Al Walaā Wal Baraā

“Muḥammad is the messenger of Allāh, those who are with him are harsh with the Kuffar and are merciful with one another”
[Qurān, Surah al-Fatḥ, Ayah 29]
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1 year, 1 month ago
What is al-Walāʾ wal-Barāʾ al-Walāʾ wal-Barāʾ …

What is al-Walāʾ wal-Barāʾ al-Walāʾ wal-Barāʾ is to hate and love for the sake of Allāh (ﷻ), we love Tawḥīd and we hate and reject Shirk in all of its forms, we also love the people of Tawḥīd and we hate the people of shirk Allāh (ﷻ) said; مُّحَمَّدٌۭ…

1 year, 1 month ago

قال ابن القيم رحمه الله:

وما نجا من شَرَكِ (١) هذا الشِّرك الأكبر إلّا من جرَّد توحيده لله، وعادى المشركين في الله، وتقرَّب بمقتهم إلى الله

كتاب مدارج السالكين ص١ ج٥٣٤

Imam Ibn Al-Qayyim رحمه الله said:

"And no one escaped from this Shirk, this Major shirk except those who purified there Tawhīd in Allāh, and showed hostility to the Mushrikeen for Allāh, and became closer to Allah with this hostility."

Madārij Al-Sākilīn Vol. 1, Pg. 534

1 year, 1 month ago

Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab رحمه الله said:

"The obligation upon the man to teach his children and his household Al-wala wal-baraa, is greater than (his obligation of) teaching them Wudhu and prayer."

["Majmu'ah Mu'allafat ash-Shaykh" 322/323]

1 year, 1 month ago
Shaykh ʿAbdur-Rahmān ibn Hasan an-Najdī (رحمه …

Shaykh ʿAbdur-Rahmān ibn Hasan an-Najdī (رحمه الله) said:

‎"The third type: Whoever knows Tawhīd, loves it, and acts upon it, and knows Shirk, and abandons it, but hates those who enter into Tawhīd, and loves those who remain upon Shirk, then this one is also a Kāfir, as it is in the saying of the Almighty: «That is because they hated what Allāh has revealed, so He nullified their deeds» [Muhammad: 9]."

[Ad-Durar as-Sanīyyah, Vol. 11, Pg. 318]

1 year, 1 month ago
Shaykh ʿAbdur-Rahmān ibn Hasan an-Najdī (رحمه …

Shaykh ʿAbdur-Rahmān ibn Hasan an-Najdī (رحمه الله) said:

"The scholars of the Salaf and Khalaf, amongst the Sahābah, Tābiʿīn, the Imāms and all of Ahl as-Sunnah have unanimously agreed that a person cannot be a Muslim except by freeing himself from Shirk al-Akbar, and making Barāʾah (disavowing) from it and those who commit it."

[Ad-Durar as-Sanīyyah, Vol. 11, Pg. 545]

1 year, 1 month ago
Al Walaā Wal Baraā
1 year, 1 month ago
The Prophet (ﷺ), when asked what …

The Prophet (ﷺ), when asked what to recite before sleep, replied:

"Recite before your sleep: {قُلْ يَـٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلْكَـٰفِرُونَ} (Say: O disbelievers) [al-Kāfirūn], he said: Then sleep at it’s end, indeed it is disassociation (barā’ah) from shirk."

[Musnad Aḥmad, no. 23807]

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