ıllıllı ??? ????-??? ? ıllıllı

? ????? ??? ???? ????? ??? ?

? Admin1 : @K1NGS_SSHACK
♻️ Channel Grup : @CHEATPUBGM_VIP
? Testimoni Costumer : @TESTIMONI_CIT

#????????? ???????? ???????? ?
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Telegram stands for freedom and privacy and has many easy to use features.

Last updated hace 1 mes

12.074.382 @developer

Sharing my thoughts, discussing my projects, and traveling the world.

Contact: @borz

Last updated hace 3 semanas, 6 días

Official Graph Messenger (Telegraph) Channel

Download from Google Play Store:


Last updated hace 8 meses

8 months, 2 weeks ago
**VNHAX IOS Non jailbreak has been …

**VNHAX IOS Non jailbreak has been updated and available in TestFlight


VN App GL V1 - 3.3
VN App VNG V1 - 3.3
VN App KRJP V1 - 3.3
VN App TW V1 - 3.3

What's New?:

- Updated with Game Update 3.3 for all versions of PUBGM.-
- Updated with latest ACE version:
- Updated with new MRPCS Hashes: -0x38D0FD7A, -0xF6AF803A, -0x751E2C39, -0x5C91C610. - Updated with latest internal ObjVM iOS Anti-Cheat update. //Global,KRJP,VNG,TW
- Temporary removed all skin changer related in order to add new improved one in upcoming updates.
- Added support ESP with new mode Ocean Odyssey gameplay theme.
- Improved game smoothness and stability.
- Improved encryption and some lagg cause issues.
- Improved crash issues on some devices, should very low crash rate issue now.
- Added fix for some bugs.

Anti-ban activation:

Anti-ban now automatically activates on lobby.
We never recommend playing brutal gameplay style at any time, doing so is only your own responsibility, aswell for using a main or expensive account is only your own personal choice as we never force anyone to do it.

We thank everyone for their patience with VNHAX, As you know we only provide you with a real working updates, without deceive or fraud, we are here to keep you with the best**.

We wish everyone to have an amazing season!?****

9 months, 3 weeks ago

VNHAX IOS Status since update:

Server Status: STABLE!
Apps Status: STABLE!

Available updated versions on TestFlight until this moment—>


GL: SAFE      vername: VN GL App V1 HF - 3.2
KRJP: SAFE       vername: VN KR App V1 HF - 3.2
TW: SAFE       vername: VN App TW V1 HF- 3.2
VNG: SAFE    vername: VN App VNG V1 HF- 3.2
BGMI: SAFE    vername: VN BGMI App V1 - 3.2

في ان هاك الحاله منذ التحديث:

وضع السرفر: مستقر!
وضع النسخ: مستقر!

الاصدارات المتوفره المحدثه في التستفلايت حتى
هذه اللحظه—>


العالمية: الامان   الاصدار: VN GL App V1 HF- 3.2
الكوريه : الامان الاصدار: VN App KR V1 HF- 3.2
التيوانيه : الامان الاصدار: VN App TW V1 HF- 3.2
الڤيتناميه : الامان الاصدار: VN App VNG V1 HF- 3.2
الهنديه : الامان الاصدار: VN BGMI App V1 - 3.2

Play safe gameplay and enjoy ❤️

العبو لعب امن وانبسطو ❤️

1 year, 1 month ago

Cheto - not updated

Fluorite - not updated

Flame - not updated

Zero - random bans and 10Y bans offline, even after ipa updates. New versions are released in winios store

iOS Star - random bans and offline 10Y bans.

Vn - Also not updated.

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Telegram stands for freedom and privacy and has many easy to use features.

Last updated hace 1 mes

12.074.382 @developer

Sharing my thoughts, discussing my projects, and traveling the world.

Contact: @borz

Last updated hace 3 semanas, 6 días

Official Graph Messenger (Telegraph) Channel

Download from Google Play Store:


Last updated hace 8 meses