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We each have our specific channels, there is a need to understand the nuances of Human Design. (Lila shares details of her own HD chart.) It's easy to forget, while we're online, that we're in a "real community" Speaks of the need for consistently from channel to channel— Would love to proceed in this space or maybe in another because, it seems to be in the zeitgeist right now. This will create a continuous issue and challenge for us, unless it's dealt with head on, in my opinion. ~End 2:10:11
2:10:14 SonShine agreed "Leader" (title) it has gotten a bad rap. A leader we can look up to and one who can take ownership, step up and say “I’ve messed up and want to fix it”. If you come to a leader and instantly the ego pops up, then suddenly you feel like you shouldn't have said anything. Agrees 100% with Lila, it's an important topic; Dealing with it, not only helps in online groups, but our everyday lives as well.
2:13:27 Lila’s follow-up: thanking SonShine—it's interesting that online space has had such issues. It's kept her out of it for some time, until coming into the Freak Family at large then JC Family; there seems to be this lack of humility at times of how we treat each other in the online spaces. Obviously our children have been subject to things like online bullying as well ~ its an important issue to address;
2:14:33 Darth shares in complete agreement with Lila and Justin’s comments and reiterates what Justin shared that ‘there can't be conflict without ego’. The statement resonates strongly. Many times has tried to interject a new perspective where someone has taken a hard stance on something and I try to insert a new perspective. Lila’s comments are very thorough~such a wonderful and competent person; Competency is the rarest of all and something that Lila and Justin each possess; Darth in agreement with all Lila’s statements here. For anyone going to be in a leadership position or even contribute in a positive manner to community: Purity is important. Justin has helped me with some purification of food consumption and also some other rituals to help me put myself back together again while he's been at my home. There's a big difference between 'trying to be patient' and actually 'being patient'; trying 'not to have resentment' and 'not having resentment'—it changes the relationship and I've benefited so much from what Lila and Justin have brought into my life. I am very grateful. Yes, it really is all about leadership, organization and community.
2:1:46 Justin's reply to Darth: That's beautiful ~ it's an amazing thing about coming together and why we're drawn to connection. Because we know the magic awaits us when we truly open up to it; but we only reach that when we can let the ego "die"—not that it ever really does die, but the control or identity based upon ego. Humility is essential; it's the key.
2:19:59 Lila shares: Thankful to Darth and is very appreciative. Sharing vulnerably, some things that have happened in the past with members of the community. When things like this happen; someone asks for my perspective on Justin or someone else and there are others in the community, stating that anyone saying that is “kowtowing to Justin and Lila. She's struggled with this for over a year; her silence is partly due to this also. She left some channels, started her own shows and really had to do a lot of internal healing and being within herself. Because when sharing something it’s coming from a very innocent motivation—just trying to offer help. And not just trying to help, but attempting to build a community where I can be part of it too, an equal member; wants to bring awareness to this matter. Its a painful part of being in the public eye and has been very challenging to try to support its members with Human Design.Not needing accolades for that, and has a need to feel a valued member of the community.
Again, it can't be forced, so the option's always presented to say if you're not willing to engage in this way, then maybe this is not the community for you. Not to punish, but to say—we've agreed to live these principles and protocol — and this is how we move into resolution. Keep things simple; then there's no room for the evil to hide. With great challenge comes great rewards; once challenges are overcome—how beautiful a community we'll grow.
When dealing with someone stuck in ego: often they'll try to convince you that you’re stuck in ego, and when that type of pass happens, a neutral 3rd is required or the community to determine who is in ego. If that’s not suitable, then there are always other spaces available. Communities dedicated to standing true and in humility will thrive.
Being in humility doesn't mean being a pushover—making that clear. People will look to them to say, This is harder, in this iteration of society, because we've been so accustomed to divisive egoic constructs for so long. There’s available research that you can learn from, on paper, but it really comes down to actual practice; with ourselves first and foremost. Doesn't matter, who is further along, as long as there's a willingness to listen and be humble.
That's a requirement personally: a willingness to step forward. Because humility is a willingness to learn/grow and take ownership, that's the standard held myself, and required of those in my life. From egoic perspectives, that's everything—Ego's death. So we have to be willing to let that side of us die or we'll stay in this hellish reality—the choice is ours. Again, it's about balance. ~End 1:55:53
1:55:55 SonShine's feedback: Fantastic. Thank you Justin, I agree we have to be willing to learn and grow, and part of that is confrontation.
