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Tips for writing a motivation letter
Following these tips can help make your motivation letters stand out and convince decision-makers to consider your application further.
?Follow any guidelines. Follow any formatting, length and content guidelines provided by your prospective school or nonprofit. If the organization does not provide any details, write approximately 1/2 to one page of text with a basic 12-point font, such as Times New Roman or Arial.
?Write with personality. Write in a natural voice that reflects how you would speak to your recipient if they were in a room with you. Include interesting details that help your motivation letter stand out from others. Humor can be misinterpreted, so opt for a more serious tone.
?Use accessible language. Identify any unnecessarily complex terms or jargon when you are proofreading and replace them with simpler words. Write short, active sentences that cannot be misinterpreted.
?Focus on your strengths. Write about your personal strengths, rather than your challenges or limitations. Writing about your strengths helps the recipients of your motivation letters understand your value to their organization and keeps your letter's tone positive.
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Bu kanalda O'zbekistonning bir-biridan go'zal bo'lgan ko'chalari, binolarining rasmlarini joylab boraman. For questions: @first\_me
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To whom it may concern This letter is my academic recommendation for Shermatov Shakhobidin. Throughout the academic year that I had the pleasure of teaching him in the International Economics course, Shakhobidin displayed a unique combination of academic…
To whom it may concern
This letter is my academic recommendation for Shermatov Shakhobidin. Throughout the academic year that I had the pleasure of teaching him in the International Economics course, Shakhobidin displayed a unique combination of academic excellence and personal qualities Academically, he stands out as one of the most creative students, ranking in the top 20 percentile of the class. He is hard-working and eager to learn, which is the most necessary quality of an excellent student. Due to his excellent mathematical and analytical skills, he is clearly above most of his peers in comprehending the course materials in the lectures and actively participates in the seminars.
In one of the seminars, Shakhobidin participated in a group presentation on "International factor movements". As he has a good mathematical background, he easily explained the theory about how countries could gain from labor migration based on the marginal productivity of labor. He also showed the European Union as evidence that labor productivity increased after the free movement of labor was allowed within the EU. During this assignment, Shakhobidin proved his leadership skills and managed his team very well.
On a personal level, he impressed me with his commitment to academic excellence and a genuine passion for international relations. His capacity for critical analysis and a keen interest in exploring the multifaceted dimensions of economic policies set him apart. I remember him talking about the book he was reading "Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty" (Acemoglu trying to understand how the current global economic state has evolved. This reflects his proactive approach to gaining insights into the historical and contemporary factors shaping the global economic order.
Additionally, Shakhobiddin is an effective communicator, actively engaging in class discussions and contributing valuable insights that enrich the learning experience for everyone.
His passion for the subject matter, coupled with personal integrity, positions him as an ideal candidate for your Master's program.
In conclusion, Shakhobiddin is an outstanding candidate who brings a unique combination of academic excellence, analytical prowess, and personal qualities that will undoubtedly contribute to the vibrant academic community. I am confident that he will excel in the Master's program and make meaningful contributions to the field.
Zarnigor Akhmadalieva
Motivation Letter Example
May 17, 2013
Ruth Tanner
1096 Locust Street
Albany, GA 31701
[email protected]
Javier Alfaro
HR Manager
Shofer Unlimited
3705 Shobe Lane
Albany, GA 31702
Dear Mr. Alfaro,
After watching my parents give and grow through their work in NGOs, I decided that when I was ready, I would follow in their footsteps. I was excited to hear that your organization was looking for volunteer drivers to help the elderly and others with limited mobility safely move around the city. I would very much like to become a part of Shofer Unlimited.
I was raised in the spirit that it’s more important to give than to receive, especially when we already have everything we need in life. From my freshman year in high school, I’ve volunteered during my summers as a dog walker in dog shelters as well as a teacher’s aide in daycare centers. One day, I realized how hard life can be when my grandmother could no longer move around the city by herself. When I got my driver’s license, I started driving her around to doctor appointments and for other errands. I realized then that this is something that I could do for others in the exact same situation and help them continue living a relatively normal life despite their years.
