
Triumphant and intolerant black metal from Lynchburg, Virginia.
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7 months ago

"My fangs tear at Yggdrasil
I encircle the earth
My venom weeps upon the chastised
My fruit bears the nectar of the exiled
My heart is wildfire
My name is Malice-Striker"

A short excerpt from the new single, "The Sovereign of Emptiness". The full track is live on all streaming platforms along with a lyric video on our youtube page.

7 months, 2 weeks ago
The new single "The Sovereign of …

The new single "The Sovereign of Emptiness" is now live on multiple streaming platforms (Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon, etc).

A lyric video for the track just went live on our youtube:

7 months, 2 weeks ago
One more day until the "Sovereign …

One more day until the "Sovereign of Emptiness" single goes live... accompanied with a lyric video on our youtube channel.

9 months ago
9 months ago
On the stone above

On the stone above
this door is writ

“Sapere aude! Ardere!
Esse Quam Videri!”


10 months, 1 week ago
Il y a exactement une année, …

Il y a exactement une année, nous étions en route pour le Colorado depuis la Virginie, plus de 5000 kilomètres en 6 jours. Le prochain Pale Riders a fortement été imprégné de cette virée.
La sortie de l’album est d’ailleurs retardée; une nouvelle date sera annoncée prochainement ainsi qu’un nouvel extrait.

Exactly a year ago we were on our way to Colorado from Virginia, more than 5000 kilometres in 6 days. The new Pale Riders has been a lot impregnated of that bike trip.
Moreover, the release of the album is delayed, a new date will be announced soon as well as a new extract.


10 months, 3 weeks ago

As I embark on this rhythmic journey, I embrace the challenge of surpassing the shadow of our former drummers, forging my own rhythm with the hammer of perseverance.

Progress on the drum parts for the next album.

10 months, 4 weeks ago

Op413’s long form piece for the new Trenchocracy zine is a fiery edict and ode to the fighters of the current culture war.

It presents not simply a bleak image of the present, but legitimate, tried and tested concepts to give the reader more to hold onto than empty hopes and dreams-

Instead, it ignites a burning drive and knowledge that no matter the odds, no matter the cost, a warrior is only alive to fight, and the only reason to fight is to win.

Not to be missed.

Available now in print and digital as part of all tiers of the Trenchocracy supply drop.


11 months ago
**TRENCHOCRACY drop is now live at …

**TRENCHOCRACY drop is now live at 3 different levels of support.

We are doing our best to make things as affordable as possible for all of you by providing multiple options.

As always, thank you, and we are at your service.


Paul + Skoll,


11 months ago
To accompany the Werewolf Command sonic …

To accompany the Werewolf Command sonic propaganda comes the full Trenchocracy supply drop.

Centered around a print zine featuring an incendiary long-form piece from Op413, this release will be offered in various “tiers” to allow individuals to choose their level of support.

Full collection includes the printed zine, a 5’x5’ “AND YET” flag, embroidered patch, Trenchocracy “Action Today, Victory Tomorrow” tee and sticker.

Pre-order will go up for a small window of time later today and close down at the end of Saturday to ensure swifter acquisition and delivery of materials.

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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago

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📱 App: @Blum
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ℹ️ Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat

Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago

Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru

Last updated 2 months ago