Telegram stands for freedom and privacy and has many easy to use features.
Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago
Sharing my thoughts, discussing my projects, and traveling the world.
Contact: @borz
Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago
Official Graph Messenger (Telegraph) Channel
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Last updated 7 months, 1 week ago
void logToFile(const char format, ...) {
FILE logFile = fopen("/sdcard/hook_log.txt", "a");
if (logFile == NULL) return;
va\_list args;
va\_start(args, format);
vfprintf(logFile, format, args);
fprintf(logFile, "\n");
?Function to write logs to a file
In Non-Root Devices.
Share with Credits:- @Apex_Cheats
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If you are not using original function pointers in your Hooks then you can also use via tools instead of Macros.
Below one is an example code of how you can implement it without errors.
size_t hook_strlen(const char *s) {
if (strstr(s, "eglswap")) {
return 0;
return strlen(s);
void setupHooks() {
// Offsets for hooking
uintptr\_t offset1 = 0xadd3130;
uintptr\_t offset2 = 0xA7CC660;
// Target addresses
void* targetAddress1 = (void*)(UE4 + offset1);
void* targetAddress2 = (void*)(UE4 + offset2);
// Original function pointers
void* origFunction1 = nullptr;
void* origFunction2 = nullptr;
// Set up hooks
Tools::Hook(targetAddress1, (void*)hook\_strlen, &origFunction1);
Tools::Hook(targetAddress2, (void*)hook\_strlen, &origFunction2);
Share with Credits:- @Apex_Cheats
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Source Available for PUBGM( GL, KR VN, TW )
Internal Imgui Source
No need to use Any Bypass.
Support :- Esp only
#include // standard input and Output #include // For Memory Management and Smart Pointers like unique_ptr #include // For exception handling #include // using the thread functionality and sleep #include…
`#include // standard input and Output
#include // For Memory Management and Smart Pointers like unique_ptr
#include // For exception handling
#include // using the thread functionality and sleep
#include // using the chrono::seconds and duration for time based operations
using namespace std;
// Function to get character input from user.
unique_ptr < char >get_input()
auto input = make_unique < char >();
cout << "Enter any Character or Press 'q' to quit the Program" << endl;
// Dereference to store input in unique_ptr
cin >> *input;
// checking if the user input is invalid or more than 1 char
if ( || cin.get() != '\n')
cin.clear(); // Clear the Error
cin.ignore(1000, '\n'); // ignore the 1000 characters & useless spaces or lines
throw runtime_error("Invalid Input : Please Enter a Valid Input or Add only 1 Character");
return input; // return to the smart pointer (unique_ptr) again to get the correct & cleaner input again
// Function to set Message and setting the duration to sleep the program
void SetMessage_andTime(unique_ptr < string > message, int duration)
cout << *message << endl; // Display the message using unique_ptr(Pointer)
// to sleep the program
int main()
while (true)
unique_ptr < char >input = get_input();
if (input == 'q')
auto text1 = make_unique < string > ("Exiting Program...\n");
auto text2 = make_unique < string > ("Please wait...\n");
SetMessage_andTime(move(text1), 3);
SetMessage_andTime(move(text2), 2);
cout << "See You Again" << endl;
cout << "The ASCII Value of " << input << "is:" << static_cast <
int >(*input) << endl;
catch(const runtime_error & e)
cout << e.what() << endl; // Displaying the error using e Parameter (Variable)
return 0;
➡️BGMI SIGN KILL - 3.3.0
✔️Architecture :- 32 Bit*✔️*No Need Crash Fixer*✔️*Support :- Android 9 to 14*✔️*Multi Dex*✔️*Support Both Imgui & Java
?Only For Modders / Developers
✅ Share With Channel Credits
Else You are the son of a bitch.
Mine And Earn While Playing ?
Telegram and Twitter Verified ✅
BGMI 3.2 64 BIT
LOADED UE4 ( Original)
Only for developers.
Zip Password :-@``SAF_MOD_VIP
By:- @Apex_Cheats
VNG - 64 bit ( UE4)
All subs and pseducodes *✅ *Only for devlopers ✅
Decompiled in C++ ✅
Zip Password :-
By :- @Apex_Cheats
PUBG LITE - x32 bit ( 0.27.0 )
CalcShootRot ( Offset Based)
✅ I have added detailed summarisation about Everyrhing that needs to be added..
Any beginner can also add in his source easily.
Zip password :-
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Telegram stands for freedom and privacy and has many easy to use features.
Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago
Sharing my thoughts, discussing my projects, and traveling the world.
Contact: @borz
Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago
Official Graph Messenger (Telegraph) Channel
Download from Google Play Store:
Last updated 7 months, 1 week ago