Flat Earth Electromagnetism

Unlock the mystical secrets of vibrations, frequencies, and energy as we explore the enigmatic paths of Flat Earth. Join us on a journey to uncover hidden truths!
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1 month, 3 weeks ago

Justice, Goodness, and Evil
A boundary we must not cross

Evil prevails when virtue is inactive. In the "Book of Veles," we find a sentence that warns us: "Reckless return of good for evil can sometimes be worse than returning evil for good." This thought highlights the danger of unconditional goodness and emphasizes the importance of justice.

Today, in society, we often encounter the idea that goodness should be absolute and forgiving. Kindness, which goes beyond reason and becomes indulgence toward evil, can be a great sin. Goodness and good are not the same. Goodness requires active engagement – recognizing evil and responding to it with justice.

Is it possible to remain kind to someone who continuously does harm? Should we forgive without measure and allow someone to cause pain to others with impunity? Unfortunately, some believe that the fight against evil should be left to God, while they passively observe injustice. This idea, often present in Christian teachings like the commandment "Love your enemy," raises the question – who truly benefits from such a command?

Justice is the only correct response to evil. Good should be met with good, but toward evil, we must not be blind or silent. Justice is not vengeance, but the protection of virtue and humanity.

Let us reflect on this – where is the boundary between goodness and weakness? Is justice the key to maintaining balance in the world?

3 months, 3 weeks ago

Deism is a philosophical approach based on the belief in the existence of God, but without the obligation to adhere to any traditional religion. Deists believe that God is the creator of the world, who established natural laws and principles but does not directly intervene in everyday human life. This view of religion rejects the idea of divine intervention through miracles, holy scriptures, or supernatural manifestations, such as those found in religious texts.

For deists, faith in God is not tied to specific rituals, ceremonies, or dogmas prescribed by organized religions. Instead, the emphasis is on a rational approach to nature and the world. Deists believe that the natural world – with all its laws, harmony, and perfection – is evidence of the existence of a divine creator. Through observation of the world, science, and the use of reason, people can come to understand God and His nature.

This perspective became particularly significant during the Enlightenment, a period that emphasized reason and critical thinking over religious dogmas. Deism was often a response to authoritarian religious institutions and their claims to exclusive access to divine truth. Instead, deists believed that every individual is capable of independently understanding the divine through natural laws and the moral law within each person.

Deism does not demand blind belief in dogmas but encourages individuals to use their rationality and critical thinking to shape their faith. In this sense, deism is closely related to agnosticism in terms of discovering God, as it starts from the idea that we cannot fully comprehend God but that we can understand His essence and existence through observing the world.

Today, although deism is not a dominant movement, many still embrace its emphasis on reason, nature, and ethics, rejecting dogmatic religious views. For deists, faith in God is not associated with rituals, dogmas, or institutional religions but with personal reason and experience, free from anything that could limit individual freedom of thought and spiritual development.

4 months, 1 week ago

It is in vain to simply pray to the heavens for enlightenment when the key to true knowledge is actually hidden deep within you. There is a fine, unbroken line that connects our inner being to the universe, and it does not depend on how many hands we raise in prayer or how many candles we light before sacred icons. Instead, this line strengthens when we understand ourselves, when we look deeper into our own mind, heart, and soul.

The spiritual path often leads us to places where we feel powerless, where it seems that the only hope lies in the hands of gods or within the sanctuary of temples. But such faith in external powers often strips us of the responsibility for our own development. Do we truly believe that someone or something outside of us will lead us to enlightenment without our own effort? Is it enough to place our hopes in the hands of the gods and expect them to guide us along the path of knowledge without our genuine desire to change and learn?

Enlightenment is not a reward that comes from faith in external symbols. It is a process built step by step, through experience, introspection, and effort. The gods, idols, and forces of nature may all be there to remind us of what we carry within ourselves, to light the path, but not to walk it for us.

The temple is within you, the light is within you. When you realize this, each step becomes sacred, each thought a prayer, and each experience an enlightenment.

