๐—–๐—œ๐—œ๐—ญ๐—˜๐—–โ™ก๐— ๐—ฃ CLOSEDOWN

Empty perfume bottles, unripe peaches stars, attic windows, ancient ruins, worn-out heels from the 1920s, unread books, @doyanB languages, empty museum halls, abandoned castles, pomergranate stains. . .? @berjluta

Result on pinned
Archive @spacemutualls
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Play: @hamster_kombat_boT

Last updated 22ย hours ago

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Last updated 1ย day, 23ย hours ago


Last updated 1ย day, 16ย hours ago

11ย months, 2ย weeks ago

Hi temen temen ciije... aku mau kasih kabar yang gak menggembirakan:p aku memutuskan ciije buat closedown ajaa, bukan mau leave ba sihh, ch nya pindah ke t.me/poisonloved yaaa khusus moodboard nih, jadi manantau yang mau beli moodboard bisa cek kesitu ajaa! Tapi buat ciizecamp aku bakalan close in selama lamanya. Jadwal aku padat sekali yang buat aku gabisa diving+jbjb bareng mutual tercintaku;( buat mutual feel free for unsubs @ciizecamp ya... tysm ciijee!


FUNtastic of Ciizecamp!

Looking for somethin'? Just some moodboard from @ciizecamp, seems interesting. . .?

Hi temen temen ciije... aku mau kasih kabar yang gak menggembirakan:p aku memutuskan ciije buat closedown ajaa, bukan mau leave โ€ฆ
1ย year, 1ย month ago

{For all my mutuals please help-forward this message to your own channel, tq}

Heyhhh there!!!๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
Sedang mencari store moodboard, jaspin en jasget yang terpercayah?!?!? @ciizecamp solusiny,,, "knp aku hrus blik di ciijecamp?" Y BNR, klian hrus belanja disini krna harga yang terjangkau dan pastiny trusted, lalauu fsr pula etminy DAN OFKORS RAMAH RAMAH DUNKS OWNER NY yg bs mmbuat klian jtuh cinta pda @ciizecamp ahahahahayy!!

Buat mutbort itu katalognya ada di @poisonloved, format nya tuh ada disini. Contact order?? Ya ke t.me/doyanB lahhh hayuks๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿฅธ๐Ÿ‘ˆ

Ntuh diatas ada โœจtutoryeal belanja di ciizecampโœจ ๐ŸŒš๐ŸŒš... kuy check in katalog nyahhh, dijamin gk nyesel dech blanja dicini, eonni eonni cantik dan oppa oppa gantenkss... mampir atuch xixixixi, klk msi gk percaya jgk klo ni store terpercaya, check @berjluta ajah!! Disana banyak sekali testi testi dan honest ripiw orang orang yg prnah belanja disini! Gk prlu pusying pusying lagi decj mncari apa yg klian butuhkan, dengan mampir keciize hidup klian akan berwarnahhโ˜ƒ๏ธ๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŒช๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ‡

1ย year, 1ย month ago

Bake small desserts and take extra time in the decorating. Fyi @ciizecamp officially open now! If u want to order somethin' u can sent the format to @doyanB. Please read the regulation first before ordering, have a nice day!

1ย year, 1ย month ago

Sdh babay smpe esok hari, ak akn buka lagi besok soalny hhhh,,, jgn kangen ciijecamp yah, trims yg sdh berbelanja dsini hem,,,๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’ž

1ย year, 1ย month ago

Wipi prh bangett, masa iyh tiap buka apk lain loding ny lama betul tlg ajak wipi ini ribut dnk

1ย year, 1ย month ago

Wow camat pagieh, kt open kembali bersama ciize, kt avail menerima orderan tnp adanya format y kawan kawan, bs send form order klian itu ke t.me/doyanB aj yh, jgn lupa baca regulation ny dlu sblm order ok!!



Art/work. Beat back those @poisonloved boys & chuck that quaffle here.

Wow camat pagieh, kt open kembali bersama ciize, kt avail menerima orderan tnp adanya format y kawan kawan, bs send โ€ฆ
1ย year, 1ย month ago
1ย year, 1ย month ago

Smell the roses, take time out of your day to appreciate yourself and yourlife. @ciizecamp are close rn! Sampai jumpa besok hari mentemen๐Ÿ˜š

1ย year, 1ย month ago

Iki ningning cakep bener๐Ÿฅธ๐Ÿฅธ๐Ÿฅธ๐Ÿ‘ˆ๐Ÿ‘ˆ๐Ÿ‘ˆ

1ย year, 1ย month ago

Tmntmn, saran tempat jual manips dunkssss

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Twitter / X channel: twitter.com/hamster_kombat

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@HamsterKombat_Official

Play: @hamster_kombat_boT

Last updated 22ย hours ago

Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot

Last updated 1ย day, 23ย hours ago


Last updated 1ย day, 16ย hours ago