Telegram stands for freedom and privacy and has many easy to use features.
Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago
Sharing my thoughts, discussing my projects, and traveling the world.
Contact: @borz
Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago
Official Graph Messenger (Telegraph) Channel
Download from Google Play Store:
Last updated 7 months, 1 week ago
#FC #fcdir #How2
Directory help:
A post made to Telegram on Wednesday cannot be positioned above the post made on Tuesday. The Directory is constantly expanding and evolving, the 'new links' do not come in a linear order. A link for a new Texas group may be created before one for Alabama.
The Directory is not like other Telegram Channels. Each post contains all the links needed to navigate your way around.
Navigate The Directory using the links visible within each post. When surfing the web you don't scroll through all the pages that are not of interest but you click on the links to move the direction you need to go. That is the design of this channel also. That is the design that allows virtually unlimited expand-ability , and on-the-fly updating and modifications.
The posts in The Directory are not in a linear layout , don't scroll to the next post , use the links within the post you are looking at to navigate The Directory. Read the descriptive header of the post , use the clickable links within the post to navigate deeper into The Directory or return to the Directory Index.
Index ↑------------------------------------------------------------------
Don't scroll down. Use the links above.↑
#FC # Index Index for the Directory ( backup )
1- Basic Etiquette 2 - Documents3 - FC on Telegram 4 - FC on www5 - Nomads 6 - Events7 - Freedom Building 8 - Other TopicsIndex ↑
#FC #Texas
Texas→ Central Texas
Central Texas
Austin -Downtown FC
Austin -South FC
Bastrop/Fayette County TX FC
Bee Caves, Lakeway, Spicewood Springs
Buda / Kyle FC
Centex Permablitz
Centex Land-Co-op
CenTexFC - Toxine/Vaccine Response Cadre
FC Housemate/Tenant/WOOF Connection; Find rentals, roommates/housemates, office spaces, WWOOFing opportunities, housesitting, house swapping:
Hill Country West FC
Texas Hill Country
San Antonio Freedom Cell
San Marcos/Wimberley/New Braunfels/Canyon Lake
Williamson County
Wimberly / Driftwood / Blanco Freedom Cell
.Index ↑ Texas↑------------------------------------------------------------------
Don't scroll down. Use the links above.↑
#FC #How2
How to use the Freedom Cell Website...Basics on how to use the website:
1) Go to - Do Not go to
- Do Not go to
- Do Not go to FreedomCells
.AnythingElse !! That's not us...
2) You need to create a profile to use the site .
3) You need an email address and a location to create a profile .
- You Do Not need to use your real name.
- You Do Not need to use your real address.
4) You Do need to use an address near you.
(use a park, or town hall , or a school, or a nearby coffee shop)... or whatever is closest to your actual location.
5) Wait for your confirmation email.
- check your spam folder too.
6) Log in and browse around. Explore.
Some quick links to the website :
[These Links Will Open Your Browser]
Learn how to use the website HERE
Find Members MAP HERE
Find Cells MAP HERE
Create your own Cell HERE
(Video How To HERE )
Calendar of events HERE
Add your event HERE
[These Links Will Open Your Browser]
Directory Index↑ website listings ===>
Don't scroll down. Use the links above.↑
#FC #PastEvent #TGRtalks (day 6) #IPFS
The Greater Reset talks on IPFS by day
~1~ ~2~ ~3~ ~4~ ~5~ ~6~Day 6: Bonus Day of SolutionsTeresa Montanino: Working Together to Take Back the LandWill Tuttle: Animal Liberation, Human Liberation, and the Great ResetChristina Hildebrand: COVID Vaccines and Mandates – where do you go from here?Jonathan Ramirez: Subsistence and Survival in an Age of InstabilityFoster Gamble: Proven Principles and Processes for Effective Solutions GroupsIndex ↑ Events↑------------------------------------------------------------------
Don't scroll down. Use the links above.↑
#FC #PastEvent #TGRtalks (day 5) #IPFS
The Greater Reset talks on IPFS by day
~1~ ~2~ ~3~ ~4~ ~5~ ~6~Day 5: CommunityRebecca Powers: So you want to live in intentional community? Join the club!Ted Rau: Sociocracy as a Solution for Community OrganizingPanel: How To Activate Your Freedom CellsStephen Brooks: The Global Redesign: Its Time for the World We Have Always Dreamed Of on Flote on OdyseeIndex ↑ Events↑------------------------------------------------------------------
Don't scroll down. Use the links above.↑
#FC #PastEvent #TGRtalks (day 4) #IPFS
The Greater Reset talks on IPFS by day
~1~ ~2~ ~3~ ~4~ ~5~ ~6~Day 4: Digital RevolutionPanel: It’s Time To Embrace Alternative Social Media!ArcturianX: Using Blockchain for Decentralized OrganizingMatt McKibbin: Dance Like Nobody is Watching But Encrypt Like Everyone Is! Data Privacy and Ownership Tools 101Brady Gaisser: Preparing the World for DWebRamiro Romani: You Are a Crypto AnarchistIndex ↑ Events↑------------------------------------------------------------------
Don't scroll down. Use the links above.↑
#FC #PastEvent #TGRtalks (day 3) #IPFS
The Greater Reset talks on IPFS by day
~1~ ~2~ ~3~ ~4~ ~5~ ~6~Day 3: Reconnecting to NatureChristian Westbrook, Marjory Wildcraft, and Jack Spirko: Activating Your HomesteadMarjory Wildcraft: What’s Changing and How to Thrive in 2021Christian Westbrook: The Greater Food TransformationJack Spirko: Producing Protein with Back Yard Aquaculture and Small LivestockIndex ↑ Events↑------------------------------------------------------------------
Don't scroll down. Use the links above.↑
#FC #PastEvent #TGRtalks (day 2) #IPFS
The Greater Reset talks on IPFS by day
~1~ ~2~ ~3~ ~4~ ~5~ ~6~Day 2: Health & EducationDolores Cahill: Brave New World of Freedom: Solutions in the areas of Health and TravelRichard Grove: Vaccination Of Information For Your Intellectual Immune SystemLainie Liberti: Designing a Family Culture of ConsentKelly Brogan and Sayer Ji: Our Spiral Path – Remembering Love in a Time of Division
Julianne Romanello: Surveillance, Education, and Human Capital – Unlearning for the 4IRIndex ↑ Events↑------------------------------------------------------------------
Don't scroll down. Use the links above.↑
#FC #PastEvent #TGRtalks (day 1) #IPFS
The Greater Reset talks on IPFS by day
~1~ ~2~ ~3~ ~4~ ~5~ ~6~Day 1: The AgoraRosa Koire: UN Agenda 21 and The Great Reset - Dropping The MaskDerrick Broze: It’s Time to Exit and BuildJohn Bush: Agorism and Decentralization to Counter the Great ResetCharles Eisenstein: Jubilee and BeyondMike Swatek and Sal Mayweather:
What Does Agorism Look Like in Real Life?James Corbett:
Why We Need a Survival CurrencyIndex ↑ Events↑------------------------------------------------------------------
Don't scroll down. Use the links above.↑
Telegram stands for freedom and privacy and has many easy to use features.
Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago
Sharing my thoughts, discussing my projects, and traveling the world.
Contact: @borz
Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago
Official Graph Messenger (Telegraph) Channel
Download from Google Play Store:
Last updated 7 months, 1 week ago