Australian Natives' Association

The ANA is a brotherhood of Australian men united in our national identity. Through community efforts and self improvement we work for the benefit of our members and their families.

"Our Own For Our Own"
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3 months, 3 weeks ago
A belated Happy mothers day to …

A belated Happy mothers day to all Australian mothers, particularly the wives and partners of our membership who continue to uphold the spirit of motherhood, integrity and charity to their nationality.

-- --
The Gift of Motherhood
Mine is the gift of caring for little lives in helplessness; Of sharing the dimpled arms and the soft caress;
Of tireless work that little souls may grow - The gift I may not shirk, come health, or wealth, or woe.

Mine is the gift to make man, or mar, the child that shall be man; Mine is the gift, O, shout it far! of God's eternal plan!

Mine is the gift of sacrifice that nation and race may live; The gift which knows no price - 'tis service of love to give;

Mine is the gift of Motherhood to tend, and love and bear - Yours is the gift of Fatherhood to guard, and cherish, and share.

A. D. Baker, South Australia, 1916
Contributed to Mary Gilmore's 'Our Women's Page', The Australian Worker

3 months, 3 weeks ago

Recorded at the dinner of the Australian Natives’ Association national convention in Queensland, 2024.

The Australian Natives Association

NatCon 24: Sam's "Coming Home" speech

Recorded at the dinner of the Australian Natives' Association national convention in Queensland, 2024.

*Recorded at the dinner of the Australian Natives’ Association national convention in Queensland, 2024.*
3 months, 3 weeks ago

The London mayoral election a week ago is a possible window into the future for us in Australia.
Just ten years ago, the London mayor was a White Englishman – Boris Johnson. Johnson was a bombastic showman, and the White population of London were complacent because they assumed that because a White man from the Conservative Party held the top job all was well.
Meanwhile Johnson’s stunts filled the headlines and distracted attention from the fact that all was NOT well. Specifically, the demographics of London were quietly turning upside down: over Johnson’s term the White British became a minority in their own capital. Johnson did not stand in 2016 and Sadiq Khan, a Muslim from a Pakistani family, won – for the first of three (so far) terms.
The lesson for us is not to be complacent. Sometimes gradual changes continue then suddenly an irrevocable tipping point is passed.
London is basically a Muslim city now. Think of that: all the architecture, the infrastructure and the historical associations and cultural understandings - all in the past, or running on the fumes of the past.
The British people who could make a change and prevent this destruction and ruination are in Whiter suburbs or rural villages, and in jobs that are sheltered from demographic trajectory. Or maybe they are reaping short term cash advantage from the early stages of the cultural collapse. Or maybe they are too dispirited to fight the tide.
"You don't know what you have lost till its gone"
We in Australia must not make the same mistake: complacency, normalcy bias, living in the past, convincing ourselves that the time is not yet ready for action, comforting ourselves in the staunchness of our friends that the future of Australia will be secure in the long run. That’s not the trajectory we are living in today.

4 months, 1 week ago
W. M. Hughes, *A Tribute to …

W. M. Hughes, A Tribute to Australian Valour, 1919, pg 10

4 months, 1 week ago
Australian Natives' Association
4 months, 1 week ago
Australian Natives' Association
6 months, 2 weeks ago

What can we learn from the Romantics? Some have argued that it is inorganic to embrace the Australian culture of the past since modern multicultural society has so disconnected the average Australian from that culture. On the contrary, like the Romantics we can and must be intentional in connecting with our folk culture as much as we can, for in doing so we will be inspired by the spirit of our folk, the subtle power of our people, when we create the Australian high culture of the future.

Elias Priestly,
ANA, Victoria

The Australian Natives Association

The Romantic Impulse and Australian Culture: A Reflection on Banjo Paterson Day

It's Banjo Paterson Day today, and I thought I had better write a reflection on why this day is so important to Australian Nationalists. Nationalism, not as a descriptive term but as a positive ideology, was hugely influenced by the Romanticism of the 19th…

*What can we learn from the Romantics? Some have argued that it is inorganic to embrace the Australian culture of …
6 months, 2 weeks ago

Andrew ‘Banjo’ Paterson Birthday Special

In this episode, Michael and Grant commemorate Banjo Paterson’s 160th birthday with a breakdown of some of his life story, some of his works, and a general reflection on Australian identity and its value in this day.


Andrew ‘Banjo’ Paterson Birthday Special

In this episode, Michael and Grant commemorate Banjo Paterson’s 160th birthday with a breakdown of some of his life story, some of his works, and a general reflection on Australian identity and its value in this day.

6 months, 4 weeks ago

Undercover federal police induced a young, socially vulnerable teen to engage in conduct which they later charged him for as terror offenses.

This is rightfully, a public outrage. It becomes more and more clear with the passage of time that the security agencies of this country act less for the genuine protection of the public, but act for themselves with the fabrication of a crisis to justify expanded funding and power.

the Guardian

How Australian undercover police ‘fed’ an autistic 13-year-old’s fixation with Islamic State

Court finds counter-terrorism unit’s conduct fell ‘profoundly short’ of minimum standards expected of law enforcement officers

Undercover federal police induced a young, socially vulnerable teen to engage in conduct which they later charged him for as …
9 months, 1 week ago

*Justice Higgins affirms that Aliens have no legal right enforceable in the Courts to come to or to remain in a country to which they do not belong (Affirming Musgrove v Chun Teeong Toy[1891] AC 272 ).

Can then, an alien, who has shown contempt for our laws – walk freely among the population? – Had the Justices of the High Court not been raised in such an outrageously ridiculous cosmopolitan society, they would struggle to even fathom the argument.*

The Australian Natives Association

The Error of the Indeterminate Detention Decision of the High Court

The inheritors of the parliamentary system of government, of magna carta and the writ of habeas corpus ought to be stalwart defenders of the principles of English liberty which blesses the citizens of our Australian Commonwealth, it is these principles which…

*Justice Higgins affirms that Aliens have no legal right enforceable in the Courts to come to or to remain in …
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