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Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago
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Last updated 5 months, 1 week ago
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Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago
I sit here after having watched the movie Oppenheimer and I cannot help but reflect on the current situation in Gaza and the apparent genocide underway there and I must say it has me feeling a type of way.
How is it that as a species humanity so easily diminishs becomes expendable with not a qualm felt.
Who the fk are you to be condoning the taking of so many lives? You, who lives in comfort, having never even killed your own meat so could not possibly comprehend the taking of it.
As I watch the Palestine slaughter rage and I hear imbeciles attempt to defend the actions of Israel and condemn Hamas, a Mossad arm of Israel, I find myself in awe at the lack of honour humanity demonstrates as they make up excuses for the murdering of a people.
Did you forget what Israel did to its people during the vaccine rollout? As we have witnessed a flip within maoridom re the government rollout here so we are witnessing the same flip on Israel from anti zionism to pro.
I thought I had seen everything with the vaccine roll out and the majority of humanity (the majority that's now ill or dead) that mindlessly enabled the enforcement of it...but I have been proven wrong.
Is it so hard to uphold our duty of care to humanity, our duty of care to those younger generations?
We have stories here of peoples being annihilated, walked off a cliff in one instance...where was the voice in the crowd to say No, enough is enough!? Where was the fight to save the living?
Where was the fight to protect the uri, the bloodline and keep their mauri/life force alive?
When did it become common place to converse on the extinction of a people!?
Robert Oppenheimer was called the Destroyer of Worlds by Time magazine for creating the Atomic Bomb a weapon that was used to annihilate what became "casualties of war" and a weapon that remains an ever present threat of the power hungry. On several occasions he could have listened to intuition and chosen life but unfortunately he did not and so as society displayed a certain level of intelligence by creating such a weapon thus society displayed a lack of intelligence by creating such a weapon.
We must fight for the living as we yet again are witness to humanity undressed. We have a duty of care to protect one another and I would hope that should my people need help that the world would stand for them also...
Chat: The Rebel Papillon (Dana Lee)
The Beast System
A Palestinians Perspective
A Palestinian Perspective
Alec chats with Ihsan Abbas about the situation between Israel and Palestine. Next week, Alec will chat with former IDF soldier, Efrat Fenigson, on her perspective. Support The Way Forward and Alec's work: FIND YOUR PEOPLE!…
Yes, im weighing in on this topic.
If you have followed me long enough you will know how I feel about this government and the political system with which the majority of this country allow themselves to be ruled by. I'm totally opposed to a centralized power and I am absolutely opposed to the political parties we have been presented with year after year.
National, Labour, Maori Party, Greens, Act are NOT for you. They have proven, especially over the past few years, that they do not have our nation's best interests at if you're going to vote, my recommendation is you vote for those who have been fighting for the people throughout covid, as they are the ones who didn't buy what the nz government sold to many of you. They remained critical in their thinking and did not follow the group think that predictably proved to be detrimental to our nation.
Being from Muriwhenua, born and bred, a direct descendant of Te rau karora, one of Ngati Kuri's last fighting chiefs, and his first wife Turaupototo and a direct descendant of a people who were here before the migratory waka arrived, I personally want to see someone take our northern electorate who does have a history of on the ground mahi for the common man and woman. Someone who is staunch in his/her stand and remains fearless in the face of if you insist on voting fk the rest and vote Michael Feyen in for Northland.
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So there's no independent media anymore?
If you're in the north come check out Kai Fest on Sat, September 30th at the Mara Tui and hub space kerikeri.
Great chance to connect and lots of opportunities to learn...and eat! Everyone welcome young and old! ?
Logic is transphobic...
Community chat:
Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
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ℹ️ Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat
Last updated 5 months, 1 week ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago