Kolyma Network

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1 year, 7 months ago

When I was talking to Kozakov a few days ago, this was said:

"The funny thing about kuz is that contrary to most people, he is foolish in public, but has the ability to impart great wisdom and kindness in private. [...] With other people like him its the opposite"

1 year, 7 months ago

I have otherwise had scant contact with him, nor have the other 2 as far as I know. The last time we spoke in person, he told me that he was "pleased with how things were settled" and that I "should not dramatize events to excite peoples attention". In fact, it would probably displease him that I am announcing this at all.

When questioned about his silence, he told me it was wilful and intentional, and that there is no need to be "incite a frenzy" or be dramatic. He also said that he was quietly optimistic regarding his condition, but ready to hear tough truths if they came to him. Madam Kuznetsov shared similar views and before leaving the Kolsyetmol program, said that her husbands departure was "extremely good for his attitude and disposition". I have seen him playing video games, and making plans for large parties, buying cars and foods and other frivolous activities, and he also broke his "lifelong" temperance pledge. Some of these purchases we're funded by dissolved trusts put towards development of kolyma software. However, he also demonstrated acts of kindness, and organized gifts and payments to many friends and colleagues, such as the owner of Vidlii, whom he said was "my most helpful colleague and a close friend". To others, he gave menial gifts and well wishes.

1 year, 7 months ago

Kuznetsov wrote to 8 of us that he was traveling back to Russia, where he could live closer to his family and recieve effective treatment from my physician without having to travel outside his home in Memphis. Due to several outstanding fines it is possible, he said, that he will be temporarily arrested at the border, but that he will liquidate large portions of his wealth to pay everything and settle the courts.

1 year, 7 months ago

The Standing Committee of the Kolyma Network is dissolved, the organization is in a complete state of suspension. At an extreme point of health, the former Chairman abdicated. With no successsor defined, the body was dissolved after 7 days. Various websites under Kolyma's oversight requested to be formally seperated from the network and manage themselves independantly. Demir, Kozakov, and myself assumed control over various portions of the dissolved committees property.

1 year, 7 months ago

⚡️Kuznetsov commented in public: "[users who upload animal abuse] cause disturbance to me [...] I called my son [Kutay Demir] 'My Little Monkey' [...] I find them funny and charming, I love monkeys".

This comment was connected to the controversy caused by users of «Vidlii», who uploaded animal abuse videos for a short period before discovery by KolymaNET. Afterwards, a global rule was passed forbidding the upload or dissemination of such content.

However, many people still incorrectly called Vidlii a KolymaNET-owned service, failing to recognize its relationship to KolymaNET as a customer. In September 2022, Vidlii was fined 1,000 RU for failure to adequately respond to in a timely manner regarding the upload of animal abuse content to the website.

1 year, 7 months ago

A member of the three-person council of the development of "Vichan" usurped power from the other council members, stating that the 2 day medical absence of Kuznetsov was grounds for expulsion of both of the other two candidates.

The usurping council member claims it is a misunderstanding, and that because of the uncertainty of Kuznetsov's health, he did not think he would want to continue on the council.

A brief conversation took place between the council members, and Kuznetsov did not indicate that he wished to return to his previous position, despite being offered it back. This marks the end of Kolyma-backed development and funding of Vichan, and the project is currently without an active maintainer.

1 year, 7 months ago

Some non-vital network services, such as Нетмод, are down pending an inquiry by Roscomnadzor.

1 year, 8 months ago

⚡️It is reported that the volunteer staff of «soyjak.party» made significant leads on identifying a user of KolymaNET services who violated the terms of service of KolymaNET and the law of the United States by sharing private information on users of a KolymaNET service by abusing his position of authority. The NSS was not granted the special administrative authority to investigate the case of this user, but did provide resources to aid the investigation conducted by the site.

The interim administrator of «soyjak.party», Leonid Kozakov (P, CC-A) was given authority over investigating the incident and cooperating with the US authorities. It is expected that «soyjak.party» and other imageboard's will be discharged from their special-administrative governance by the Kolyma Network later this week.

1 year, 8 months ago


?? Nedelya Kuznetsov visited 22 members of the Kolsyetmolik Engineers program, who suffered delays due to unforeseen complications in the planning of Kolsyetmol (Kolyma Youth Program).

?? During the month of June, members of the Standing Committee of the Kolyma Network will meet with two Indonesian citizens to discuss a large investment of the Kolyma Network into the Indonesian internet market.

???? On 6 June, Zviezdaprom (ЗВЕЗДАПРОМ), a Kolyma Network joint-control program, will enter the Turkish and Indonesian markets.

? On 8 May, a prototype for KolymaNET's payment processor was demonstrated by the contracted engineers of KolymaNET. Kolyma Network employed the use of contractors in the development of the service re-provision program.

?? On 10 May, Kuznetsov arrived safely in Cuba.

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