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Ja'far & Shavkatali | IELTS shares

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Ja'far — L8.5 | R8.5 | W7.0 | S8.0
Shavkatali — L8.5 | R9.0 | W7.0 | S7.5


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Est. 14/Nov/202
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1 month, 4 weeks ago

To all those who have no interest in IELTS, leave the channel, don't flood your telegram chats.

2 months ago
The line chart details the number …

The line chart details the number of participants in four sports—basketball, tennis, badminton, and rugby—in a certain locality from 1985 to 2005.

Overall, it is apparent that tennis saw a steady increase in participants, making it the most popular sport by 2005. In contrast, rugby, which initially had the most participants, saw a significant decline over the period. Basketball and badminton experienced minimal changes in participation numbers.

At the beginning of the period, rugby had the highest number of participants at around 250, while tennis had about 150 participants. Over time, the number of rugby players declined sharply, whereas the number of tennis players increased. By 1995, both sports had approximately 200 participants each. After this point, rugby continued to decline significantly, dropping to around 150 participants initially and then plummeting to approximately 50 by 2005. Tennis, on the other hand, continued to gain popularity, reaching around 225 participants by the end of the period.

Basketball and badminton had more stable trends. Throughout the period, basketball consistently had more participants than badminton. Both sports started with around 75 and 60 participants, respectively, and these figures remained relatively constant until 2005. There was a slight fluctuation in 1990, where both sports saw a minor decrease followed by a recovery to their initial numbers.

212 words

2 months ago

Asking after your brother in religion is one thing you must do at least once a week, isn't it? Especially if there's nothing huge that stands as an obstacle to do that.

Leave your thoughts in the comments section.

2 months ago

The line chart details the production rates of three distinct materials used in the industry of forest, namely, timber, pulp, and paper, in a certain European country. The data in question pertains to the span from 1980 to 2000. Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that all the three products increased in the amount of manufacture, with paper exhibiting the most substantial growth and timber rather a marginal one. Notably, also, paper went on from the least produced type in 1980 to the most demanded one by 2000, with a consistent rise throughout the period unlike the other two, which witnessed slight declines, specifically between 1985 and 1990.


2 months ago

a case in point


a good example of something


Supermarkets often charge too much for goods. Bananas are a case in point.


2 months, 2 weeks ago
2 months, 2 weeks ago
2 months, 2 weeks ago



Raqamli Qullar. Nosog'lom jamiyat.

Ushbu video hozirgi vaqtda zamonamiz chalingan kasallik haqida. Bu kasallik raqamli qullik kasalligidir. Insoniyat soniya sayin misli ko’rilmagan darajada ri...

2 months, 3 weeks ago

What's your favorite star?

It’s Sirius. The brightest star ever recorded. The best thing I like about it is that you can see it under any angle from any part of the world. Besides, I use its name as an analogy to what I write in my poems sometimes.

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Last updated 2 days, 2 hours ago

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🦴 Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market

Last updated 3 days, 18 hours ago