1:56:49 Justin’s reply: Such a good topic and often one that may not be as glamorous/exciting in these layers of awakening we're going through; unfortunately often skipped over in spaces/communities of people bypassing those portions—when that happens, it only creates problems later on.
1:58:12 Justin adds to this topic, mentioning Human Design readings: Two energies may not be able to vibe together naturally, and we need to re-evaluate how to structure community set ups.
People interacting on a daily basis, having the deeper insight, would also help as we won't take things personally when these things happen. I love how Lila speaks to this; because it takes away that edge. Clearly showing how we are each made differently. We don’t take this personally or get offended once we see that.
Human Design is an absolutely life-changing tool for those who really take it and/or other modalities seriously. This way we can structure our organizations in ways where each persons energy is highlighted in a way that they were designed. No one is trying to fight against that which is.
2:00:00 Lila adds: The Human Design, yes its absolutely needed, and there's also, calling someone up or maybe having a more penetrated heart around the behaviors of others. There are various specific targets that would be highly needed within the community settings. Also ‘truthers” have been sort of poisoned against the idea of leaders—when a leader comes from the heart space, this can be incredibly beautiful. The many toxic compromised leaders, has made it hard to trust leaders.
The idea of "meritocracy" (what is the past behavior? has the leader acted from integrity?). These create the natural leaders within a group ~other energies comment: “this is a hierarchy...” There's a natural quality that develops over time within most species that lives in community. Viewed from the outside this could be perceived by others as a hierarchy, however, it's actually in ‘service to the people’; creating organization, because there does need to be a certain level oftentimes, to help a system work.
We're going to have a lot of opportunities to work in this; as we shed the narcissistic overseer, thats been the Cabal and it's stripped away basic principles within us of how to build community and to work on things. They don't want us working things out with each other... the world has been crafted to be separate, divisive, stuck in pride and perspectives. We've got to shift out of that and begin to recognize that we've been conditioned this way—to avoid these conversations.
I see the work we have cut out for us. The more we do that work ahead of time, the better. We'll find ways to humble ourselves when we need to be and also stand firm in those spaces where needed. Then we’ll move back with greater grace and trust. If one is not ready to do that, might not be somebody that we want to build a community with, even if they are in our “blood-related family. The door is always open as an option—often more time is needed for one to get through some other life experiences and come back to say, "I see that these people were loving me and presenting me these opportunities to grow, and I was resistant and hanging on to my egoic ways, and now I'm ready."
We trust in the movement/flow and allow things to unfold. This will help us grow stronger as a by-product of this work because that's what we manifest. If, however, I hold on to my perspective that I'm always right and everyone else is wrong, then we're going to manifest a community around that instead. We get to choose how that unfolds, and it's a natural learning process. ~ End 1:38:41
1:38:50 SonShine's follow-up: Thank you for explaining things so that everyone can easily understand. In starting a community, I see the need for both the Masculine and the Feminine: a kind of ‘Higher Council’ ~ for example you and Lila. I would consider you both "further along" than most. I would want these two leaders to be in these "council" positions. How would that work if the people in this council also have (egoic) issues? Do the people in the community step in? Because the reality is we haven't had much experience with this. Does everybody make that commitment at the beginning; signing forms? Looking forward to more discussions.
1:43:14 Justin responds: With thanks for the timely question. It really is what we're here to do—we love connecting, community, and coming together; then when we try to do it—dealing with many personalities and many ways it creates issues. Romantic relationships going through this process, leaves some people swearing off romance and saying they prefer to avoid that pain—but then find themselves yearning for that relationship.
The need to find balance between freedom and love.
This example is so consistent with what our Founding Fathers were attempting to do within this country. The limited government formed to try to install that. Looking at The Preamble of the Declaration of Independence:
You referred to “a council” ~ how beautiful to have people within the community—through earned trust and reputation, in a 'Merit based' system these people are best fit; they've done the most work in conflict resolution. Maybe they've studied Human Design extensively. Within the position, no one is given authority. It's the right and duty of the community to abolish or heavily alter if there's a long string of problems within the council.
The allure of power will always be there—it's up to each of us to do the inner work so that we're not letting those temptations take hold of us. Challenges will arise. How to maintain this balance? Everyone's comes to the table with humility, then it works out.
Alright, as I mentioned last week, I'm about to sign off today from all technology and engagement for a silent meditation retreat running until about the end of July. I will not be available during this time and will get to any messages afterwards. Will be sending out love to all as I embark on this inward adventure ? Take care ?
"Let me get my shoes" 191
The Perfect Storm 191
Mission Completed 191
The Beginning of the End 191
"Enjoy the show!"
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