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For all English learners around the world.

Last updated 5 years ago

6 years, 8 months ago
6 years, 8 months ago

11 Reasons You Should Respect Your Teachers

1️⃣ They respect you.

“Treat others how you want to be treated," if you think your teacher is being rude maybe look at how you are treating him or her.

2️⃣ They are there to help you learn.

We would not make it very far without an education, and they are the people who provide us with one.

3️⃣ They care about you.

They want the best for you, and if something is going wrong they want to help you.

4️⃣ They can help you in the future.

Teachers want you to succeed and are more than willing to help.

5️⃣ They cannot control everything.

Some things are just out of our hands, and it is not fair to hold teachers responsible for things that go wrong.

6️⃣ They have to deal with a lot of problems.

Why make it more difficult? It is not cool, and most of the time the other students think you are annoying, not funny.

7️⃣ They decide your grade.

Okay, so this one is more of a joke, but it is true. Your teacher will be more willing to help you out or work with you if you respect them.

8️⃣ They are people too.

How would you feel if you were trying to help someone and got attitude in return?

9️⃣ They have been in your shoes.

At one point in their lives your teachers were students too, so they understand more than you think.

? They are not out to get you.

Teachers are trying to to help you do better, they do not want to see you fail.

1️⃣1️⃣ They give up A LOT for you.

Teachers are the hardest workers I know. They worked hard for their title and it is no secret that they do not make the big money.

? @tutorbest ???‍?

6 years, 8 months ago

​​IELTS testi haqida

IELTS (ingl. International English LanguageTesting System) – inglizzabon mamlakatda taʻlim olmoqchi, immigratsiya qilmoqchi yoki amaliyot oʻtmoqchi boʻlgan kishilar uchun test sinovi. Test ingliz tili ona tilisi boʻlmagan odamlarga bu tilni qanchalik chuqur bilishlarini aniqlashga yordam beradi.

Avstraliya, Yangi Zelandiya davlatlariga immigratsiya maqsadida hujjat topshirganlar, Kanada, Avstraliya, Yangi Zelandiya, Amerika, Britaniya, Irlandiya universitetlarida oʻqishni hohlaganlar IELTS testini topshirishlari kerak. IELTS imtihonining yakuniy bahosini tan oladigan dunyo universitetlari muntazam ravishda oshib bormoqda.

Testning har bir boʻlimi uchun ballar 1 dan 9 gacha boʻlgan shkalada oʻlchanadi. Soʻng 4 boʻlim boʻyicha oʻrta ball hisoblanadi. Eng yuqori ball 9.

9 — tajribali foydalanuvchi — ekspert
8 — juda yaxshi foydalanuvchi
7 — yaxshi foydalanuvchi
6 — kompetent foydalanuvchi
5 — oʻrtacha foydalanuvchi
4 — chegaralangan foydalanuvchi
3 — nihoyatda chegaralangan foydalanuvchi
2 — qisman foydalanuvchi
1 — foydalanuvchi emas

Universitetda oʻqish uchun IELTS boʻyicha oʻrtacha 6.0 balliga ega boʻlish zarur. Agar natija 5.0 yoki 5.5ni tashkil etsa, u holda siz 6.0 koʻrsatkichiga ega boʻlish uchun shu oʻquv yurti qoshidagi koʻpi bilan 30 hafta davom etadigan ingliz tili kurslariga qatnashishingiz kerak boʻladi (ayrim universitetlar oʻrtacha ballarini 6.5 deb eʻlon qilishlari mumkin). Shunday qilib, IELTS Academic module boʻyicha oʻtish balli 5.0.

TAFE, kollejlar va trening kurslari uchun 5.5 miqdoridagi oʻrtacha ball talab etiladi; 4.5 yoki 5.0 natijasiga erishish hollarida siz 5.5 koʻrsatkichiga ega boʻlish uchun shu oʻquv yurti qoshidagi koʻpi bilan 30 hafta davom etadigan ingliz tili kurslariga qatnashishingiz kerak boʻladi. Demak, talabalik vizasini olish uchun IELTS General Training module boʻyicha oʻtish balli 4.5.


6 years, 8 months ago

IELTS Writing Task 1


— You have about 20 minutes
— You must write a report of at least 150 words
— You are given a visual presentation which can be in form of a graph, diagram, bar chart, table, map or a process. You must write a report explaining the main features of the figure and make comparisons where relevant. You must not include any personal opinion while you are explaining the figure. You just need to describe and report what you are given.

How to use your 20 minutes

You have 20 minutes for task 1, so try spending 5 minutes on each paragraph. This might help you to organise your time better.

First 5 minutes
Read the question, make sure you understand the chart, write your introduction by paraphrasing the question.

Second 5 minutes
Look at the chart and try to find 2 general points. Don't look at specific details; look for "the big picture". Write 2 sentences summarising the information.

Final 10 minutes
Describe specific details. Try to break this part into 2 paragraphs because it looks better. You could spend 5 minutes on each paragraph.


6 years, 8 months ago

IELTS Grammar: I'm agree or I agree?

In the comments below a recent lesson, I noticed that several people had written "I'm agree with you". This is incorrect.
You can't say "I'm agree" in English. You must say "I agree".
I think this mistake is caused by people translating from their own languages. For example, I know that in French and Spanish, the verb 'be' is used when people want to say that they agree, so it looks something like "I am agree" or "I am agreed". It's not the same in English.
In English, we simply use 'agree' as a normal verb: I agree, I prefer, I like...

? @tutorbest

6 years, 8 months ago
[@tutorbest](https://t.me/tutorbest) ***??******?‍?***

@tutorbest ???‍?

6 years, 8 months ago


@tutorbest ???‍?

6 years, 8 months ago

Популярные английские фразы ?

Thanks a lot. - Большое спасибо.
That way. - Туда.
That’s alright. - Все в порядке.
That’s enough. - Этого достаточно.
That’s right. - Да, верно.
That’s wrong. - Это неправильно.
Turn around. - Повернись кругом.
Turn left. - Поверни налево.
Turn right. - Поверни направо.
What city are you from? - С какого вы города?
What do you do? - Чем вы занимаетесь?
What do you want? - Чего вы хотите?
What happened? - Что случилось?
What time is it? - Сколько времени?
What would you like to drink? - Что бы ты хотел выпить?
What would you like to eat? - Что бы ты хотел поесть?
What’s going on? - Что происходит?
What’s happening? - Что происходит?
What’s up? - В чём дело?
What’s your last name? - Как ваша фамилия?
What’s your name? - Как тебя зовут?
What’s your nationality? - Какой ты национальности?
What’s your occupation? - Какая ваша профессия?

? @tutorbest

6 years, 8 months ago
Plural nouns!

Plural nouns!


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Instagram Handle: www.instagram.com/himanshisinghofficial

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Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago

For all English learners around the world.

Last updated 5 years ago