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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
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Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 1 month, 4 weeks ago
“The nation itself must have the will to reform, and every individual must be resolved, with the help of grace and the means of grace, to become a better man.”
- Engelbert Dollfuss
The psychological profile of the Jew-tweaker is clear.
They think we are dishonest because we refuse to “notice the patterns.”
But we have never ignored or denied these patterns. The difference is that we understand their actual causes, which go far deeper and encompass far more than “it’s the Jews.”
The plain facts are clear. But something else is at work in their outrage over our position - something psychological and related to mental illness.
100% of the ruling class are capitalists. Regardless of the proportion among them that are Jewish.
Very far from 100% of Jews are part of the ruling class.
Now, that should settle the matter, should it not?
“Name them, name them!”
They forget the story of when Christ asked the name of a demon - and the demon replied - “we are Legion.”
They do not understand the wisdom of this story. The same evil that lives in the hearts of evil Jewish capitalists, lives in the hearts of all gentiles.
The only difference is that the system of capitalism institutionally raises this evil to the status of supreme authority.
But to blame “the Jews?” As if you are any better? As if you can simply project all the wickedness and all the evil of mankind to a specific and blood-bound RACE of men?
How convenient for those of you that are outside of the “tribe!” You can tell yourself you are not afflicted with the “evil gene.”
I reject this hypocrisy. I see you serpents for what you are. Some of the most contemptible, demonic and wicked snakes lurk among you. And the worst part is you are blind to it.
Community chat:
Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
🆘 Help: @BlumSupport
ℹ️ Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat
Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot
Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 1 month, 4 weeks ago