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1 year, 1 month ago
**How should relationships be built?*****🔊*** There …

How should relationships be built?🔊 There are four key factors that open the way to building relationships based on mutual support and respect

💋Full communication is communication, the purpose of which is to achieve mutual understanding.

💋Right understanding is understanding, appreciation and respect for our differences.

💋 Refusal of judgments - the desire to rid yourself and others of any negative judgments.

💋 Responsibility - the ability to take responsibility for what you get from your relationship, as well as the ability to forgive.

1 year, 1 month ago
**Parents with addictions in childhood - …

Parents with addictions in childhood - hyperresponsibility in adulthood.If a child was brought up in a family where one or both parents abused alcohol or drugs, then he may grow up to be too responsible.

Also, such people find it difficult to relax, and they do not know how to have fun. This happens if the child had to be a "parent" to his own mom or dad and be involved in solving non-childish problems. As a result, such children are deprived of joy twice: not only at a young age, but also in adulthood.

1 year, 1 month ago
**Strong relationships***Be prepared for the fact …

Strong relationshipsBe prepared for the fact that you will change.When people have been married for more than 20 years, they may discover how much they have changed from what they were two decades ago.

Be prepared for the fact that in 20 years you will wake up and find that the person who lies next to you is not at all the same as before, and here you will need to learn to love him.

Of course, this will happen if you allow your other half to be yourself, mind your own business and develop in your own direction - and you yourself will do it too. But when you change, do not forget to discuss what is happening to you - then you will be able to both respect and accept each other.

1 year, 1 month ago

3 destructive addictions💥Man is a hostage of his subconscious habits. And this is not about sports, not about reading 10 pages a day. Subconscious habits have a more sophisticated form. And here are some of them:

Avoiding discomfort.Comfort, a clear schedule, a plan for the next few years and predictability are good. However, it is good as long as this comfort does not become an excuse that limits the desire to try new things.

Crazy risks are, of course, not very good. However, you can take calculated risks. For the sake of your own good, you need to move: go on a date with the opposite sex, master new knowledge, gain impressions. You don't need to dodge it.

Don't finish things.One month you dabble in SMM. Next month is NFT. A month later - embroidery. A month later - copywriting. Later - selling things on Wildberries. Even further - a TikTok account.

You spray yourself when you try to constantly go to the “new”. Act like a magpie jumping from glitter to glitter. As a result, these jumps lead to dissatisfaction with yourself, because in no case have you succeeded.

Make a commitment. Keep the promises you make to yourself and master what you set out to do. Don't stop halfway, go all the way.

Anger at others.Much of the pain in a person's life is negative emotions and intentions towards other people. But why do you need it?

When you demonstratively get angry at something or someone, you lose respect from others. This is first.

And secondly, when you react to some kind of "trigger", your actions are not carefully thought out. The result leads to mistakes that you will regret. And in general, anger is such a thing that does not give anything. Just wasted time.

**3 destructive addictions**[***💥***]( is a hostage of his subconscious habits. And this is not about sports, not about reading 10 …
1 year, 1 month ago
**3 easy steps to happiness*****🤩***

3 easy steps to happiness🤩

🧘🏼‍♀️ Meditation. Try to find time for meditation. This will help you focus on yourself and better understand what is inside you. At least 5 minutes of meditation a day will make you happier.

📱No phone. Try not to pick up the phone at all during meals, communication with family, friends. Take a break from social media more often.

🏋🏻‍♀️Small workouts. Try to do at least simple exercises several times a day. For example, instead of taking the elevator, take the stairs or ride your bike to work. Any kind of activity will make your life more interesting and happier.

⚡️Are you doing something from this list?🔽

1 year, 1 month ago

Procrastination: Use, Don't Fight👨🏻‍💻The desire to postpone is natural. The mind expresses its interest in the matter, but also forces it to be postponed until later in favor of something more pleasant in the moment.

And if this process has become a chronic problem for you, you need to slightly edit your attitude towards procrastination in general. Negative self-talk and self-flagellation are immediately aside.

Instead, try to observe how and why you procrastinate. And watch the thoughts that automatically arise as an answer.

This process is called metacognition - thinking about your thinking. And this is useful because it slows you down and allows you to adjust your behavior.

Name and accept as a fact your desire to postpone something until later. No condemnation. Remind yourself that this is natural and that it is acceptable. And then give for yourself examples of cases when you successfully embarked on any business.

This thought process will help boost your confidence and make you feel like you're capable of acting effectively. This will increase the likelihood that you will start working despite the desire to procrastinate.

It's a kind of mental manipulation. One that forces you to be warm to your desire to save. And being with this desire “on you”, you train to perceive it as something neutral, not a threat. And this helps not only to reduce, but also reduces the intensity of procrastination in the future.

If, as usual, you criticize yourself for this, then you teach your brain to treat the phenomenon as something dangerous. And this makes it more difficult to simply complete the task than any external factors.

