mighty—sour. new era. <3

𐙚 .. 沮丧 • 蓝调 📬♥️
ⓘ melodic rhythmical - blue.

[..] ventured deeper darkness, stumbled
upon a cluster ╱.. 🐈🌁 radiant berries
that seemed to pulse with an
otherworldly energy | @mightyhere.
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📱 PM TG Admin


Last updated 2 months ago

The Open Network (TON) memasukkan kripto ke dalam setiap saku. Dengan membangun ekosistem Web3 dalam Messenger Telegram, TON memberikan miliaran orang kesempatan untuk memiliki identitas digital, data, dan aset mereka.

Last updated 4 days ago

‧₊˚🖇️. "Dunia emang pahit, maka nya Tuhan ciptain kamu biar ada manis manisnya".

‧₊˚🖇️. Cr All sosmed

‧₊˚🖇️. Pfp or any? @feath_bot


Last updated 3 weeks, 4 days ago

1 month, 2 weeks ago

@LeeLeeseoe 3k @mightyhere

1 month, 2 weeks ago
1 month, 3 weeks ago

@ LivwJin + @ Mackih *k

3 months, 3 weeks ago

drop angka 1 - 200 di comenst ini secara random! pas drop angka nya sertain proof kalau kamu udah sebar link bbc nya ya.

3 months, 3 weeks ago

mini giveaway by @mightysour. "telegram premium fw durasi 1 bulan untuk 1 pemenang & saldo dana 5k untuk 2 pemenang" syarat & ketentuan, subs ch @mightysour dan sebar bbc ini ke bot/ch publik kamu. close 5 april 2024.

4 months ago
4 months ago

📝 @ + as 👤 @badelr as abang 👤 @bonekj as adek 👤 @ShebnXiaoting as temen sekelas 👤 @GwCewekHaechan cewek centil 👤 @meangirlr as kakel unch 👤 @failedq as tukang paket 👤 @caabilu as adek 👤 @wizarod as tukang cilok 👤 @MitLten as bff :3 👤 @gtitar as bff…

4 months ago

📝 @ + as 👤 @badelr as abang 👤 @bonekj as adek 👤 @ShebnXiaoting as temen sekelas 👤 @GwCewekHaechan cewek centil 👤 @meangirlr as kakel unch 👤 @failedq as tukang paket 👤 @caabilu as adek 👤 @wizarod as tukang cilok 👤 @MitLten as bff :3 👤 @gtitar as bff…

4 months ago

📝 @ + as 👤 @badelr as abang 👤 @bonekj as adek 👤 @ShebnXiaoting as temen sekelas 👤 @GwCewekHaechan cewek centil 👤 @meangirlr as kakel unch 👤 @failedq as tukang paket 👤 @caabilu as adek 👤 @wizarod as tukang cilok 👤 @MitLten as bff :3 👤 @gtitar as bff…

4 months ago

📝 @ + as

👤 @badelr as abang

👤 @bonekj as adek

👤 @ShebnXiaoting as temen sekelas

👤 @GwCewekHaechan cewek centil

👤 @meangirlr as kakel unch

👤 @failedq as tukang paket

👤 @caabilu as adek

👤 @wizarod as tukang cilok

👤 @MitLten as bff :3

👤 @gtitar as bff

👤 @LeeDongMign as cewe polos

👥 11 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

*🚫 This poll is closed...*

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📱 PM TG Admin


Last updated 2 months ago

The Open Network (TON) memasukkan kripto ke dalam setiap saku. Dengan membangun ekosistem Web3 dalam Messenger Telegram, TON memberikan miliaran orang kesempatan untuk memiliki identitas digital, data, dan aset mereka.

Last updated 4 days ago

‧₊˚🖇️. "Dunia emang pahit, maka nya Tuhan ciptain kamu biar ada manis manisnya".

‧₊˚🖇️. Cr All sosmed

‧₊˚🖇️. Pfp or any? @feath_bot


Last updated 3 weeks, 4 days ago