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Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago
For all English learners around the world.
Last updated 4 years, 12 months ago
How to read your first book in arabic?
To develop language skills in children, it is necessary to “use” the language. However, when there is no environment and all your conversations revolve around life in the apartment, the child reaches a dead end and doesn’t progress.
Of course, cartoons compensate for a lot, but this doesn’t always work, so it’s essential to constantly improvise and come up with various games, or rather, simply Arabize already familiar games.
As you know, I’ve been thinking about spreading this “idea” to the masses for a long time, because I am convinced that even if parents have a weak level of the language, they can still get involved in this process. However, my problem is that I’m currently occupied with other projects, but perhaps at the beginning of the year, I’ll find the energy for this project.
In general, for now, I’m just sharing a random game for today.
is there any apps for Bayna Yadeyk on phones?
I am intrested in audio
In the Arabic language, there is an interesting phenomenon where a verb can be derived from a noun, applying to both inanimate objects and animals.
Examples with animals:
أسَدٌ - اسْتَأْسَدَ
Lion - “to lionize,” to become fierce or brave like a lion
كَلْبٌ - تَكالَبَ
Dog - to attack in a pack
نَسْرٌ - اسْتَنْسَرَ
Eagle - to act like an eagle
نَمِرٌ - تَنَمَّرَ
Tiger - to get angry or aggressive
ثَعْلَبٌ - تَثَعْلَبَ
Fox - to act cunningly
Interestingly, this phenomenon exists in Russian too, for example: bikovat (“to act like a bull”).
Do we have something similar in English from animal names? Please give me examples.
This is a part of homework for my students after 2 months of studying:
I usually go to sleep early on my day off and wake up early. I sleep 8 hours. I wake up for Fajr prayer, then I go to the park and sit on a bench there and read 2 hours approximately. After that, I sometimes go to my friends, or return home. After the Zuhr prayer, I sit down at the computer and work for about 3 hours. I am writing a book about the Prophet's family in English.
What’s the most beautiful words/sayings that you have read in Arabic? Or not the most beautiful, but words you like.
Please share them with us, with English translation.
This one is the official Telegram channel of our YouTube channel Let’s LEARN.
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Last updated 2 months, 2 weeks ago
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Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago
For all English learners around the world.
Last updated 4 years, 12 months ago