I’m a friendly and outgoing person who really enjoys spending time with others and making them smile. I’m a safe driver, I’ve had my license for 2 years and haven’t received a single ticket. I believe that I’d be a perfect fit in the Shofer Unlimited team with empathy and open-minded approach to others. I’m also convinced that Shofer Unlimited will be the perfect place for me to gain even more experience in working with different people and improving my customer service skills.
I’d love to talk over the phone with you over the next week about this position and what I could bring to the Shofer Unlimited team.
Ruth Tanner
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Islom Moliyasi Bo'yicha So'rovnoma / Survey on Islamic Finance
Assalomu alaykum
Hozirda butun dunyo bo'ylab Islom Moliyasiga qiziqish oshib bormoqda. Ko'plab rivojlangan Buyuk Britaniya, Malayziya kabi davlatlardan Islom Moliyasi xizmatlariga bo'lgan qiziqish aholi orasida jadal ravishda ko'paymoqda.
Yurtimizga "Islom Moliyasi" atamasi kirib kelganiga ko'p bo'lmadi. Ko'pchilik bu atama haqida turli xil tushunchaga ega bo'lganligi sababli bu soxa bo'yicha aholini fikrlarini o'rganish uchun kichik so'rovnoma o'tkazishga qaror qildik.
Bu soxa rivojiga hissa qo'shmoqchi bo'lsangiz, 10-15 daqiqa vaqtingizni ajratib so'rovnomani to'ldirishingizni so'rab qolamiz.
Nowadays, interest in Islamic Finance is increasing worldwide. Interest in Islamic Finance services in many developed countries, such as Great Britain and Malaysia, is growing rapidly among the population.
It has not been long since the term "Islamic Finance" entered our country. Since many people understand this term differently, we conducted a small survey to determine the public's opinion on this area.
If you want to contribute to the development of this industry, please take 10-15 minutes to complete the survey.
Google Docs
Islom Moliyasi Bo'yicha So'rovnoma / Survey on Islamic Finance
O'zbekistonda Islom moliyasi bo'yicha qarashlarni o'rganish Qadrli Ishtirokchi, Bizning so'rovnomamizda ishtirok etayotganingiz uchun tashakkur bildiramiz. Biz O'zbekiston aholisi orasida Islom moliyasiga bo'lgan tushuncha, qarashlar va munosabatlarni o'rganish…
EPOG+JM motivation letter Shakhobidin.pdf
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To Whom It May Concern:
My name is Julie Moore and I am a third year student at Oklahoma State University. I am currently pursuing a five-year Bachelor of Architecture Degree. My plan is to follow up with a one-year master’s degree after I graduate.
In high school, I worked extensively with my local Habitat for Humanity branch to help build homes for low income families. I learned about the construction process from the ground up, and I discovered the importance of function in architectural design. The homes we built during my four years as a volunteer were never extravagant. They served their purpose and became a beacon of hope for their owners.
My education has been focused on this mindset: function over form, stability over showmanship. I have enrolled in several classes that crossover to the Architectural Engineering major. My goal is to have a comprehensive view of how design meets structure. I have worked on three extra-credit residential design projects under the supervision of my architecture professors (Dr. X and Dr. Y). This helped speed up my research and education.
My goal is to become an architect to create accessible, affordable housing opportunities in underprivileged communities. Living in a college town, I have seen countless rental properties available. Yet there are few homes for sale that are affordable enough for college students and first-time buyers. This is the case in many towns throughout America, especially areas with a low standard of living. I want to create neighborhoods that include affordable starter homes. This would enable low and middle-class families to build equity, avoid excessive debt, and create financial stability for their futures.
This summer, I will intern with LMNOP Architects. Upon completion of my master’s degree, I hope to continue there as I further develop my skills. After working under acclaimed residential architects Suzan Craft and Peter Wood, I would like to open my own architectural firm focused on developing inexpensive, high-quality housing. I also would like to work with Habitat for Humanity again, this time as an architect instead of a general laborer. I believe firmly in their mission to build “a world where everyone has a decent place to live.” I appreciate your consideration. With your help, I can continue my schooling in architecture and design to bring accessible homes to those in need.
Julie Moore
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