Официальный новостной канал криптобиржи OKX | www.okx.com на русском языке.
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Маркетинг: @CoffeeTrends
Last updated 1 week ago
Здесь простым языком про TON, DFC и крипту.
Принимаем автоматически.
Ссылка для друзей: https://t.me/+-EOfWx2pRKhmNGE6
Связь: @deftalk_bot
Last updated 2 months ago
Реклама: @kingygmads / Платформа: ton.org.in
Чат: t.me/+QzoGJS7ktps1NOzh
Приватный канал: t.me/investkingyru/417
Помощь: @tonorgin_bot
EN: @investkingyru_en
Last updated 4 months ago
Company Megaton LLC offers a good job opportunity for graduates
?Company : Megaton LLC
?Job: HR Assistant Manager
?Location: Namangan
?Salary: 4.000.000 - 10.000.000
- Graduates of MDIST
- Must be passionate for production
- Leadership skills and Outstanding time management, organization, and planning skills
- Work experience will be advantage (creative idea for local market approach)
- Dress code is requested
- Team player (as a family)
- Proactive, independent, and flexible in task management and program implementation
- Fluent written and oral communication skills in Uzbek, Russian and English
- This position is on-site in Namangan only
*?What We Offer:
- Competitive salary and bonuses
- Comprehensive training and ongoing support?
- Opportunities for career advancement?
- Friendly and dynamic work environment?
- Official employment?
- Transportation?
- Lunch?*
Ready to make a difference? Send your CV to [email protected]? to apply! We look forward to hearing from you! If you have further information feel free to contact *?+99894 778 7770*
Company Megaton LLC offers a good job opportunity for graduates
?Company : Megaton LLC
?Job: Marketing Assistant Manager
?Location: Namangan
?Salary: 4.000.000 - 10.000.000
- Graduates of MDIST
- Develop and implement social media content calendars
- Leadership skills and dealing with daily customer feedbacks and following them
- Create engaging social media posts, including text, images, and videos
- Dress code is requested
- Team player with creative ideas related to the industry
- Honest and punctual
- Fluent written and oral communication skills in Uzbek, Russian and English
- This position is on-site in Namangan only
*?What We Offer:
- Competitive salary and bonuses
- Comprehensive training and ongoing support?
- Opportunities for career advancement?
- Friendly and dynamic work environment?
- Official employment?
- Transportation?
- Lunch?*
Ready to make a difference? Send your CV to [email protected]? to apply! We look forward to hearing from you! If you have further information feel free to contact *?+99894 778 7770*
Company : Megaton LLC
Job: Operation Assistant Manager
Location: Namangan
Salary: 4.000.000 - 15.000.000
Provided :
Ready to make a difference? Send your CV to [email protected] to apply! We look forward to hearing from you
Mob: +99894 778 7770
Beemall Co Ltd online marketplace loyihasiga marketologlarni ishga taklif qiladi.
Quyidagi talablar asosida:
1. Marketing va Business yo’nalishlarida bakalavrni bitirganlar uchun;
2. Rus va O'zb tillarini bilish;
3. Komanda bilan ishlay olish qobiliyati
Ish sharoitlari:
1. Offline ish rejimi;
2. Oylik va qo’shimcha bonuslar taqdim etiladi.
3. Lokatsiya: Toshkent sh., Mirobod tumani, Chimkent 17
1. Faoliyatdan kelib chiqib marketing yo'nalishini tashkil etish;
2. Belgilangan ko'rsatkichlarga erishish uchun marketing strategiyasini ishlab chiqish va amalga oshirish;
3. Social media yo'nalishlarini tashkillashtirish
4. Market va auditoriyani taxlil qilish.
5. Effektiv kommunikatsiya kanallarini topish.
Qolgan masalalar suxbat davomida muhokama qilinadi.
[email protected]
77 040 05 40
Вакансия стажировки в отделе продаж логистической международной компании!
• Поиск новых клиентов
• Телефонные и личные встречи
• Холодные и горячие звонки
• Помощь менеджерам
• Продажа услуг B2B клиентам
• Знание узбекского, русского и китайского
• Коммуникабельность
• Высшее образование
• Офисная стажировка с 9:00 до 18:00, 5/2
• Обед
• Зарплата $250-350
• Локация: Toshkent city, Bulvard
• Телефон для связи: +998977510009
• www.totrans.uz
Международный Отель InterContinental Tashkent в поисках сотрудников в премиальный ресторан Ember и бар Embar. Мы ищем официанта, уверенного в том, что он подарит незабываемые впечатления благодаря теплому приему и безупречному обслуживанию.
