Prophetic reports and dreams.
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3 months, 3 weeks ago
3 months, 3 weeks ago

In many places

3 months, 3 weeks ago

It will fall, but not without a fight ?

4 months ago


I had a dream last night. I cannot explain it now. It was largely a personal message.

But the bottom line here is I am pulling back from prophesying the exact arena location for another attempt on DJTs life (Garden or Yankees stadium are the ones I highlighted).

There will be an assassination arena hit on DJT. I am not backing down from the core of that prophecy, which dates back to July.

But as of waking up this morning, I am not sure it will be the Garden. Im not sure it will be in the NY area.

The arena attempt on DJTs life IS coming.

But there has been too much wrestling, too much fog, too much inner turmoil, and conflicting visions over the exact location, that I have to pull back on MSG/NY and say:

I dont know where the arena hit will occur, and I probably moved too quickly to point to NYC & exclude other possibilities.

Sorry if this disappoints you, but I can only do this by being truthful -even if it lets you down and makes me look foolish. The process of issuing detailed, specific prophecy about important events —especially from visions—-is sometimes difficult.

Dreams & visions are the easiest prophetic experiences to mess up. This is because they usually do not convey direct, explciit messages about things to come.

Instead, they supply shifty, picture or word clues that someone must interpret & organize to arrive at an intelligible prophetic message. And this interpreting process is fraught with the danger of coming to a wrong conclusion about what a vision or dream image/scene means. You can get better at interpreting, as you increase in hearing His voice, but the danger of misinterpreting a vision never really goes away completely.

That is part of the reason I am retreating. The recent predictions of a NYC DJT hit location have come predominantly from various clues in dreams and visions.

But during the last week, I have been troubled by conflicting visions and not as confident as I should be. There is/has been an inner burden & lack of peace that is a red flag.

This is very different from the high degree of confidence I have in the 2024 election words (which by the way, were not from visions but from word -for -word hearing/prophecy).

Anyway, Id rather tell you now (before any DJT NY events occur) about my doubts about predictions of the exact DJT hit location, than try to explain later.

Again, I understand if this disappoints or frustrates you and I am sorry for that. But it would be irresponsible for me not to share my concerns, so you can adjust your prophetic expectations & prayers.

There is a stadium/arena assassination attempt coming, but I cannot prophesy the location right now with certainty.


4 months ago

?”Christus Victor” New worship song released yesterday, 10/24/24

4 months ago

If you see another prophet prophesying or (trying to prophesy) the exact geographical location of the next attempt(s) on DJT, let me know. I dont follow others regularly.

4 months, 1 week ago

“A mighty warship will spring a leak. So I am sinking the enemys plans.”

Heard that in my sleep.

4 months, 1 week ago

I slept good last night, ? so on a bit of a roll. Probably longer word posted later. Thanks for prayers.

4 months, 1 week ago

When your friends and family are surprised by what happens or does not happen election night, and you see it beginning to unfold just like the Lord said here ?months ago, they are welcome here for the rest of the ride.

Also, you who bailed out (or will do so) because you got tiggered by this post or that one: when you see the election night predictions here are more accurate than any news media or social media influencer, or other prophet, youre welcome back for the rest of the ride. Its gonna be an extended and wild one.

4 months, 2 weeks ago
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