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FYI: Isa is simply Arabic for Jesus
Therefore, this Chechen mosque's name can be translated into Prophet Jesus Mosque.
Meanwhile, "Christian" Zionists in America are tripping over themselves to please a group of people who think Jesus is burning in hell in a vat of boiling excrement. ?? You will never find a place called "Jesus Synagogue" ?
?? Iranian parliament approves cabinet of President Pezeshkian The most critical ministries for the forward advancement of the Islamic Revolution's noble values are within the ministries of culture, family/women, economy/finance, and foreign affairs. We…
?? Iranian parliament approves cabinet of President Pezeshkian
The most critical ministries for the forward advancement of the Islamic Revolution's noble values are within the ministries of culture, family/women, economy/finance, and foreign affairs.
We don't know much about the backgrounds of those selected for culture and family, but it is important that the philosophy of liberalism, which is centered around worshiping the self, moral relativism (no delineation between truth and falsehood; instead "my truth" and "your truth" are equal), and serving our lowly animalistic desires, is combatted and stopped. This mental virus has spread around the world due to the US and Europe's soft power, and exists even within Iran among some misguided youth who prefer hedonism, vanity, and self-centeredness, instead of developing morals, intelligence, and self-sacrifice. This is partnered with the family institution, since it is a God-centric family who embodies the values of Islam (rather than those who just wear Islam as a nametag but do not act properly in the home environment, negatively affecting the children's character). These two ministries must partner together to avoid the social and moral decay that comes about from liberal values and the destruction of the family. They must resist the UN 2030 agenda, otherwise the culture of resistance that gives a popular support base and manpower to the IRGC, various Islamic cultural/artistic institutions, and more will dry up over time as people pursue vice, vanity, and selfishness. Additionally, Russian-style pro-natal policies which give economic benefits to large families should be implemented. Following the anti-human, Malthusian degrowth agenda of the Satanic elites who want us to have few (if any) children is contrary to the values of the Revolution and to the advice of the Leader who, echoing the Prophet Muhammad (S), said that we should make a culture of having many children. Japan, South Korea, and other nations face economic downgrades due to population decline, and Iran is not immune to this.
In economy/finance, unfortunately the wealthy robber baron Abdolnasser Hemmati was selected. He was the previous central bank head under former president Fereydoun ("Rouhani"), who ruined the Iranian economy and made the rich richer at the expense of the poor. This man does not value the Islamic Revolution and would sell it in a heartbeat if he could. If the economic works of Islamic Revolution ideologues such as Imam Musa Sadr, Martyr Ayatollah Baqir as-Sadr, and Martyr Ayatollah Taleghani were dropped on Hemmati's desk, he'd be bellowing in laughter and call it silly stuff. While we hope for the economic condition of Iran to improve, even if a "reformist" takes credit for it, 2+2=4 and neoliberalism=destruction of the poor. It's a standard and predictable equation.
It used to be that an Iranian woman couldn't suffer from a health issue without the Zionist media lying that their hospitalization or death was due to hijab and not their illness.
Now an Iranian woman cannot even be a simple criminal who gets stopped by the police without the Zionist media blaming it on hijab.
Iranian women are not safe from the slander and exploitation of the Zionist media's fake news psyops.
Interesting history about Shimr, the accursed killer of Imam Hussain (as).
In order to show off and boast about his so-called religiosity, Shimr would perform the night prayer, which is not obligatory in Islam, for many years. Meanwhile, the camp of Imam Hussain had people who had only converted to Islam a few weeks or months prior, such as Wahab. Time does not equal seniority in Islam.
Rahyafte (The Guided Ones)
***👤*** Tweet by Professor #Raefi\_Pour ***✍*** The "Tallis" or "Tallit" in Hebrew טלית, is a large garment that Jews drape over their shoulders or head during prayer (tefilah). It’s different from an 'aba (cloak). ***🔹*** The small cube (tefillin for the head) and the leather…
Usury-eating banker responsible for Iran's economic problems, Abdolnasser Hemmati, nominated for the ministry responsible for economy and finance.
We want this administration to perform well genuinely speaking, for the best interests of Iranians and Muslims around the world. To do so, banker criminals should not be given ministerial positions. Usury is a war against God and a jail cell is more fitting for banker criminals than a seat at the government of Islam for which countless martyrs have shed their blood. The solution to the problems created by neoliberal capitalism is not more neoliberal capitalism.
Fotros Resistance (AryJeay)
***🇮🇷*** The list of proposed ministers of Pezeshkian’s government: • Alireza Kazemi; Ministry of Education • Sattar Hashemi; Ministry of Communication & Information Technology • Hojjat al-Islam Seyed Ismail Khatib; Ministry of Information • Abdul Naser Hemmati;…
We have some original content on the backburner, due to the fact that I just became a father a week ago, alhamdulillah.
Will resume soon, inshaAllah.
They are cancerous.
They always have been and always will be.…
? Health Disobedience The Ministry of Health is one of those entities that, despite changes in government, remains unchanged, continuing the same deviant health measures of the previous administration! The most significant of these actions is the importation…
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Last updated 5 months, 4 weeks ago
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
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