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Last updated 6 days, 21 hours ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 3 weeks ago
Ten Painful Truths
Smiles can hide so much:
● fear,
● pain,
● sadness,
● tears.
But then again, they reflect one thing:
● Strength.
Words can hurt your feelings,
silence breaks your heart.
So always speak what you want to say, Because New door might never open unless you ring the bell.
People with depression can be some of the most chill and nicest human beings you ever meet.
When someone asks you, who is/are your bestfriend(s)?
There will be few/many names on your list.
That's absolutely fine. But we forget to mention the most important bestfriend we have. And that is We ourself.
We never say that i am my best friend, it may sound crazy but trust me if you are your own bestfriend, nothing can stop you.
Keep the list of friends long, but the first person you should have the deepest bond that can be possible is with you, yourself!!
You are never alone, because you have yourself!
Every night sit for 10 mins with eyes closed, and just talk in mind with yourself, talk what went well in the day, what will be your goals for next day, crack a joke and laugh aloud and just relax.
We are not here for ordinary things in life. We are human beings, the greatest of all creations of God. Lift ourselves, so that we can lift others. We are not here to be lost as a statistical entity in life. The moment we identify a goal larger than ourselves, the moment we envisage a vision for the greater benefit of the society, the moment we work for a purpose to enhance, empower and emancipated other fellow beings, the transformation begins. Within each one of us, therefore, is the power to transform the world. There is no human being without a potential. Somewhere we have to believe that we are here for a meaningful purpose; beyond me, mine and myself. The beliefs we hold at the beginning of our journey define our journey.
Best ways to Find Happiness in Life
We all look for happiness in life and all of us have certain things that make us happy. In this busy stressful, goal oriented life, we often forget about the happiness that we get after doing small things in life. For example, after a tiring day at the office, happiness could mean spending time with your family or your pet dog. Each and every person is different and hence the definition of happiness can also differ. In this article, we have shared some of the best ways to find happiness in life. Let us go through the list together.
Help the People Around – There is no greater happiness in helping the person in need. You may start by offering food to a homeless person or you may simply go and spend some time in an old age home. You will never return without a smile.
Do What You Love – Pursuing your hobbies is another best way to find happiness in life. Some may love shopping and other may have hobbies like cooking, photography or dancing. Follow your hobbies and do what you love.
Spend Time with People You Love – The best way to be happy is to surround yourself with people whom you love. Spend time with your parents, friends, spouse, children or even pet. They value your time and you will be able to make memories.
Travel – Travelling is another thing which can change you as a person. It can give you valuable experience and if you are an adventure enthusiast then spend some time with nature on long treks. Your life would change for good.
There is a great difference between "Worry" & "Concern",
A worried person only sees the problem & a concerned person solves the problem..!
Community chat:
Last updated 6 days, 21 hours ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
🤖 Trading Bot: @BlumCryptoTradingBot
🆘 Help: @BlumSupport
💬 Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat
Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot
Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 3 weeks ago