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1 year ago

Martin Heidegger: Between Good and Evil
by Rüdiger Safranski

1 year ago
1 year ago

Bushido: The Soul of Japan
by Nitobe Inazō

Bushido is a remarkable book that examines samurai culture and ideology through the prism of Western history. Published in 1900, this famous work changed how the Japanese nation was perceived around the world. It is particularly responsible for changing Japan’s image in the West.

Nitobe Inazō also dedicated this book to the Polish nation, indicating that it was a samurai nation. Inazō learned from Poland's experience, as the nation had been been dismembered by the three major powers of Austria, Prussia, and Russia. To Nitobe, Poland was a source of inspiration, cautious reflection, and at the same time, admiration.

He was well aware that Japan had to modernize to survive the 19th-century encroachment in Asia by European powers and Russia.

#History #Philosophy #Japan #Ethics

1 year, 3 months ago
1 year, 4 months ago
Hey everyone,

Hey everyone,

I’m taking a break from my Telegram page briefly to recharge. I’ll come back with fresh ideas and content that will elevate this page beyond its current state.

Thanks for your support!

1 year, 4 months ago
*"The immediate origins of fascism are …

"The immediate origins of fascism are to be found in the confluence of the two living forces of the first decades of this century: socialism and nationalism. Socialism became fascism when, through nationalism, it freed itself from its anti-historical abstractionism, and reaffirmed those spiritual values that were able to translate a still mythological and nebulous truth into concrete form. But we must not forget that, if nationalism gave birth to socialism, it is socialism, then, that gave birth to nationalism, according to that fusion of terms, which reappears today after a decade in German national socialism, a direct offspring of our fascism."
— Ugo Spirito

1 year, 4 months ago
"Non-European mass immigration of the colonizing …

"Non-European mass immigration of the colonizing type is the number one threat that has been changing the face of Western Europe for almost half a century. Poland faces this challenge today..

As for PIS, it is impossible not to admit that it passed the test relatively well by refusing relocation and building a wall on the border with Belarus, but unfortunately it is an absolute fiasco by pursuing the most liberal policy in Europe regarding legal immigration, which in its implementation becomes equally as dangerous and uncontrolled as illegal immigration." - Adam Gwiazda

Adam is the best journalistic source about migrant crime on twitter, in any language. He covers stories no one else does. Many stories every day. His twitter is @delestoile

Adam is a Konfederacja candidate in Warsaw. If you are voting from abroad you will vote from Warsaw list. If you care about stopping Warsaw from looking like Berlin, vote for Adam Gwiazda

1 year, 4 months ago
***PiS Heads into Poland’s Election Badly …

PiS Heads into Poland’s Election Badly Damaged by Immigration Scandal, an article by Watching Poland, published by Arktos.

The PiS ‘cash for visas’ scandal will prove damaging for the party, while likely giving a further boost to the ascendant Konfederacja.Donald Tusk led a large rally on Sunday 1 October in Warsaw, ‘The March of a Million Hearts’, in the hope that his party, PO, will gain momentum ahead of Poland’s general election two weeks from now on October 15.

Polls have shown PiS still hold a lead over PO, but by a slimmer margin. It now seems possible that should PiS fall short of the votes needed to gain a commanding majority, they will need to form a coalition with a smaller party. One of the most obvious choices is Konfederacja, who have steadily gained support, particularly with younger voters.

One reason for this seems likely to be PiS’s dismal failure on immigration. We began Watching Poland as a reaction to the alarming data showing that in recent years the governing party, which makes so much of its tough stance on immigration, has in fact granted more visas to third worlders than any Polish government in history. The demographic change resulting from...

Read the full article here:https://arktos.com/2023/10/02/pis-heads-into-polands-election-badly-damaged-by-immigration-scandal/

1 year, 4 months ago
*“But, besides all this, death is …

*“But, besides all this, death is the great opportunity no longer to be I; — to him who uses it. During life the will of man is without freedom: his action takes place with necessity upon the basis of his unalterable character in the chain of motives. But every one remembers much that he has done, and on account of which he is by no means satisfied with himself. If now he were to go on living, he would go on acting in the same way, on account of the unalterable nature of his character. Accordingly he must cease to be what he is in order to be able to arise out of the germ of his nature as a new and different being.

Therefore death looses these bonds; the will again becomes free; for freedom lies in the Esse, not in the Operari”*

— Arthur Schopenhauer

1 year, 4 months ago
Dude with child porn gets only …

Dude with child porn gets only 6 years Meanwhile, guys who walked into Capitol building to use the bathroom are getting 20 to life.

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