4 months, 1 week ago

The True Swastika: A Symbol of Stability, Light, and Harmony

The true swastika, far removed from the aggressive version adopted by the Nazis, appears in many ancient cultures in its original form – straight, calm, and without any forced energy. This symbol is most commonly displayed with angles set at 90 degrees, oriented flat, with stable and balanced lines. The true swastika, as it has been drawn for centuries by Hindus, Buddhists, ancient Slavs, and other cultures, has no need for a 45-degree rotation or any imposed distortion. It radiates stability and inner peace.

Each angle of the true swastika exudes calmness, with no signs of tension or an attempt to dominate space. It’s a symbol that attracts attention with its simplicity and universal message of prosperity and protection. It is often used in sacred spaces and mandalas precisely because of the peaceful, balanced energy it conveys.

Unlike the Nazi version, the true swastika isn’t aggressive, nor does it convey a sense of tension or attack. Instead, it acts as a symbol providing stability and security, like deep roots in the earth. Its energy isn’t meant to impose or penetrate; it is there to soothe and support, reflecting a connection to nature, the cosmos, and the cycles of life.

In its original form, the swastika symbolizes light and harmony without the need to "force" its way into space.

4 months, 2 weeks ago

Duality in Life: The Balance of Good and Evil

Throughout the ages, people have always sought to understand the essence of the world around us, questioning why there is so much contrast and opposition. From ancient philosophers to modern thinkers, the duality of the world— the opposition between light and darkness, good and evil—has become one of the greatest questions shaping our view of life.

Duality is rooted in the very nature of existence. Everywhere around us, there are opposites that together create perfect harmony. Just as day cannot exist without night, joy would have no meaning without sorrow, nor would peace hold value without chaos. Everything we experience and feel carries within it a seed of its opposite, and each emotion or experience has its counterpart, reminding us that one cannot exist without the other.

Light and Darkness: Fire That Refreshes and Burns

At first glance, light is what illuminates the path, brings clarity, and life, while darkness often symbolizes the unknown and frightening. However, darkness has its purpose. It’s a space for introspection, where we discover parts of ourselves hidden in the light of day. When we recognize the dark aspects within ourselves, we become more aware and capable of growth. Likewise, light can become dangerous if it’s too intense—too much fire can burn down what we’ve built. Therefore, light and darkness work in tandem, keeping us in balance.

Good and Evil: The Moral Game of Opposites

Similarly, good and evil are not absolute categories but part of an endless web of our choices and circumstances. When viewed through the lens of duality, we realize that the best moments in life often emerge from the most challenging periods. When we experience loss or pain, we value love and peace much more deeply. Without challenges, we wouldn’t grow, and without suffering, happiness would lose its shine.

The duality of good and evil is brilliantly illustrated in the world of Avatar: The Legend of Korra, through the eternal struggle between Raava, the spirit of light and harmony, and Vaatu, the spirit of darkness and chaos. Every ten thousand years, when evil becomes too powerful and disrupts balance, Raava confronts Vaatu in an epic battle. This cycle reminds us that neither side can dominate forever—one cannot exist without the other. Whenever Vaatu gains strength and the world sinks into chaos, Raava fights to restore balance. For Korra, the Avatar, Raava helps maintain balance through this eternal struggle between good and evil. Their union within the Avatar’s body symbolizes harmony, reminding us that light and darkness are parts of a greater whole.

Through this aspect of the story, Avatar reminds us of a simple truth—that everything in our lives is interconnected in opposites that give meaning to each other. Just as Raava and Vaatu bring stability to the world through their eternal struggle, so too do we carry within us the contrasts of good and evil, light and darkness. Our task is not to reject one side to cling to the other, but to recognize both sides and understand their value. When we find space within ourselves to embrace both light and darkness, joy and sorrow, we open the path to deeper understanding and create true balance within ourselves.

4 months, 3 weeks ago
4 months, 3 weeks ago

I have finished explaining all the key topics related to my channel. I have gone through all aspects, and I believe I have covered everything I planned. Since I don’t have anything new to add in this area, I’m thinking about possibly moving on to other topics. Besides the topic of the Flat Earth, I am also interested in folklore, paranormal activities, and religion, but I wonder if I should do that on this Flat Earth channel. I want to explore new ideas and re-engage my audience. What do you think? Would it be useful for me to explore other topics.

