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Last updated 2 weeks, 5 days ago
**Wolff: “Our Christian churches, long ago, started teaching that these (Jews) are the people of our bible, that in effect we owe our faith and culture to Jews. This is nonsense, and something Marin Luther and others us warned about. The Ahnenerbe was in a roundabout way showing the area of Palestine, Persia, India, and parts of North Africa were concentrations of our people. Our ancestors colonized wherever they settled, building great things, only one race on earth has demonstrated the ability to do these things. So it would only make sense that if God created a special people to be a light to the world, it would be a people who had the ability to explore, heal, invent, and build. No other peoples has shown all of these traits, except for one, and on such a grand stage. I firmly believe the areas of the world now populated by darker skinned Arabs were in fact, home to our people before many moved north into today’s Europe.”
Did Hitler believe this too?
Wolff: “In a way, Yes. In Europe as a general rule it has always been held that the bible was our book, and only our book. It did not belong to any other people; the Creator gave each race a way to honor him. Our peoples became too complacent regarding this and started sharing our faith and beliefs with others, believing this was what the Bible wanted. The Führer was Catholic, and took it as a fact God’s people were European, and no other. The Jew being an imposter who was stealing our identity and making it his own. The Führer was religious, that is why he did not drink or smoke, and believed he was sent by the Creator to heal Germany and raise up our people.”
— 1981 interview with SS-Obergruppenführer and General of the Waffen-SS, Karl Wolff**
Maximilian Kolbe's story is a hoax [Part 2]
The chemical phenol has been used in the past as a wound and instrument disinfectant in hospitals all over the world. It was also used by the inmate infirmary of the Auschwitz Camp.
A book called Morgue Registry was kept at the morgue of the Auschwitz Main Camp. It contained the data of deceased inmates whose corpses were stored in that morgue temporarily prior to burial or cremation. There is nothing suspicious about this document. However, inmates active in the camp’s underground resistance made a copy of this Morgue Registry. Behind some of its entries, they added the term “szpila” in their copy, which is a misspelt version of the Polish word “szpilka,” which means pin or awl (as in a sewing needle).
During the Frankfurt Auschwitz show trial, Danuta Czech, a Polish historian employed by the Auschwitz Museum to chronicle the history of the Auschwitz Camp, testified wrongly that these words can be found in the original document up to mid-December 1942. She further claimed that these words referred to an injection syringe, although the Polish word for the needle of a syringe is “igła."
Danuta Czech’s perjury served to lend credence to many mendacious testimonies by former Auschwitz inmates who had claimed that seriously sick inmates, who had been admitted to the camp’s infirmary but had little prospect of a speedy recovery, were picked out by camp doctors during so-called selections and then murdered with an injection of phenol into the heart.
Vote yes everyone.
“We National Socialists showed every race on earth a new way of thinking, and living. The problem is and has always been the Jew. The Jew has a predisposition to burrow into a people and then weaken them to the point of their destruction. I already see Jewish names being predominate again with bankers, head of large companies, lawyers, politicians, and so forth. With this trend they will acquire great wealth and power over the Western world. Morals and Christianity will be attacked; women will be the primary targets as they are the vessels of reproduction of their peoples. They will bring in the darker races in an effort to pollute Europe, all while holding weak politicians in the hands who will support such endeavors… I believe we were a light in the darkness, a cure for the illnesses of the world, a preview of God’s will and kingdom that will come. Life in NS Germany was so special, and holy, that we fought as a united people, until we could fight no more. Once broken the enemy had their way with us, and many cowards stepped into the void to try to show a different view, but in the end, truth will always find a way to reveal itself. Therefore, I would like to believe that National Socialism showed the world that living by nature’s natural laws is the only way to a truly happy and healthy society where everyone looks out for everyone else, and the state is the vessel of the peoples true will. There was a painting which hung in the House of German Art, which sums up my views. It depicts a holy mountain wrapped in glorious light with the hakenkreuz at its peak as a symbol of our creator, millions of men are streaming towards the mountain, some helping wounded and broken comrades along, so that they may be judged and receive their destiny. The mountain stands victorious over the earth on this holy day and all enemies have been removed so that the righteous now take dominion over this creation and live forever in peace and happiness. That is my belief, which will someday come to pass.”
— 1981 interview with SS-Obergruppenführer and General of the Waffen-SS, Karl Wolff
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Official group chat for NSDAP Loved Christ
“We are the first nation to make the ingenuity and industry of our people the basis of prosperity. If the positive element of Christianity is loving your neighbor, that is, caring for the sick, clothing the poor, feeding the hungry and quenching the thirst of the thirsty, then we are true Christians! In this respect, the popular community of National Socialist Germany has enormous achievements to its credit."
—Adolf Hitler, in his speech on February 24, 1939 in Munich
“I emphasized that the assertion that the NSDAP wants to introduce the cult of Wotan into Germany is erroneous. I made it clear to the gentlemen that the party stands on positive Christianity, but also clearly expressed the Führer’s expectation that the Catholic Church should not interfere in the political affairs of the German people."
—Hermann Göring, on the essence of his negotiations with persons from the circle of the Pope, in "Hermann Göring: Werk und Mensch" 1940, p. 199
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