FLOGmall News

International e-commerce platform for sellers and buyers for cryptocurrency.

Alpha-version - https://flogmall.com/
ICO FLOGmall - https://flogmall.io/

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Community chat: https://t.me/hamster_kombat_chat_2

Website: https://hamster.network

Twitter: x.com/hamster_kombat

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@HamsterKombat_Official

Bot: https://t.me/hamster_kombat_bot

Last updated 1 week, 2 days ago

Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
🤖 Trading Bot: @BlumCryptoTradingBot
🆘 Help: @BlumSupport
💬 Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat

Last updated 5 months, 4 weeks ago

Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot

Collaboration - @taping_Guru

Last updated 3 weeks, 3 days ago

5 years, 10 months ago

The FLOGmall team decided to postpone the launch of the ATES service to 2020, due to the change in the development strategy of the platform. At the first stage of the platform, the development of the service is connected with lotteries exclusively. At the second stage will be the development and updating of the main FLOGmall site. The third stage is the launch of the ATES service. No change in strategy is envisaged for two to three years.

5 years, 11 months ago

Great news, friends! FLOGmall keeps on integrating with different projects and today we are presenting you a project DAPCAR.

Only MALLCOIN owners can exchange tokens for race cars with a discount of 90%, it's cooler than Cryptokitties! Time and cars are limited.

There is also a pleasant BONUS: read it to the end and you will find out how to get $50 in game tokens for free!!!

As the creators of DAPCAR say, this is a multiplayer competitive game of the new generation on blockchain technology. This means that the platform is dominated by cryptocurrency, smart contract and absolute transparency. You participate in the race for cryptocurrency and compete with the same participants from around the world. Well, that sounds promising. Then even more interesting, consider below whether this is truth!

There`s no matter whether you're a young Padawan or an online games Jedi master. Everything here decides only your intuition. Victory depends on three factors: the car, thorough tuning and self-selected parameters of each race. Developers do not have any possibility to influence the outcome of the race, for all responsible smart contract, who does not care who wins.

And now more about what is DAPCAR race.

Since this is a crypto-race, you need to install the MetaMask crypto-wallet in your browser or enter the game using the mobile phone application: Mobile CoinBase Wallet, you will find a step-by-step description in the chat, where technical support works as well, and where you will be immediately told how to perpetrate your first crypto-race @DAPCAR_SUPPORT

Full description of what works on the smart contracts and how it works can be found here. https://medium.com/@dapcar/today-we-will-take-a-closer-look-at-game-dapcar-5e1e203c1b97.

And of course the promised BONUSES:

Instructions on how to get up to $50 gaming tokens for free!!!

With MLC you can buy DAPBOX within 30 days with 90% discount - (300 mlc)

To get $10 free = 1 DAPBOX for FLOGMALL users follow the instructions:

- Log in into the game play.dapcar.io using MetaMask.io or cipherbrowser.com

- After entering the game, send an email with the subject &FLOGMALL10& and the text & My wallet address 0x ... & to the mail: [email protected]

To get $50 =5 DAPBOX you need to post in your account in the social.networks: Facebook, Twitter, VK, Medium, Reddit a link to dapcar.io with a comment about the game

- Log in into the game play.dapcar.io using MetaMask.io or cipherbrowser.com

- After login, send an email with the subject &FLOGMALL50& and the text &My wallet address 0x...& to the mail [email protected] and paste the link in Sots.toils.

Following the correct instructions get your DAPBOX.



Today we will take a closer look at game DAPCAR

As stated by the creators of DAPCAR is a multiplayer competitive game of the new generation on blockchain technology. This means that the…

Great news, friends! FLOGmall keeps on integrating with different projects and today we are presenting you a project DAPCAR.
6 years, 2 months ago

Logistics: edition 1.0. Product weight, tariffs and automatic delivery calculation.

It’s been already 2 weeks since the logistics section was launched on FLOGmall. During this time mistakes and bugs have been corrected, and now we’re glad to present this update to our dear users.
The section includes the subsections "My Templates" and "Create a Template".
Now each shop on the platform can specify regions, to which delivery of their goods is carried out ( all regions will be indicated in a template by default), and also exclude from the list countries in the specified region, to which delivery is not carried out (for example: delivery to Europe, except for Monaco).

Creating a template, a seller specifies its name (for example: "Delivery for Europe", "Delivery for North America"), name of the delivery service (ChinaPost, DHL and so on), delivery price for a kilogram of product (for example: 1 kg of product - 200 rubles) and time of delivery.
The created template can be duplicated on all regions by the button “Apply to all”.

In a card of each product there is a new category “Weight”, which is set obligatorily by a seller while creating a new item. You can also fill this category for the goods created earlier.