Основные обязанности:
Стремление сделать каждый прием пищи по-настоящему запоминающимся для наших гостей, обслуживая их по высоким стандартам с нашей фирменной изюминкой.
Взять на себя разовые обязанности по обеспечению бесперебойной работы службы F&B.
Что нам нужно от Вас:
Хорошее понимание чтения, письма и базовой математики.
Возможность работать в ночное время, в выходные и праздничные смены.
Вы должны свободно говорить на английском, русском и узбекском языках.
Отличное общение — вы должны быть приветливыми и коммуникабельным.
Что Вы можете ожидать от нас:
Мы даем нашим сотрудникам все необходимое для достижения успеха. От конкурентоспособной зарплаты, которая вознаграждает ваш тяжелый труд, до широкого спектра преимуществ, разработанных, чтобы помочь вам прожить свою лучшую трудовую жизнь, включая полную униформу, впечатляющие скидки на проживание и одни из лучших тренингов по гостеприимству.
Отправляйте своё резюме и станьте одной частью компании IHG?
Контактные данные:
Tg: @recruiterintercontinental
+99894 777 77 56 (Мирсоатова Лайло)
Teach for Uzbekistan - a new non-governmental organization seeking to bridge the gap in quality education for schools in need, primarily in remote areas of Uzbekistan.
1. University graduates (minimum bachelor’s degree or equivalent)
2. Citizenship of Uzbekistan/work permit
3. Fluency in at least two of the three languages: English/Russian/Uzbek
4. Ability to work at designated school for 2 years
5. Ability to attend a five-week in-person Summer Institute starting in July 1
1. 5-week Intensive pedagogical training
2. Executive Certification of pedagogical training
3. Minimum $500 stipend
4. Official teacher’s salary (based on Uzbekistan’s standards)
5. Accommodation for the duration of the fellowship
6. Travel expenses
7. Online&offline mentorship and support
1. Application Deadline – June 16 (you will get a reply in 2-3 business days)
2. Online Interview till June 24
3. Summer Institute - 5 weeks, starting from July 1.
Apply here: https://www.teachforuzbekistan.org/en/full-registration/
MiraeroKorea Company is looking for a Brand Representative Assistant to work at expo days.
Beauty Expo Booth Assistant: 3 days job (4th, 5th, 6th June)
? Salary: $100 for 3 days (+ transportation cost for 3 days + cosmetics set as a gift after Expo)
? Tashkent Expo Position 50, Kozitornov str., Yunusabad district, Tashkent, 100000, Uzbekistan
Working hours: June 4-5-6 (from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.)
Firm: MiraeroKorea Brand: Present Skin
1. Russian and Uzbek languages (English would be plus)
3. Professional Communication Skills: Must possess the ability to communicate professionally and effectively in business conversations.
4. Aesthetic Representation: Must have a well-groomed and presentable appearance to effectively represent skincare products.
1. Experience in conducting meetings with large companies
2. And of course, a cosmetic set gift from our brand products displayed at the EXPO (in addition to salary)
3. Travel expenses on these expo days
*? Contact:* https://forms.gle/UQFqJprJ9DFpw6DW7
Brand Face (Girl)
"IMAN Pay" company
Based on the interview
- Participating as a face in content released on social networks
- Professional preparation of content to be released
- Participation in regular recordings
- Ability to speak Uzbek fluently
- Girl with a hijab
- Be comfortable in front of the camera and have experience in this field
- Responsible and aged around 23-30
? Send your portfolio and photos
Contact: @timur_khujamurodov
Официальный новостной канал криптобиржи OKX | www.okx.com на русском языке.
💬 Комьюнити: t.me/okx_russian
👨💻 Поддержка: [email protected]
Маркетинг: @CoffeeTrends
Last updated 1 week ago
Здесь простым языком про TON, DFC и крипту.
Принимаем автоматически.
Ссылка для друзей: https://t.me/+-EOfWx2pRKhmNGE6
Связь: @deftalk_bot
Last updated 2 months ago
Реклама: @kingygmads / Платформа: ton.org.in
Чат: t.me/+QzoGJS7ktps1NOzh
Приватный канал: t.me/investkingyru/417
Помощь: @tonorgin_bot
EN: @investkingyru_en
Last updated 4 months ago