♥ the bèaute lace ↓ a radiates possesses
th' appeal and charisma lassy ⊹ ? ed.
? beloved, @list_lagu ✿ signed by b
₍ᐢ..ᐢ₎ .. ??
Last updated 6 Monate, 3 Wochen her
??.. / ( 90’s” RAPCH BINTANG) ;
| owned by ; @wbintang (kritik lgsg rc)
| custom ; @customneeds
| proof ; t.me/WordingBintang/5596
| archive rant : t.me/botangs
| credit : t.me/creditbintang
ⓘ. Part of @wordingbintang.
Last updated 2 Monate her
ucap adm yg kangen poler
kapoler ga mati kapoler Masi idup di hati gua
gajadi opmemb ????
????? ?? @predamage and 9.090.209others
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1 minutes ago • ??? ???????????
⌂ ⌕ ? ♡
ily ler
amorousness lassie solemn.. ? “we,
fondly wrote hellenic laurel.” endows
charm ough mirth nor myth entwined
? ⁺ .. it's all begin ( i. instill sonnet goddess
@pamohaybot | encapsulate an allure's
love, @offcmohay @offcpahay
dan kami abis melakukan pembersihan jadi tolong bagi yang di kick dari base mohon lepas atb terimakasih
♥ the bèaute lace ↓ a radiates possesses
th' appeal and charisma lassy ⊹ ? ed.
? beloved, @list_lagu ✿ signed by b
₍ᐢ..ᐢ₎ .. ??
Last updated 6 Monate, 3 Wochen her
??.. / ( 90’s” RAPCH BINTANG) ;
| owned by ; @wbintang (kritik lgsg rc)
| custom ; @customneeds
| proof ; t.me/WordingBintang/5596
| archive rant : t.me/botangs
| credit : t.me/creditbintang
ⓘ. Part of @wordingbintang.
Last updated 2 Monate her