Buyers can find a new section - "Delivery". For the authorized users a country, specified by them at registration in a private account, is established by default.

Ordering goods, for which a seller has already established tariffs, user can independently choose a country/mean of delivery and see a total amount of the order with delivery, and also the number of days, which it will take.

Shortly, for not authorized users the program automatically will be able to determine location of buyers by the IP address and to offer delivery options to their country. If delivery to the region is not available, user can contact the seller and specify this information.

Thus, delivery to your country and its cost are calculated automatically. Buyers don’t need to contact the seller personally to find out mentioned options anymore.

We remind you, that it is the first edition of logistics. Further, calculators of the most popular delivery services will be integrated on the platform (Chinapost, SDEK, etc.) to improve quality of service for our users. Thanks to these calculators, there will be an opportunity to determine the exact cost of delivery by a particular service directly.

Logistics launch is another step to full automation of shops on FLOGmall.

Also, our users will see global updating of design and conversion to beta-version of the website. Due to the mentioned conversion, interface of a seller and buyer remains without changes for a while (we understand, that it needs improvement, but at this stage such work will be senseless, since it will be changed in the beta of the website all together)

Stay tuned to see the latest news!

Sincerely yours,


[​](https://telegra.ph/file/3629837063fc6f808c79b.jpg)Logistics: edition 1.0. Product weight, tariffs and automatic delivery calculation.
6 years, 3 months ago

A special offer on FLOGmall from SIU-HING shop! Buying any backpack for MLC tokens till the 31st of December you receive a 30% discount!

Friends, as it was announced earlier, we do our best to assist the shops of our platform and help them to go forward. Therefore, FLOGmall team will regularly inform you on the most interesting offers and actions on our website.

The SIU-HING shop holds a New Year's Eve sale! You can get a 30% discount on ALL RANGE of backpacks and bags till the 31st of December (inclusive)!
So, stylish waterproof Casual bag will cost you only $14 (~ 4,624.60 MLC); https://vk-cc.ru/UIJE1
Classical backpack JP Bag at a discount of 30% - $10.5 (~ 1,609.22 MLC); https://vk-cc.ru/CoEjn
Wearproof travel backpack Travel Big bag - $42 (~ 6,436.86 MLC); https://vk-cc.ru/ATZ13
Vandalproof backpack ClickPack Pro Bag - $105 (~ 16,092.15 MLC); https://vk-cc.ru/MctD0
+ free shipping!
All goods of the store:https://vk.cc/8KZ0zw

You never bought for cryptocurrency? You are a bounty hunter or just a MallCoin (MLC) token holder and you are eager to spend them on something interesting? It is a high time to make a first purchase for cryptocurrency on FLOGmall.com and to tell your friends about it!

You want to receive a stylish backpack at the favorable price, but you have no MallCoin (MLC) tokens? Not a problem! You can easily get it here: https://simex.global/ru/exchange/mlc/usd or here: https://btc-alpha.com/exchange/MLC_ETH. Thus, buying MallCoin (MLC) tokens and making purchase on FLOGmall.com at a discount of 30%, you receive a qualitative brand product at the favorable price without overpayments.

So hurry up to make an excellent gift by the New Year’s Day to yourself or your relatives and open the world of absolutely new shopping with FLOGmall.com!

[​](https://telegra.ph/file/23bb4b5ceb2b86bf184cc.jpg)A special offer on FLOGmall from SIU-HING shop! Buying any backpack for MLC tokens till the 31st of December you …
6 years, 3 months ago

Achain (ACT) coin has been officially added on FLOGmall as a payment method. Pay for purchases and receive a 10% cashback in official FLOGmall Store.

Dear users and cryptocurrency holders, our community is getting bigger day by day and that's inspiring. Our platform grows, as well as opportunities for purchases on FLOGmall. Today we are glad to welcome new coin Achain (ACT) and all members of this community on FLOGmall.

Welcome, friends! Now you have an opportunity to make real purchases for Achain (ACT) on FLOGmall Store, where you can find more than 10 thousand goods: from fashionable clothes and accessories to new releases in the sphere of electronics!

For all users of Achain we prepared a special offer!
Shopping in FLOGmall Store till December 31, 2018 (inclusive) by means of Achain (ACT) coins, you receive a 10% cashback from each purchase in the form of Mallcoin (MLC) tokens. In other words, buying goods on FLOGmall Store at the favorable prices, you not just make purchases for your favorite coin, but also receive MallCoin tokens as a bonus.