5 months ago

How Tesla and Electromagnetism Led Me to Flat Earth

Nikola Tesla, the genius behind many discoveries in the field of electromagnetism, always spoke of the universe as a place connected by energy and vibrations. Tesla believed that frequencies and electromagnetic fields were key to understanding the nature of reality. It was through his thinking and research that I began to question the world around me, including our understanding of Earth.

By studying Tesla’s principles, I realized how present electromagnetic fields are all around us and how they influence everything—from light and matter to our everyday experiences. Electromagnetism is not just a physical phenomenon; it deeply impacts the way we understand the nature of energy and space. Through his work on toroidal energy and vibrations, it became clear to me that Tesla wasn’t just talking about technology, but the very essence of the universe.

This is when I began to understand how Earth fits into this energetic model. The toroidal structure that describes electromagnetic fields can be connected to the idea of a Flat Earth. Our planet, viewed through this electromagnetic torus, functions as a dielectric plane, where the Sun and the Moon are polarized sources of energy, similar to the positive and negative poles of a giant system. This also explains many natural phenomena—from the movement of waters to other natural occurrences—that behave as part of this dynamic electromagnetic flow.

Through Tesla’s vision of electromagnetism, I arrived at the Flat Earth, where everything is connected by energy, and our world operates like a massive battery. Tesla taught us to question established beliefs and seek deeper answers in the laws of nature. It is these laws, combined with Tesla’s research, that opened my eyes and led me to a new understanding of the world we live in.

5 months, 1 week ago

The Bible and Orwell's 1984 – Two Sides of the Same Coin?

I’ve often encountered the claim that the Bible is a holy book because the events described in it are happening in reality. People frequently use this as proof of the Bible’s divine origin, saying that what we see in the world confirms its sanctity. But let’s pause and think – does the fact that something happens in reality automatically mean the book is holy and of divine origin?

If we take Orwell’s 1984 as an example, we see that many things from that book have come true or are happening today – mass surveillance, control of information, manipulation through propaganda, and even the idea of perpetual wars. By that logic, could we then say that George Orwell was a divine being, a prophet, or even a god? Of course not. He was simply a man with a deep understanding of social and political mechanisms, which allowed him to write a book that seems prophetic. But the fact that his descriptions of the world have come true does not make him holy.

What if the same is true for the Bible? What if the people who wrote the Bible were those who already knew how the world works, those who shaped society with their laws, rules, and stories? Perhaps they were already aware of the power of manipulation through faith and text. After all, the Bible was written by people – people with their own interests, worldviews, and desire for control.

If we look at the world today, we can easily see the parallels. Those in power today use the same tools – manipulating the masses, controlling information, creating false narratives to maintain their positions of power. They shape the stories we are supposed to believe, just as perhaps those who wrote the Bible did. This raises the question: are these texts truly divine, or are they simply tools of power used by the same kind of people who, thousands of years later, still sit at the top of the pyramid?

Many events in the Bible can also be interpreted as political and social strategies. For example, myths about the flood or the battle between good and evil can serve as metaphors for controlling the population through fear and obedience. In 1984, Orwell reminds us how important it is who writes history and how it is interpreted. The same can be said for the Bible – it is history written by the victors, those who dictated the rules of the game.

So, if events from the Bible are happening in reality, that doesn’t necessarily mean they are from God. Maybe it just means that people have been carrying out a plan they designed themselves for centuries, guiding the masses through stories and symbols that keep them in submission. Gods, prophets, myths – they are all tools in the hands of those who rule. And while we believe we are part of something greater, maybe we are just pawns in a game that began many centuries ago.

Perhaps it’s time to wake up and recognize this game. To realize that holiness doesn’t come from books written by people with an agenda, but from our own understanding, inner wisdom, and ability to ask questions. Because in the end, mind control doesn’t come only through physical chains, but also through the words, ideas, and stories we are fed. If we can recognize this in 1984, why not apply the same to the Bible?

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