Minds in Motion

- International journallar uchun maqola yozish
- Statistika (R, Excel)
- Bioinformatika - Qiime2, pyloseq
- Molekular Mikrobiologiya - NGS
- SI to'g'ri ishlatish
- Chet elda o'qish, malaka oshirish
- Tekin webinarlar!
We recommend to visit

? Assalomu Aleykum, bu kanalda PUBG Akkaunt, Klan, TikTok, Youtube, Tg Kanal OLIB va SOTISH mumkin, malumot ?

⚜️ REKLAMA 15.000 so’m: @TonyYT


? Elon va Garant: @TonyYT

? Glavniy kanalimiz: @TonYOUTUBER

Asosiy Kanalga Kirish Uchun Ushbu Ssilkani Bosing ???


??? Barcha Akkauntlarni Sotib Olish Uchun Ushbu Kanalga Kiring ‼️


Eng So'ngi Xit Muzikalarni bizning kanalda tinglang!⚡️

? Birinchi bizda keyin boshqalarda. Hech qanday pechatsiz orginal taronalar joylab boramiz.

? Reklama: @Xojisaid

1 month ago

Useful tool for primer validation! http://biotools.nubic.northwestern.edu/OligoCalc.html


OligoCalc: Oligonucleotide Properties Calculator

1 month ago

Turoqshunoslar uchun foydali link! https://www.soils4teachers.org/

1 month, 2 weeks ago

Targeted metagenome data analysis (16S rRNA / ITS / 18S rRNA diversity study), phylogenetic Analysis -Maqsadli metagenom natijalarini tahlil qilish (16S rRNA / ITS / 18S rRNA), Filogenetik tahlil bo’yicha training!

•Sekvenslash platformasi: Sanger, Illumina / Ion Torrent
•Training sanasi va vaqti kelishilgan holda belgilanadi
•Training davomiyligi mavzuga qarab o‘zgarishi mumkin
•Quyida e’lon qilingan mavzular asosida, bir yoki bir nechta mavzularni tanlashingiz mumkin
•Mavzular shaxsiy ma'lumotlaringiz asosida bir kishiga yoki guruhga o‘rgatilishi mumkin.
•O‘quv to‘lovi haqida ma'lumot olish uchun @Minds in Motion yoki @yabdullaeva manziliga murojaat qiling.

Training mavzulari:
- Targeted Metagenome Data Analysis
- Introduction to Bioinformatics and Overview of NGS & detailed understanding
- Linux understanding and Installation of Linux and NGS tools - Introduction to Metagenomics
- Quality Check & Filtering (FastQC, Cutadapt)
- Prepare a mapping file containing features and barcodes
- Demultiplexing and quality filtering sequence reads
- OTUs identification (Qiime2)
- Diversity Analysis R programmalash tilida ishlatiladigan bioconducter paketlari: Phyloseq, vegan (alpha-beta diversity, PCA plots)
- Taxonomic composition and relative abundance plots
- Taxonomic Heatmap Analysis
- Strain identifikatsiya qilish, Filogenetik tahlil (BioEdit, MEGA, iTOL)
- Differential abundance test and plotting (ANCOM-BC, ALDEX2, Forest plot)
- Venn diagram sequence data asosida
- ENA/NCBI databazalariga ma’lumotni topshirish
- RT-qPCR-experiment tayyorlash-asosan gen expressionni aniqlash uchun
- qPCR (ma’lum genni quantifikatsiyasi uchun, standart tayyorlash)
- RAPD – o’simlik filogenitik qarindoshligini PCR asosida aniqlash, primer tanlash
- Primer design qilish

3 months, 3 weeks ago
***♻️***Plastmassa qayta ishlash kodlari plastik turlarini …

♻️Plastmassa qayta ishlash kodlari plastik turlarini va ularni qayta ishlash imkoniyatlarini aniqlash uchun ishlatiladi.

Quyida asosiy kodlar va misollar:

PET (1): Ichimlik idishlari, oziq-ovqat mahsulotlari idishlari.

HDPE (2): Sut butilkalari, tozalash vositalari idishlari.

PVC (3): Qadoqlash materiallari, poyabzal.

LDPE (4): Paketlar, oziq-ovqat plyonkalari.

PP (5): Yogurt idishlari, qopqoqchalar.

PS (6): Bir marta ishlatiladigan stakanlar, idishlar.

Other (7): Polikarbonat, aralash plastmassalar.

3 months, 3 weeks ago

‼️Call for proposals‼️

We are happy to invite universities and research institutions in Uzbekistan to apply for grants aimed at fostering substantive partnerships with industrial companies. This initiative is designed within the framework of the project "Private Sector Development and Economic Policy Advice in Uzbekistan" to promote green industrialisation by bridging academic research with practical industrial applications.
Who can apply?

Accredited institutions of higher and professional education, scientific and research institutions based in Uzbekistan. Research institutions should demonstrate their capability to partner with industrial firms, culminating in the signing of a memorandum of cooperation. The industrial companies should be in textile or production of construction materials sectors.

Application requirements

A proposal with detailed description of the project, including objectives, expected outcomes, and an implementation timeline should be submitted along with a comprehensive budget in Uzbek Sum outlining how funds will be utilized. The proposal should include information about the industrial partner(s), including their role in the project and anticipated contributions.
More information including selection criteria and grant details is available in the grant application form enclosed to this post or via the link.

Submission process

Completed proposals should be submitted via email to [email protected] with the subject line "University-Industry Collaboration Grant Application." All proposals must be submitted in English, and include all required documentation as outlined above. Applications should be submitted in accordance with the grant application form.

Submission deadline

All applications must be received by June 30, 2024 (18:00, Tashkent time). Application forms submitted after the deadline will not be considered.

If you have further questions, an online information session will be held on 07 June 2024 at 10:00. Please follow this link to join.
We look forward to receiving innovative proposals that contribute to the sustainable development and green industrialisation of Uzbekistan’s economy!

Grant Application Form for University-Industry Collaboration.docx



This link will take you to a page that’s not on LinkedIn

3 months, 3 weeks ago
3 months, 3 weeks ago
Minds in Motion
3 months, 3 weeks ago
Minds in Motion
3 months, 3 weeks ago
Minds in Motion
3 months, 3 weeks ago
Minds in Motion
We recommend to visit

? Assalomu Aleykum, bu kanalda PUBG Akkaunt, Klan, TikTok, Youtube, Tg Kanal OLIB va SOTISH mumkin, malumot ?

⚜️ REKLAMA 15.000 so’m: @TonyYT


? Elon va Garant: @TonyYT

? Glavniy kanalimiz: @TonYOUTUBER

Asosiy Kanalga Kirish Uchun Ushbu Ssilkani Bosing ???


??? Barcha Akkauntlarni Sotib Olish Uchun Ushbu Kanalga Kiring ‼️


Eng So'ngi Xit Muzikalarni bizning kanalda tinglang!⚡️

? Birinchi bizda keyin boshqalarda. Hech qanday pechatsiz orginal taronalar joylab boramiz.

? Reklama: @Xojisaid