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Mobile Development and App Economy
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481,813 @rekko


Last updated 8 months ago

Владелец: @Royalmaksi

Самые Важные новости в мире финансов Вы можете найти только в этом канале! Крипта, Проекты бизнеспланов, первые публикации новостей в мире экономики и финансов ВСЁ ЭТО У НАС!!!

Last updated 7 months, 1 week ago

📞 @studuent_life_bot

Last updated 3 months, 1 week ago

3 months, 1 week ago

Google has released Gemma 2B and 7B, a pair of open-source AI models that will allow developers to more freely utilize the research done in the flagship Gemini. Despite their small size, Google claims the Gemma models "outperform significantly larger models in key benchmarks" and are "capable of running directly on a developer's laptop or desktop." They will be available through Kaggle, Hugging Face, Nvidia's NeMo, and Google's Vertex AI.

Custom Core Data migrations
Shrink Images for Accessibility in SwiftUI
Extensions in Swift: How and when to use them
Bad practice: not using .isMultiple(of:)
Swift Macros: Understanding Freestanding & Attached Macros


Refining Compose API for design systems
Android Biometric Authentication With BiometricManager
Seven demos to understand coroutines: scope, context and Jobs
UIState in Kotlin: Basic Information and Usage Tips
Retrofit vs. Ktor Client


Building a Flutter SDK
Getting the native iOS look & feel in your Compose Multiplatform app


Gemma: Introducing new state-of-the-art open models
Falsehoods Junior Developers believe about becoming Senior


Mobile app trends: 2024 edition
State of Mobile Gaming 2024 report


Custom Core Data migrations

A step-by-step guide on how to perform complex Core Data migrations using mapping models and custom migration policies.

Google has released Gemma 2B and 7B, a pair of open-source AI models that will allow developers to more freely …
3 months, 1 week ago

Google Play has started testing AI-driven compilation of descriptions and FAQs. In the first case we are talking about the App Highlights section, in the second about the most popular questions about the app. But in both versions it's all very similar - description of features, in-app purchases, what users like, etc. At the moment, this AI description is only available to a limited number of users and Google hasn't given any details on when this will be rolled out to everyone.

Figma Preview – Add Figma design to your Xcode Preview
From Fragile to Agile: Automating the fight against Flaky Tests
Generating SwiftUI snapshot tests with Swift macros
Fundamentals of type-driven code
Elevating Code Sharing: Safeguarding Intellectual Property through Binary Frameworks in Swift Packages
Should You Enable Swift's Complete Concurrency Checking?


I made the same app 15 times, here are the results
Evolving our Android CI to the Cloud
Quick start guide to writing Espresso UI tests on Android
Type Stability in Compose
Different ways to change the color of Status bar and Navigation bar in Android Jetpack Compose


Broadening the scope of dev tools plugins
The results of the State of React Native 2023


The ideal PR is 50 lines long
How to be a -10x Engineer


Google is testing the use of AI in Play Store


Google is testing the use of AI in Play Store

Most of the information posted in the App Highlights section is about the app's features.

Google Play has [started](https://techhype.io/news/google-is-testing-the-use-of-ai-in-play-store/) testing AI-driven compilation of descriptions and FAQs. In the first case we are talking about the …
3 months, 1 week ago


(P2P) Rock Paper Scissor – A peer to peer rock paper scissor game
Apple is preparing AI tools for Xcode
Xcode Console and Unified Logging
How to Implement the MVVM Design Pattern in Swift
Swift enums and the danger of the default case
How to write safer code using the Lock and Key pattern
Ensuring Secure API Access: Harnessing Apple’s Attest Protocol for iOS App Integration


Google has released the first developer preview of Android 15
Vico – A light and extensible chart library for Android
Random Musings on the Android 15 Developer Preview 1
Photo StoryTelling - Leveraging Generative AI and Google APIs to compose posts from your photo albums
Avoid "Useless" Cases in Layered Architecture
Testing with Accessibility Scanner
Build Rot: The Hidden Technical Debt in Maven and Gradle Builds
Understanding Nested Scrolling in Jetpack Compose


Using Amper with Fleet in a Kotlin/Compose Multiplatform project
What’s new in Flutter 3.19


Event-Driven Architecture Fundamentals and Common Pitfalls (and How to Avoid Them)


Mastering mobile game monetization: Strategies for success


(P2P) Rock Paper Scissor – A peer to peer rock paper scissor game

Challenge your friends to a classic game of Rock Paper Scissor on a peer-to-peer network using this iOS project! Whether you’re hosting or joining, simply choose your move and see who emerges victorious. This project was created to explore the capabilities…

5 months, 3 weeks ago

Not Google alone, Microsoft too has released its "small" language model Phi-2. It too can run on a laptop or smartphone, while being much more capable than the others, Microsoft writes. Phi-2 has 2.7 billion parameters, while Llama 2 and Mistral have 7 billion each, with the new model overtaking them. True, for now Phi-2 is only available for "academic" purposes and its commercial use is prohibited. But the future in the form of capable models running locally on smartphones is obviously very close.


Modern iOS Navigation Patterns
Aespa – From camera to album in just 2 lines
What’s new in UIKit
Mastering MapKit in SwiftUI. Camera.
Implementing Drag Gestures In Xcode 15 (SwiftUI)


MVI Architecture with Jetpack Compose
Leverage Gemini in your Android apps
Optimizing Mobile App Performance
Kotlin Mutex: A Comprehensive Guide


State of React Native survey
How to store key-values in KMP in the secure way
Flutter Firebase Festival
Modularizing Flutter UI with Factory Constructors


How Plane, an open-source alternative to Jira, got to the #1 in project management on GitHub in less than a year
Microsoft has released a Phi-2 model that “can run on a mobile device”


Apple spotlights the top apps and games of 2023 on the App Store

Frank Rausch

Modern iOS Navigation Patterns · Frank Rausch

An unofficial bonus chapter for the iOS Human Interface Guidelines: Learn how to structure iPhone apps with drill-downs, modals, pyramids, sequences, and more.

Not Google alone, Microsoft too has released its "small" language model Phi-2. It too can run on a laptop or …
5 months, 3 weeks ago
**Aespa** is a robust and intuitive …

Aespa is a robust and intuitive Swift package for video and photo capturing, built with a focus on the ease of setting up and usage.

It is designed to be easy to use from beginners to intermediate developers. If you're new to video recording on iOS or if you're looking to simplify your existing camera setup, Aespa could be the perfect fit for your project.

• Super easy to use
• Zip the boring configuration for session & album
• Offer essential preset configuration & customization
• Comprehensive error handling
• No more delegate
• Combine support
• Automated system permission management.
• Seamless image and video capture within a single preview session.
• Thread-safe.
• Support SPM.

Aespa on GitHub: https://github.com/enebin/Aespa
Platform: iOS
⭐️: 26

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481,813 @rekko


Last updated 8 months ago

Владелец: @Royalmaksi

Самые Важные новости в мире финансов Вы можете найти только в этом канале! Крипта, Проекты бизнеспланов, первые публикации новостей в мире экономики и финансов ВСЁ ЭТО У НАС!!!

Last updated 7 months, 1 week ago

📞 @studuent_life_bot

Last updated 3 months, 1 week ago