MAGATISM_369 channel ⚡️

Sharing Ken Wheeler knowledge & other info on magnetism & energy. The FIELD THEORY of Nikola Tesla, Charles Steinmetz, Oliver Heaviside, James Maxwell & Michael Faraday...You know, the people responsible for 100% of our modern electrical systems.
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6 months, 3 weeks ago

His name was Royal Raymond Rife.


How Royal Raymond Rife CURED CANCER - The cancer cure that worked!

Hello, Kon'nichiwa, Namaste, Ni hao, Marhabaan, Hola, Bonjour, Xin chào, Privet Youtuber's and Earthlings of all species', thanks for watching. This video is one of those amazing moments when you learn something that makes you wonder how much governments…

8 months ago

**A display of the unlimited energy above us from a mountain in Saudi Arabia

Join now:** Dan Scavino

8 months ago
MAGATISM_369 channel ⚡️
9 months ago

"Gravity has nothing to do with magnetism." : Says our corrupt scientific Field over 60 years ago. LIES!!!

Gravity is nothing more than incoherent Electro-Static acceleration, or what we would refer to as, "magnetic attraction."

Gravity is an ATTRIBUTE and not a cause. I've been screaming this for YEARS and I'd REALLY appreciate if Elon Musk could reinstate my original Twitter account.

Your socks don't stick together in the dryer. The electro-statics within them become POLARIZED & your socks then ACCELERATE towards each other behaving like 'magnets'.
When you peel them apart, you can hear & see the charge displacement.

Why does that happen? Your socks aren't metal.
Why does a balloon stick to the wall after you rub it on your head? It doesn't fall. It's not affected by, "gravity" though neither are metal.

Why does water bend when you put that same balloon up to a tiny trickle of water-flow from your faucet?
Neither are metal.

It's because "magnetism" is not limited to the metal you see on your refrigerator, nor is it its origin.
"Magnetism" is not taught to us correctly on purpose, yet the occult worship it in forms of symbolism and Logos for their corporations.

All of mainstream $cience is based uppon their understanding of Light & magnetism and that model is not only fraudulent, it's being pushed upon the masses for a reason.

Seeing some newbies amassing a large following who admitted they woke up a year ago and is still embedded / pushing the Quantum physics scam.

If it was real, it would be silenced.

It's being pumped into the homes of 250 million viewers of the Big Bang TV show for a reason.

The same supressed metaphysics for Nikola Tesla's free energy, is the same supressed metaphysics for anti-gravity, as it relates to TRUE BIOLOGY of all living electrical systems on earth, including us, which also decimates Big Pharma.

"Ice & steam is still water, just different modalities with different attributes."

9 months ago

The Why Files nails this one.

So much verifiable truth here.

His name was Royal Raymond Rife.♒️


Killer Patents & Secret Science Vol. 2 | Forbidden Medical Cures

Remove your personal information from the web at and use code thewhyfiles for 20% off. DeleteMe International Plans: Thanks DeleteMe for sponsoring this video! Killer Patents & Secret…

9 months, 3 weeks ago

Listen to this one as many times as it takes to understand what Ken is saying. ⚡️


🔥🌝 ENERGY, Ground, Particles & more DEFINED 🌑


10 months, 3 weeks ago

☝️Video ⏯️ ☝️

Walt Disney knew what he was doing.

32° ? Freezing
33° ? Melting
32 & 33 Degrees
What's the 1° difference of separation?

Where does conciousness come from?
What POLAR molecule is the Electro-Static dipole antenna of Life & Conciousness? ?
Why is the geometry of water so important to the occult?

What if only the freemasons at the tippy-top understand the symbols used across all the lands?

Pause it at 07 seconds.
What geometry to you see? ✡️

The Star of David doesn't belong to any man. No one religion or nation can claim it as their own. Despite many religions and conflicting beliefs, one commonality amongst the species between all of them, is how our bodies work collectively across the board and the elements / ingredients that God used to make us who we are. ??

Your family may be peaceful.
If you watch movies full of profanity, screaming, murder, mental / verbal & emotional abuse, those frequencies still impact you negatively.

The water surrounding our brain compresses to put mechanical stress on our Pineal Gland, that floats in water housed inside a walnut shaped (pineal) gland, causing piezoelectric charge that releases electrified chemicals into our body.
Water is a POLAR molecule.
Blood is 92% water.

Our blood cells have 'poles' & are also sensitive to Frequencies.

Hidden metaphysical science that's been weaponized against us for YEARS to make us sick can be used to HEAL our body, mind & spirit.

Humans were never meant to be sitting in front of Tel-a-visions.

10 months, 3 weeks ago

"45 - Tesla Magnet"

"A ? levitating in strong Magnetic Fields"
"It's able to do this because of the fact that on an atomic level, EVERYTHING demonstrates some kind of reaction to a magnet"

Yeah, cuz every Atom is a torodial ? electro-static polar dynamo (magnet).
The 1 Dimensional view of the Atom that cabal controlled mainstream science gives us, is nothing more than the TOP view of the torodial ? magnetic field

Magnetism's structure / Geometry doesn't change, only its size does.
From the Micro - Atom, to the Macro - Galaxy formation

The Flat Galaxy Disc is nothing more than the Electro-Static EQUATOR within magnetic reciprocation - The calm in the storm in which all life can exist

Magnetism is the fundamental principle of the universe

Great video discussing Nikola Tesla & Walter Russell's reconciliation of Magnetism, Light & Matter, as Electrical geniuses KNEW it to be, 100 years ago

? Light & Magnetism

ϕ ?

10 months, 3 weeks ago

WHY isn't a Ferrocell in EVERY science class to show WHAT magnetism truly is & the important Phi-llotaxis geometry it represents as it's seen in nature ALL around us?

The occult cabal that controls these Fields DON'T want us to know & understand WHAT magnetism, Electricity, FREQUENCY & Light truly is & how these things relate to our HEALTH!

WEAPONIZED against us to make us sick, make $ off us for 'Treatment' & keep us WEAK to prevent us from reaching our true potential intended for us by God.

[They] are obsessed with God's elements of creation that build the universe. The symbols [They] stole, represent these ingredients.

Those ingredients were also used to construct all of you.

"Gravity" / Electro-static acceleration -> magnetic attraction <- static electricity, electricity, DNA, Light are ALL the same, just different pressure & torsion modalities. Like ice & steam is still WATER." - - Ken Wheeler

Recognize this pattern anywhere?
It's only seen EVERYWHERE in nature, and as a result, mimicked in occult symbolism & logos of cabal corporations.

"Magnetism" is responsible for 100% of the visible universe.

1 year ago



🌕 TESLA'S AETHER Physics & Principles 🤔

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