Lynn's galore🗿

More on anime merch here
@lynnnot @tsuzumoe @LastLambShanks
read t&c’s before dealing pls!


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1 месяц назад

Hi if user iseokay/Lyn/nori owes anything can you ss me your entire billing DM with no. And everything I'll send to nori

DM to @haaruharuu 🫡 besides that I can't guarantee anything else

Please share this around

1 месяц назад

anyone can contact @roreiroas pls do us all a favour and get them to reply ty

its been nearly 2 months since last update
i just want to know when i will receive my items

1 месяц назад

Might open some GOs for bunny snacks, am aware this ain't my usual but iw get for my bunny soo ye

1 месяц, 1 неделя назад
1 месяц, 1 неделя назад

Ari wld be billing for SP + settling collection method for this

Collection for mmu wld be here

1 месяц, 1 неделя назад

Good afternoon! We have created a channel regarding refunds from Yin (eat drink soup noodles).

First and foremost, We are not Yin and are no longer in contact with her for anything else outside of this.

Yin has deleted her telegram app so any communication with her on tele will no longer reach her. We are unable to confirm if she'll still be active on her email, but we are currently working with her and her family through a different social media platform 🙇‍♀️
Please read the following before joining the channel:

- As some buyers may find it difficult to DM the admins weeks after the channel has been created, this refund channel will tentatively be public so it's easier for affected buyers to enter regardless of timeframe.

However, we may switch to private & via approval only if it gets too messy, so please avoid commenting or chatting in that channel unless it's absolutely necessary!

Link to channel:

Shares are very very appreciated because we are desperately trying to reach as much buyers as possible. Please do forward this to your friends as well if you know they have purchases from Yin, thank you everyone 😭🙏

1 месяц, 2 недели назад

Hiya, is anyone able to contect both @Jaymeshilohra & @maixiqian??

They have not been replying me for more than 1-2 months TWT

If you are able to contact them, do ask them look at their dm from @Mythstella~
Thnx 🙇‍♀️

1 месяц, 2 недели назад

will b carting out 2nite & billing also

1 месяц, 2 недели назад

Has reached warehouse!

1 месяц, 3 недели назад

All #lynnscaribatch10 will be shipped out tmr

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Last updated 5 hours ago

Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot

Collaboration - @taping_Guru

Last updated 1 week, 2 days ago

🦴 Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market

Last updated 1 day, 18 hours ago