Leftist Lasagna

dragons burn cop cars, witches hex the state
kobolds say trans rights, the oppressed retaliate

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2 Monate her
Murdering tens of thousands of civilians, …

Murdering tens of thousands of civilians, most of them women and children. Rendering 1.7 million more homeless. Commanding the refugees to crowd into tents in a designated “humanitarian zone,” then bombing it, killing dozens at a time. The Israeli government has done all of these things on purpose.

Think how many more Palestinians the Israeli military might have already slaughtered if not for the pressure brought to bear against them, chiefly as the result of grassroots protests. This is why we have to keep organizing and taking action in solidarity with Palestinians. If we let this kind of brutality become normalized, the future will be unthinkably bloody.


2 Monate, 3 Wochen her

How Anarchy Works


How Anarchy Works

Anarchism is the political philosophy and practice that opposes all hierarchies along with their “justifying” dogmas and proposes the unending pursuit of anarchy, where free association, self-determination, and mutual aid form the basis of our society. But…

3 Monate her

"I hate ~~communism~~ [state capitalism] because it is the negation of liberty and because for me humanity is unthinkable without liberty.

I am not a ~~communist~~ [state capitalist], because ~~communism~~ [state capitalism] concentrates and swallows up in itself for the benefit of the state all the forces of society, because it inevitably leads to the concentration of property in the hands of the state."

— Mikhail Bakunin

note: by "communism" here mike means state capitalism or statist socialism or authoritarian leftism. max stirner also refers to it as communism as does ambedkar, but they did not actually oppose communism, instead they were against communists who weren't necessarily clear nor correct about what needs to be done, and who had authoritarian ideas about bringing about social change.

many well-meaning critics of "communism" actually mean to criticize statist forms of socialism with their point of reference often being the USSR or Maoist China. many foresaw the bankruptcy of statist socialism before the USSR even happened. they use the word "communism" because it has long been associated with such statist projects.

remember that communism has nothing to do with any kind of hierarchical organizing, nothing to do with states, and nothing to do with marxism or leninism or maoism or stalinism etc. you don't have to be a marxist or to have even read marx to know that capitalism is terrible and why. you don't have to have heard of marx to be a communist. there isn't one particular way to dismantle capitalism and that communism is inevitable is just a superstition. anyone telling you any of this has no clue about what communism is.

communism is something we do, have done in the past, continue to unknowingly do in many spaces where we are free with each other. it is something you can do if you simply decide to–of course only to a certain extent at the moment, until we are able to fully abolish private control over the commons. it is not a system that can be imposed by a government or an enlightened political party. there is no revolution coming after which we will all be "under" communism.

5 Monate, 2 Wochen her
Human Rights Discourse Has Failed to …

Human Rights Discourse Has Failed to Stop the Genocide in Gaza


Four months into the assault on Gaza, the Israeli military has forced over a million refugees to the edge of the Egyptian border and is now bombing them while threatening to mount a ground assault against them.

In the following text, Jonathan Pollak, a longtime participant in Anarchists Against the Wall and other anti-colonial solidarity efforts, explains why we should not look to international institutions or protest movements within Israeli society to put a stop to the genocide in Gaza and calls on ordinary people to take action.

6 Monate, 1 Woche her
Leftist Lasagna
6 Monate, 1 Woche her
Today, we honor the memory of …

Today, we honor the memory of Tortuguita, who was murdered one year ago by mercenaries from the Atlanta Police and Georgia State Patrol while defending Weelaunee Forest and an inhabitable future for all of us.

Cop City represents a possible future in which ever more resources will be invested in training and militarizing massive bodies of police that will control the rest of us by brute force. For those employed in the violence industry, it represents a tremendous opportunity. The police murdered Tortuguita in order to secure the right to hoard all your tax dollars for themselves and their allies.

By contrast, Tortuguita's courageous conduct stands as an example to us all. In a time of economic desperation and catastrophic climate change, it’s up to us to show that solidarity and the desire for freedom are more powerful than selfishness and the readiness to obey.



7 Monate her
Leftist Lasagna
7 Monate, 2 Wochen her
damn bro really owned those anarkkkiddies …

damn bro really owned those anarkkkiddies with this one

8 Monate her
8 Monate her
Leftist Lasagna
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