This one is the official Telegram channel of our YouTube channel Let’s LEARN.
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Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago
For all English learners around the world.
Last updated 5 years ago
Virtual date
When you and someone else watch a movie together without physically being together. All you need is a laptop, and/or tablet, a phone, and a friend with the same materials. Once you have the materials just find a movie on the device you both like then call each other on the phone and watch simultaneously. Feel free to talk and comment on the movie via cell :)
"Man i wish we could go see a movie"
well why don't we just have a virtual date?
"sure ill get my computer and pull up Netflix".
SJW stands for "Social Justice Warrior," a derogatory word and euphemism to replace outdated terms such as, "Nigger lover." Can also be used to describe anyone who advocates for homosexual rights, women's rights, equal treatment for those with disabilities, and respect for minority groups in a derogatory and dehumanizing way.
A radical feminist; a women who says she is a feminist but she thinks females are the superior sex. Most of them are extremely fat, and they hate men so much that they say they are completely useless. They say only men rape and women cannot rape. Most of them are on Tumblr. If you want an easy way to loose brain cells, go look at a feminazi's Tumblr.
Did you hear about that feminazi who aborted her child because the baby was a boy?
Chicken sleeping
When you fall asleep in an upright position with your head dangling, most commonly in a car or airplane. The motion makes your head bob up and down like a chicken pecking. In rare cases, you could be fighting falling asleep in class and a moving vehicle is not necessary. Chances of chicken sleeping are increased by 70% after a wake and bake session or accounting class.
"I was sitting behind her in class and thought she was paying attention. But then I walked by and saw that she was just chicken sleeping."
Room hobbit
In college, one who stays in their room for countless hours on end without ever coming out until they grow long hair and toenails.
John had to endure countless jibes and jeers after he finally decided to stop being a room hobbit and emerged from his room with a man mane that came out from his pants, extending down his leg trunks to his jagged, witch toenails.
A racial slur for a Jewish person. Originates from the word 'keikl', in Yiddish, which means 'circle', the reason being that the first Jewish immigrants in America, who were unable to sign their names, signed with a circle instead of a cross.
A stereotype created by blacks to be used for other blacks who are "black on the outside, white on the inside". Black being their skin color, and white meaning to display characteristics of a "white" person, therefore "betraying their black roots".
Blacks believe that unless you are a talentless rapper, a professional athlete, or "gangsta", it is impossible to be successful without being an "oreo".
When you are in the midst of your "dotage" meaning that you are in the midst of your mental decline. i.e. you're in the process of becoming a fucking idiot.
"Hey Cara, have you noticed that Piper is becoming a bit of a dotard since he starting doing all that meth?"
This one is the official Telegram channel of our YouTube channel Let’s LEARN.
Instagram Handle:
Last updated 2 months, 3 weeks ago
Mail us at
[email protected]
Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago
For all English learners around the world.
Last updated 5 years ago