Instead of fighting, practice accepting your desire to “postpone.” Do not accompany it with negativity. And accept, realize and move aside to do business.

**Procrastination: Use, Don't Fight**[***👨🏻‍💻***]( desire to postpone is natural. The mind expresses its interest in the matter, but also forces …
1 year, 2 months ago

Correctness or new knowledge🫣Two friends are arguing. One says the earth is flat. And the other claims that it is round. Both are very smart. Each adequately argues his position, and the other counters with no less weak arguments.

The situation is deadlocked, the dispute has reached the transition to personalities and insults. As a result, the 3rd person proposed an experiment: go on an adventure in a hot air balloon and personally look at the Earth from above.

And now, the day of the flight has come. At the height, the one who claimed that the earth is round exclaims with delight: see, I told you - round!

The second looks at the convex land from below, but does not want to agree. He begins to scroll through the options for refuting what he saw in his head, but at one moment he is pierced by an intuition: why?

Why would I say it's some kind of rigged route? Why should I continue to prove something if I already see that it is not so? Nothing more, I agree. Then he sighs heavily and says: yes, you were right. Sorry for arguing and insulting.

As a result, the flight ended successfully. One admitted he was wrong, and the other reacted to this with maximum understanding. And they lived on good terms with each other.

Accepting that you are wrong is a sign of strength and self-confidence. Because they, like no one else, know that a person cannot be right everywhere and always. Even himself. And when that moment comes, it's a reason to embrace new knowledge and grow, not break off the relationship with the other person.

Don't link your need to "be right" to how that fact affects how you feel about yourself. Be prepared to open your mind to new information, and be prepared to correct opinions and conclusions when you see the mundane from a new perspective.

Who was right in the beginning in the flat vs. round earth debate is probably obvious. However, what if you imagine how you are arguing with a beginner in a matter that you have been dealing with all your adult life, and you understand that he is right, but do not want to undermine your authority? You already know what a confident person would do.

**Correctness or new knowledge**[***🫣***]( friends are arguing. One says the earth is flat. And the other claims that it is …
1 year, 2 months ago
**5 tricks on how to charm …

5 tricks on how to charm any interlocutor👼*🙌🏻*** Hands free. Free your hands, so you will look more open to communication. Don't forget to shake hands, and as soon as you say hello, take a drink in your hand - you will look more sociable.

😃 Live facial expressions. If you want to please the public, show your smile and interested look - this demonstrates a pleasant character and openness.

👋🏻 Address by name. This subconsciously makes the interlocutor feel important, and he will be more disposed towards you.

🪞Mirror repetition. You will win over the person faster and more effectively by mirroring their body language.

🕺🏼Correct posture. Try to sit or stand straight with your shoulders back and your chin parallel to the floor.

⚡️Do you use these methods?🔽

1 year, 2 months ago

Reactions to circumstances🤖When something doesn't work out, others are to blame. Anyone but yourself. Familiar? This is how a person thinks in the first stage.

The second stage is when you yourself are to blame. You don't blame anyone else but yourself. And it's not always fair.

The crown of evolution is the third. This is when you do not blame others or yourself, but accept the result, draw conclusions and move on.

At what stage it is better to be - obviously. However, in order to achieve it, you need to work on yourself.

You need to go through the first, childish stage, when you want to push the burden of failure onto others. Then the second, with self-flagellation and self-loathing.

But always the cause of any failure is a complex of circumstances. Some depend on you, others do not. And the first two stages are the extremes that 90% of people fall into when trying to figure it out.

The best position is third. This is when you can be objective in your assessment: what you yourself screwed up, and what someone else did. Accept as fact, draw conclusions, turn into experience. And you won't dwell on it.

Blaming others is childish. Blaming yourself is self-blame. Mistakes are natural. So turn it all into life lessons, let go and keep moving.

**Reactions to circumstances**[***🤖***]( something doesn't work out, others are to blame. Anyone but yourself. Familiar? This is how a person …
1 year, 2 months ago

6 ways to know at a glance if a man is right for you🙆‍♂️✔️ Sense of humor. Humor can quickly resolve conflicts. A common sense of humor unites, and relationships become stronger.

✔️ Nice scent. This is not about perfume, but about the very smell of a person. If you are attracted to the smell of a man, then you should take a closer look at him.

✔️Inspired state. The main thing is that in the union there is inspiration and motivation to go about your life, it is important to be yourself.

✔️Similar conflict resolution. Most often, people get to know each other better through conflicts, and if both of you know how to resolve them, and not inflate them even more, then the relationship can turn out great.

✔️ Comfort and safety. It is important for a woman that the man next to her be her protector. If you have anxiety or fear, then you should think about it.

✔️ Sincerity and openness. If you both open up and allow yourself to be sincere, this is a great sign that a relationship of trust can be built.

Do you have such a man?🔽

**6 ways to know at a glance if a man is right for you**[***🙆‍♂️***](***✔️*** Sense of humor. Humor can quickly …
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