Nebraska Nationalists

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Агент Михаил @qsshg9 inst
@chigusha [email protected]

ВК -
inst - @yage_mudriy

7 months ago
In an age where the vast …

In an age where the vast majority of Americans believe the current political system is broken beyond repair, a new nationalist group has emerged to rally a marginalized White community under a new banner.

Meet the Nationalist Coalition—or NAT-CO, for short—which seeks to peacefully "build a nation within a nation" and foster the integrity, posterity, and security of America's waning White majority.

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7 months, 1 week ago
**Nationalist Coalition principle 7:

Nationalist Coalition principle 7:
Secure the border, restrict immigration, and begin mass deportation.

When we import the third world, we become the third world. No more waiting, the millions of foreign aliens that have abandoned their homelands must be deported back to their countries of origin en-masse. The borders of this country must be secured and locked down on the land, in the air, and in the sea. We demand a repeal of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 and to return to the immigration standards that made this nation the envy of the third world, rather than a mirror image of it. A White majority must be secured in perpetuity.

7 months, 1 week ago

The Time is Now.

7 months, 1 week ago
**For the posterity of our people.

**For the posterity of our people.

For the integrity of our nation.

For the security of our way of life.**

Let's build something new.

7 months, 1 week ago
Nebraska Nationalists
7 months, 1 week ago
Nebraska Nationalists
9 months, 1 week ago
The number of immigrants in the …

The number of immigrants in the United States has increased 5 fold since 1970, 2.5X since 1990, & 65% since 2000. As a share of population,even in 1890 (14.8%) & 1910 (14.7%) during the “Great Wave” of immigration, the foreign-born were a smaller proportion of the population than today (15.5%, the highest ever reported in any U.S. Census or survey).

9 months, 2 weeks ago

As with anything that comes out of "Black History" there is definitely a lot of gray area in this story. As her story goes, Her parents bought a house in the Stop Six neighborhood, and as they moved in, a mob of 500 "racist whites" came and smashed the windows, broke in, dragged all the furniture out of the house and destroyed it, ultimately running her family out of town. Opal was 12 at the time, and as the mob closed in on them, her parents sent her to stay with a friend down the street. After the mayhem, the entire family left town, and her "God-fearing, praying parents worked extremely hard and they bought another home,” she said. “It didn’t stop them. They didn’t get angry and get frustrated, they simply knew that we had to have a place to stay and they got busy finding one for us.”

Today, Stop Six is essentially a war zone. "With an unemployment rate two-and-a-half times the city average, 78 percent of the population categorized as low-to-moderate income, and a crime rate where 65 per 1,000 people are victims of crime." Millions of dollars have been poured into Stop Six over the years, to no avail. It still routinely comes up on lists of "areas of DFW to avoid".

Stop Six is designated an "Historic African American Community". As of the 2020 census, Stop Six is only 2.2% white. So if Opal's childhood story is correct, despite there being no historical records of it, that would indicate that Stop Six was, at one time, not only predominately white, but predominately White racialists, opposed to Black integration.

Two things are at play here, one— if the neighborhood was, indeed, predominately white in the 1930s, and only 2.2% white today, that is population replacement, and if you look at the crime rates today, and the absolute destruction of the neighborhood, then the 500 "white racists" were correct in running the sole black family out of town. But the second thing— if the neighborhood is "historically black", and if you do the google searches, history has erased any mention of there ever being a white population here, then Opal's story can't be true. I mean either way, the story probably isn't true. But if the neighborhood was always black, as the current historical record suggests, then where did the 500 "white racists" come from? It is an absurdity.

It is important to remember, when you're driving through Houston, or Dallas, or Fort Worth, that these crime ridden husks of society masquerading as "Vibrant and proud black communities" were likely once quiet, clean, white neighborhoods now destroyed by black integration. After all, at one time, not that long ago, Compton was a nice,quiet, white community that also didn't take well to blacks moving in. The residents of white Compton are historically maligned as monsters standing in the way of "progress", but were they wrong? Of course not. Compton is now, and has been for a while, a national disgrace.

Opal Lee's story is probably not true. It certainly isn't even coherent with the accepted narrative of the Stop Six neighborhood's historical blackness. But let's say the story is true— were those 500 White Texans wrong?

AP News

85 years after a racist mob drove Opal Lee's family away, she's getting a new home on the same spot

When Opal Lee was 12, a racist mob, angered that a Black family had moved in, drove her family out of their Texas home.

As with anything that comes out of "Black History" there is definitely a lot of gray area in this story. …
10 months ago

In an assembly full of corrupt, self-serving charlatans, Kyrsten Sinema stands out as one of the least principled, most mercenary, most brazenly for sale to the highest bidder.

Now she's cashing in her chips and going home... it's been a prosperous run for her. This country is a joke.


Sinema announces she won't run for reelection

"I believe in my approach. But it's not what America wants right now," The independent Arizonan said in a video address posted to social media.

In an assembly full of corrupt, self-serving charlatans, Kyrsten Sinema stands out as one of the least principled, most mercenary, …
10 months, 3 weeks ago

??‍♂️ no one could have seen this coming

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Агент Михаил @qsshg9 inst
@chigusha [email protected]

ВК -
inst - @yage_mudriy