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2 months, 1 week ago

Hello dears! Today we are traditionally watching a short video from Emily in Paris! Emily pitches some new marketing ideas to the perfume company De L'Heure. Learn new vocabulary, read the script in the comments and practise your pronunciation ?


make sense [exp] - be logical
sexist [adj] - showing prejudice or discrimination against women
make up their own minds [exp] - decide without help
a poll [n] - a vote or survey, usually online or by phone
a campaign [n] - an organized advertising strategy
controversial [adj] - likely to cause public disagreement
appreciate [v] - be grateful, be aware of the value of
a client walks [exp] - a customer leaves or quits
blame [v] - assign responsibility for a mistake
interrupt [v] - stop (someone speaking) by saying or doing something
signature [adj/n] - main
fragrance [n] - smell, perfume
cutting edge [adj] - new, modern
a mutual friend [exp] - a friend that we both have
preliminarily [adv] - at the beginning stage

[n] - noun, [v] - verb, [phv] - phrasal verb, [adj] - adjective, [exp] - expression

#video #authenticmaterials


Emily 10 Emily and De L'Heure

These video clips are used under the basis of Fair Use: Purpose: The videos are intended for adult ESL education. Nature: None of the clips is associated with any material intended for sale. Amount: The videos comprise only a small portion of the whole…

2 months, 1 week ago
You use the idiom "**cut to …

You use the idiom "cut to the chase" when you want to get straight to the point of a conversation or situation, without wasting time on unnecessary details or introductions.

Here are some situations where "cut to the chase" is appropriate:

- When someone is being long-winded: "Okay, cut to the chase. What do you want?"
- When you're short on time: "I'm really busy, so cut to the chase."
- When you need to get a point across quickly and efficiently: "Let's cut to the chase. We're losing money, and we need to find a solution."
- When someone is avoiding the main topic: "Stop beating around the bush. Cut to the chase."

Essentially, "cut to the chase" means to "get to the point" and is used when you want to avoid unnecessary details or digressions.


2 months, 2 weeks ago
2 months, 2 weeks ago

Hi there! In today's video, the explanation of why hitting your funny bone feels weird is discussed. The ulnar nerve in your elbow plays a significant role in this sensation. The unique anatomy of your elbow makes the ulnar nerve vulnerable to being stimulated differently. When the ulnar nerve is struck at the right angle with enough force, it leads to a distinct pins-and-needles sensation radiating down your arm.

Have you ever hit your funny bone before? How would you describe the sensation of hitting your funny bone? Do you think the structure of your elbow makes hitting the funny bone more painful?

It is important to read the vocabulary before you watch the video. This will improve your ability to understand the video. It will also help you understand how the new vocabulary is used naturally.
The first time you watch the video, just try to understand the overall situation. Read the script in the comments. Try to understand each individual word and improve your listening accuracy. Watch the video again and practise your pronunciation.


Anticipate - to expect or predict something before it happens.
Disquieting - causing feelings of anxiety or worry; unsettling.
Composure - the state of being calm and in control of oneself.
Complicated - consisting of many interconnecting parts; not easy to analyze or understand.
Nerve - a bundle of fibers that transmits impulses of sensation to the brain or spinal cord.
Sensory - relating to sensation or the physical senses; transmitted or perceived by the senses.
Motor - related to movement or the ability to move.
Impulse - a sudden strong urge or desire to act; in this context, it refers to electrical signals that travel along nerves.
Anatomical - relating to the structure of the body or its parts.
Vulnerable - susceptible to physical or emotional harm; exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed.
Cubital tunnel - a space in the elbow that houses the ulnar nerve, where it can be compressed or irritated.
Paresthesia - an abnormal sensation, typically tingling or prickling, often felt in the limbs.
Entrapment - the condition of being trapped or confined, in this case referring to nerves being compressed.
Conscientious - wishing to do what is right, especially to do one's work or duty well and thoroughly.
Obstructed - blocked or hindered; in this context, referring to the ulnar nerve being compressed and not functioning properly.

