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Telegramdagi eng sara kutubxona kanallarini tavsiya qilamiz:
Audio darsliklar izlayapsizmi? U holda bu yerdan yuklab oling va darslarni o‘zlashtiring: Kanalga qo‘shiling
IELTS Academic band 8 vocabulary ?*?**?*
1. Assemble - yig'ilmoq
/əˈ / verb GATHER
1. [ I or T ] to come together in a single place or bring parts together in a single group
We assembled in the meeting room after lunch.
Tushlikdan keyin majlislar zalida yig‘ildik.
2.Ridicule — masxara
/ˈrɪd.ɪ.kjuːl/ noun [ U ]
unkind words or actions that make someone or something look stupid
She was treated with ridicule by her colleagues when she applied for the job .
Ishga ariza berganida hamkasblari uni masxara qilishdi .
3.Frustrate — ranjitmoq
/frʌsˈtreɪt/ verb [ T ] DISCOURAGE
1. to make someone feel annoyed or less confident because they cannot achieve what they want
It frustrates me that I'm not able to put any of my ideas into practice.
Birorta g‘oyamni hayotga tatbiq eta olmasligim meni xafa qiladi.
4. glimpse — qisman ko'rmoq
/glɪm p s/ verb [ T ]
to see something or someone for a very short time or only partly
We glimpsed the ruined castle from the windows of the train.
Poyezd oynasidan vayron bo‘lgan qasrni ko‘rdik.
5. erode — yemirilmoq
/ɪˈrəʊd/ verb [ I or T ]
1. to rub or be rubbed away gradually
Wind and rain have eroded the statues into shapeless lumps of stone.
Shamol va yomg'ir haykallarni yemirib shaklsiz tosh bo'laklarga aylantirdi.
IELTS Reading uchun 2 ta eng yaxshi maslahat ?*?*
2. Har bir so'zni tushunishni kutmang.Agar siz testda biron bir so'zni tushunmasangiz, uning ma'nosini tushunish uchun uning atrofidagi so'z va jumlalarga qarashingiz kerak. Shu bilan bir qatorda, siz harakat qilishingiz va bu haqda unutishingiz mumkin. Savol bilan bog'liq bo'lgan so'zlarga e'tibor qarating va tushunmaydigan so'zlar haqida tashvishlanmang.
Top 2 Tips for IELTS Reading ?*?*
2. Don’t expect to understand every word.If you don’t understand a word in the test, you should look at the words and sentences around it for clues as to its meaning. Alternatively, you can move on and forget about it.
Focus on the words that are related to the question and don’t worry about the words you don’t understand.
Writing strategy ?*?*?**
Make sure that you a)include all of the points in the task and b) develop each point, that is, add some extra information or detail. Try not ? to write just one sentence for each point.
Check your work✅*✅*✅**
Have you...
a) referred to and developed each point in the task?
b) controlled word limit?
c) followed your writing plan?
d)kept your writing clear and concise, deleting extra words if necessary?
e) checked the spelling and grammar?
Word limit ✍️*✍️**✍️*
Where there is a word limit for the writing task, make sure you keep within it. If you went over the limit, decide which words you can delete . For example, there may be unnecessary adjectives or examples. When you have cut the word, make sure that a) the text still makes sense and b) all points in the task are still covered.
Онлайн РУС ТИЛИ курсларимизда сиз хафтасига 3 йоки 5 кунлик ??
⚡️ ?бошлангич гурухларда А1 даража учун
⚡️?давом эттирувчилар учун
⚡️✅Мустахкамлаш ва эркин мулокот учун
⚡️?Рус тили факультетини тамомлаганлар учун дарс материаллари курси
⚡️ ?разговорный клубда мавзулаштирилган дебат клуб
⚡️ ?Фан устозларига рус синфларда дарс утишга каратилган гурухларда
?ТЕЗ ва ОСОНЛАШТИРИЛГАН холда рус тили урганишингиз мумкин
?? Дарслар 6 йиллик онлайн ва 15 йиллик оффлайн тажрибага эга олий таълим устози томонидан олиб борилади.
???отзыв ва дарслардан лавха
Админ: @TchLova
По-русски в сети
***✅*** OLIY MA'LUMOTLI ***❤️*** ***✅*** PROFESSIONAL TILSHUNOS***❤️*** ***✅*** ONLINE va video DARSLAR MUALLİFi @Tchrussian
Quyidagi so'zlar o'zgarmas birikmalar hisoblanadi va boshqa so'zlar ishlatilmaydi.
? Inclement weather = unpleasant weather / noqulay ob - havo
example: Inclement weather was expected.
Noqulay ob - havo kutilmoqda.
comment: Inclement collocates almost exclusively with weather.
? Deliriously happy = extremely happy / g'oyat baxtli
example: I felt deliriously happy.
Men o'zimni g'oyat baxtli his qildim.
comment: strongly associated with happy. Not ? used with glad, content, sad, etc.
? Adjourned the meeting = have pause or rest during the meeting / trial / yig'ilishni to'xtatmoq.
example: The chairperson adjourned the meeting.
Rais yig'ilishni to'xtatdi.
comment: adjourned is very strongly associated with meeting and trial.
IELTS Academic Band 8.0 Vocabulary ????
1. correct - to'g'ri
/kəˈrekt/ adjective
right and not wrong; in agreement with the true facts or with what is generally accepted
"Is that the correct spelling?" "I don't know - look it up in a dictionary."
to'g'ri javob
"Bu to'g'ri yozilganmi?" "Bilmayman - lug'atdan qidiring."
2. transfer - ko'chirmoq, o'tkazmoq
/trænsˈfɜː r / verb -rr-
We were transferred from one bus into another.
Bizni bir avtobusdan boshqasiga o'tkazishdi.
3. catastrophe - falokat
They were warned of the ecological
catastrophe to come.
Ular ekologiyadan
keladigan falokat haqida ogohlantirildi.
4. complete - mukammal, to'liq,
tugatmoq, oxiriga yetkazmoq
/kəmˈpliːt/ verb
He only needs two more cards to
complete the set.
Unga yana ikkita karta
joyni to'ldirishga kerak.
5. sophisticated - sezgir, o'tkir
She was sophisticated.
U sezgir.
6. interact with - yaxshi munosabatda bo'lmoq
/ˌɪn.təˈrækt/ verb [ I ]
to communicate with or react to
Dominique's teacher says that she
interacts well with the other children.
Dominikning o'qituvchisi u
boshqa bolalar bilan yaxshi munosabatda bo'ladi deb aytdi.
7. adverse - zararli
/ˈæd.vɜːs/ adjective [ before noun ]
having a negative or harmful
effect on something
The match has been cancelled due to
adverse weather conditions.
O'yin zararli ob-havo sababli bekor qilindi.
Community chat:
Last updated 4 days, 21 hours ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
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