Your first purchases mightbe:

Apple iPhone XS 512GB for 1530$ (~ 146 644.29 ACT) with a cashback of 153$ (~ 23 595.72 MLC);
Sony PlayStation 4 Pro 1Tb for $410 (~ 39,609.20 ACT) with a cashback of $41 (~ 9,480.43 MLC);
Trezor hardware wallet for $135 (~ 13,042.06 ACT) with a cashback of $13.5 (~ 3,121.61 MLC);
Backpack XD Design 15.6 Click for $86 (~ 8,308.27 ACT) with a cashback of $8.6 (~ 1,988.58 MLC);
Apple AirPods for 141$ (~ 13 514.28 ACT) with a cashback of 14,1$ (~ 2 174.51 MLC).

Watch all goods of FLOGmall Store: https://vk.cc/8KHOqd

Information on a new coin:
Achain (ACT) is an intellectual contract platform that can implement 100% testing of a route covering in an official public chain with zero cost;
the winner of Innovch Application competition from China Blockchain;
can upgrade smart contracts with limited and controlled authorization;
Achain can create and start smart contracts, release various types of digital assets. Thus, it is applied to the fields of protection of copyright, certificates of proofs, etc.;
Today the approximate value of Achain (ACT) coin is $0.01;
Approximate capitalization - $8,163,988;
It takes approximately the 295th place in the rating of cryptocurrencies on CoinMarketCap.

We welcome new participants of cryptocurrency community on FLOGmall.com once again! Make purchases in official shop FLOGmall Store, receive a cashback, don't hesitate to offer shops of our platform to add Achain (ACT) as a method of payment or create your first shop on FLOGmall.

Now opportunities to make purchases on FLOGmall store became even wider!

[​](https://telegra.ph/file/22a32a744d5fe2a450979.jpg)Achain (ACT) coin has been officially added on FLOGmall as a payment method. Pay for purchases and receive a 10% …
6 years, 3 months ago

Saturday report on work of our team.
Nomenclature release for product positions at shops, cart upgrade and status sections for online stores’ ads.

Work on the nomenclature of product positions is completed.
The functionality of a product nomenclature is finished and updated on the website. Now each online store can set up to 2 modifications to each card of goods.

Automatically, one of modifications in each card of goods is color. At the same time, modification "color" is not obligatory and seller can remove it.
Each modification has a restriction - no more than 7 variations.
Thus, each product can have no more than 2 modifications with 7 variations in each of them.

If the online store has a need for the bigger number of modifications, then it should create higher number of goods.

For example:
Smartphone Apple iPhone Xs.
Modification No. 1 Colour: Gold, Silvery, Grey space.
Modification No. 2 Memory: 64 GB, 256 GB, 512 GB.

This section is extremely important for the platform.
Now purchases can be carried out without need in communication between buyer and seller.
Also it will allow FLOGmall team to implement automatic import of goods from the online stores, created on popular CMS platforms.

Upgrade of a buyer cart.
Now all users have an opportunity to add products in a cart without authorization on the website. The platform will remember items in your cart, and after authorization or registration of the user on the website, it will continue processing of the order.

We want to note that after processing of the order on FLOGmall, both buyer and seller receive e-mail with detailed information on product positions and its modifications. Thus, a seller on FLOGmall will be able to react to new orders quicker, and a buyer will be able to make sure (once again) that everything is right.

Mass loading of images into a product card by online stores.
The system of adding of images into product card is updated. Now shops can add all images by one click and move them with the necessary sequence after loading on FLOGmall. This innovation will allow online stores to create quickly even the most difficult design product positions.

Note, that if You use video in your product cards, then it will be always displayed on the first place.

The statuses of ads for online stores.
Now, after creation of the ads online stores will be able to see its current status (rejected, on moderation, removed) in their account.
In the conclusion of today's report we’d like to remind you of the results of the competition on BTC-Alpha and to congratulate once again future owners of prizes from FLOGmall! We ask you to pay special attention to need of providing contact information by all the winners for sending gifts. Also, we will be very grateful for your feedback in our official Vkontakte page of FLOGmall https://vk.com/icoflogmall?w=wall-157679359_2030 or in our official Telegram chat: https://tele.click/flogmallru
Video with results of the competition is available by the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=On7Lyuyf-UY

Sincerely Yours,

[​](https://telegra.ph/file/d30823cd9dd4983418f36.jpg)Saturday report on work of our team.
We recommend to visit

Community chat: https://t.me/hamster_kombat_chat_2

Website: https://hamster.network

Twitter: x.com/hamster_kombat

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@HamsterKombat_Official

Bot: https://t.me/hamster_kombat_bot

Last updated 1 week, 2 days ago

Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
🤖 Trading Bot: @BlumCryptoTradingBot
🆘 Help: @BlumSupport
💬 Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat

Last updated 5 months, 4 weeks ago

Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot

Collaboration - @taping_Guru

Last updated 3 weeks, 3 days ago