#video #authenticmaterials


Why does hitting your funny bone feel so horrible? - Cella Wright

Explore the complex anatomy of the elbow, and find out why hitting your funny bone causes such an odd and painful sensation. -- It's something we've all experienced: the back of your elbow smacks against a hard surface and the impact sends a sensation so…

2 months, 2 weeks ago
You can use the idiom "**call …

You can use the idiom "call it a day" when you want to say that you're stopping an activity for the day, usually because you're tired or have finished what you set out to do.

Here are some examples:

☀️It's getting late, let's call it a day and go home. (meaning it's time to stop working or whatever activity you're doing for the day)
☀️I've been working on this project all day, I think I'll call it a day and come back to it tomorrow. (meaning the speaker has completed enough work for the day)
☀️We've been hiking for hours, let's call it a day and find a place to rest. (meaning it's time to stop hiking)

The idiom "call it a day" is often used in informal settings. It's not typically used in formal writing.


2 months, 3 weeks ago
Smart English Travel ?
2 months, 3 weeks ago
Hey everyone! ***?***

Hey everyone! ?

Hope you had a great week. If you don't have certain plans for the weekend, how about drawing?

I'm curious, do you like to draw with colored pencils? ?

If you do, I highly recommend checking out "A Beginner's Guide to Colored Pencil Drawing" by Yoshiko Watanabe. It's an amazing resource for anyone who wants to learn or improve their colored pencil skills. You can find the pdf in the comments below

This book is unique because it focuses on building strong fundamentals. It goes beyond simple techniques and teaches you how to create depth, texture, and realistic effects.

Plus, it's packed with beautiful illustrations and inspiring examples.

Have a fantastic weekend!#authenticmaterials

2 months, 3 weeks ago
`More Than Just a Friday Feeling …

More Than Just a Friday Feeling ***?***

You've probably seen the acronym TGIF thrown around, especially on Fridays. But what does it really mean, and how can you use it in your own English?

TGIF stands for Thank God It's Friday, a common expression used to express relief and excitement about the end of the workweek.

Here's how you can use it:

☀️ Casual conversation: "TGIF! I'm so ready for the weekend."
☀️ In emails or texts: "TGIF everyone! Hope you have a relaxing weekend."
☀️ Expressing gratitude: "TGIF! I'm grateful for a week of progress and looking forward to some rest."

Now, tell us: How do you celebrate TGIF? Share your weekend plans in the comments below!

2 months, 3 weeks ago

Hello dears! Today we are traditionally watching a short video from Emily in Paris! Emily creates a problem when she suggests that the commercial for a French perfume is sexist. Learn new vocabulary, read the script in the comments and practise your pronunciation ?


a shoot [n] - a situation or place where filming is happening
shoot [v] - record on film
elegant [n] - graceful and stylish
a tagline [n] - a catchphrase or slogan used in advertising
grab [v] - get
objectify [v] - lessen (degrade) the status of someone from a person to a thing
for social [exp] - for social media (Twitter, Facebook)
sexist [adj] - showing prejudice or discrimination against women
admire [v] - look at with respect
the male gaze [n] - being looked at by men sexually
respond [exp] - react, have a reaction
translate [v] - be understood
the States [n] - the United States
out someone [exp] - expose the bad things that someone does
a pig [n] - a man who doesn't respect women
#metoo[exp] - a social movement against sexual abuse and sexual harassment
a feminist [n] - a person who believes women and men are equal
the morality police [exp] - people judging others based on their own morals or ideas
a compliment [n] - say something nice about someone
It's open to interpretation. [exp] - There is more than one side or opinion.

[n] - noun, [v] - verb, [phv] - phrasal verb, [adj] - adjective, [exp] - expression

#video #authenticmaterials


Emily 9 Sexy or Sexist

We recommend to visit

Spin, Attack, Raid friends and Build on your way to an Empire.
Collect Coins and Stars for Airdrop! @robincoin_bot

Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago

My official channel for any news & announcements.

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