GRAMMAR SOLUTION by Doniyor Aslanov

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- Ta'limga oid eng tezkor xabar va yangiliklar!

? @DTMreklama

Ushbu kanalda abituriyentlar uchun kabi taʼlimga oid rasmiy manbalardagi xabarlar sodda tilda yoritiladi.

Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago

Воқеа ва ҳодисага гувоҳ бўлдингизми ?
бизга юборинг ? @Sunnatik_Uz

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+998998750505 @KDGROUP_UZ

?643092-сонли гувоҳнома асосида фаолият юритамиз

Last updated 1 week, 3 days ago

 «Eslating! Zero eslatma mo'minlarga manfaat yetkazur...»
(Zoriyot surasi 55-oyat)


Last updated 1 year, 3 months ago

2 months, 4 weeks ago

Bugun 19:00 da Listening darsi o'taman. Qatnashish uchun havola:

2 months, 4 weeks ago

Bugun 19:00 da Listening darsi o'taman.
Qatnashish uchun havola:

3 months ago

Kuz & Qishda IELTS / Multilevel imtihonini topshirmoqchi bo'lsangiz albatta birinchi yuqoridagi kursni tugating.

Kurs haqida hozir o'qiyotganlarni fikrlarini o'qisangiz tushunasiz qanday kurs sizni kutayotganini.

Bugun 20:00 da kurs taqdimoti bo'lib o'tadi ▶️

2-patokda ko'rishguncha!

5 months, 2 weeks ago

Yopiq kanalimga 1. Grammar, 2. Vocabulary va 3. Ideas for Wriitng & Speaking uchun eng kerakli kitoblarni yubordim. Saqlab oling!

Saqlab olish uchun??**

5 months, 2 weeks ago

Online kurslarimiz haqida ??****

7 months, 3 weeks ago

2024-yilda ko'p iqtidorli insonlarni o'zim uchun kashf qilyapman.

Ulardan birini kanallarini linkini tashlab qo'yaman. Ishoning, obuna bo'lsangiz aslo afsuslanmaysiz.

9 months, 1 week ago
**Active & Passive Voice :)**

Active & Passive Voice :)

9 months, 2 weeks ago

Keyingi grammar kursi 200 000 so'm bo'ladi. Sababi: Speaking qo'shiladi kurs ichiga.

9 months, 2 weeks ago

Hamma aktiv bo'lganlarga rahmat!


  1. After finishing her meal, Emily went to lie on the hammock for a nap. (The mistake was using "lay" instead of "lie." "Lie" is the correct verb here as it does not require an object; "lay" would need an object, like "Emily went to lay the book on the table.")

  2. The company to which she applied is known for its innovative approach. (The mistake was using "whom" instead of "to which." "To which" is the correct phrase here as it refers to the company, which is the object of the preposition "to.")

  3. We haven't decided yet whether we'll go camping or to the beach for the weekend. (The mistake was using "to" before "the beach." The correct structure is "go camping or go to the beach.")

  4. The painting hanging in the gallery was made by a famous artist. (The mistake was using "is" instead of "was." The sentence is in the past tense, so "was" is the appropriate verb.)

  5. Despite the rain, the event was a huge success. (The mistake was using "Despite of." The correct phrase is simply "Despite the rain" without "of.")

9 months, 2 weeks ago

Guys keling GRAMMAR CHECK qilamiz!

Quyidagi 5 ta gapdan grammatik xatolar toping:

1. After finishing her meal, Emily went to lay on the hammock for a nap.
2. The company whom she applied to is known for its innovative approach.
3. We haven't decided yet whether we'll go camping or to the beach for the weekend.
4. The painting hanging in the gallery is made by a famous artist.
5. Despite of the rain, the event was a huge success.

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- Ta'limga oid eng tezkor xabar va yangiliklar!

? @DTMreklama

Ushbu kanalda abituriyentlar uchun kabi taʼlimga oid rasmiy manbalardagi xabarlar sodda tilda yoritiladi.

Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago

Воқеа ва ҳодисага гувоҳ бўлдингизми ?
бизга юборинг ? @Sunnatik_Uz

Everyday Interesting, Videos and Photos!

Реклама: +998999090909 @KDREKLAMA

+998998750505 @KDGROUP_UZ

?643092-сонли гувоҳнома асосида фаолият юритамиз

Last updated 1 week, 3 days ago

 «Eslating! Zero eslatma mo'minlarga manfaat yetkazur...»
(Zoriyot surasi 55-oyat)


Last updated 1 year, 3 months ago