head. Bunga darhol javob bera olmayman. Avval eslab olishim yoki bu ma’lumotni qidirib topishim kerak.

  18. I spoke to soon. Shoshib gapirib yubordim.

  19. Keep them on their toes. Ularni ish bilan band qilib turing.*?Please do'nt forget to leave reaction and click like❤️

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?Save it for later!*?️*@English_Time_21?️**

1 year, 1 month ago


?lions - roar
?dogs - bark
?pigs - grunt
?cows - moo
?bees - buzz
?frogs - croak
?bats - screech
?sheep - bleat
?whales - sing
?chickens - cluck

?Again few LIKES and COMMENTS, almost no?Whatever I believe you to support our channel please ?Don't forget to leave comments ?And ❤️Click like? THANK YOU TO ALL?

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?Save it for later!*?️*@English_Time_21?️**

1 year, 1 month ago


1. Music
2. Health
3. Clothes
4. On a plane
5. Religion
6. Sales
7. Law
8. Restaurant
9. Taxi
10. Money
11. Gardening
12. Business
13. Book
14. Education
15. Giving directions
16. Friendship
17. Movie
18. Animal
19. Marketing
20. Language
21. Trees and plants
22. Environment
23. Vehicles
24. Money matters
25. Nature
26. Buildings
27. Touring

?Prepared by Khusan AbdumuminovChannel: Speaking for IELTS

1 year, 1 month ago
***⚠️*** **IELTS 8.0+ ololmayotganlar diqqatiga, biz …

⚠️ IELTS 8.0+ ololmayotganlar diqqatiga, biz yangi metodlarni ishlab chiqdik va sizlarga bepul ulashdik ?

▶️ IELTS Speaking Lessons
▶️ Academic Writing Task 1/2
▶️ Every day MOCK TESTS
▶️ Listening Strategies
▶️ Reading Practice Tips
▶️ Grammar Lessons

?You can get free reliable materials and assessments to improve your speaking on this channel. *?*

                 彡 ?KIRISH?‍♂

1 year, 1 month ago
**Ingliz tilini oʻrganishni endi boshladingiz, ammo …

Ingliz tilini oʻrganishni endi boshladingiz, ammo SPEAKING ?️** bilan muammo bormi?

Keling, sizlarga bir kanalni tavsiya qilaman*?https://t.me/+z0s-xxZKJA40OTQyhttps://t.me/+z0s-xxZKJA40OTQyhttps://t.me/+z0s-xxZKJA40OTQyhttps://t.me/+z0s-xxZKJA40OTQy?Tezroq qo'shilib olamiz ?‍♂*

1 year, 1 month ago

**? IELTS Writing Task

??Vocabulary for the opinion part of introduction:
?In my opinion...
?I strongly opine that...
?I strongly agree with the idea that...
?I strongly disagree with the given topic...
?My opinion is that...
?Personally speaking.../ In my view...
?I believe.../ Apparently...
?Personally speaking...
?According to me...
?From my point of view...
?As far as I am concerned...
?From my perspective.../ I realise...
?To my way of thinking...
?It seems to me that...
To me...
/To my mind...
?My own view on the matter is...
?It appears that.../ I feel that...
?I understand.../.I suppose...

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?Save it for later!*?️*@English_Time_21?️**

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? Only Black Pictures ?
? Black Quotes ?
? Couple Pictures ?
? HD Pictures Vs Black ?

?Buy Ad : @Beckyeeee

Buy ads: https://telega.io/c/+WAedNgw2h1gKZ2BZ

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Last updated 10 months, 2 weeks ago

😱 No. 1 Meme channel of Telegram 🏆
- Indian Memes 😈
- Hindi Jokes 😂
- Desi Bakchodi 😎
- The Best Memes for Adults 💋

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👇🏻 Meme Channel for all your Meme needs!👇🏻

Last updated 3 weeks, 1 day ago

┊? ᧘с: @kay_nes . ᥰ᧐дδ᧐ρκᥙ: ? ?୧ ㅤ۫
┊   ♡ ? ?  ׂɞɓ,σʒσʜ,α᧘υκ  ?
╰︎╮ ꒰ ܸ ◞ ◟ܸ ꒱ ρϱκ᧘αɱα: @mechtanyashekprice
ᶻ ? ? στʒыɞы-ηρƴϕы: @otzyvm3 ? ° ?  ᰍ?᧘υɥʜыύ τӷκ: @kaynesdauniha ~`

Last updated 2 months ago