The Paganist

Though the word pagan itself a slur, suggesting ancient Greeks were the same as those in ancient China, it's a word we understand and unite upon, albeit thanks to the control of international monotheism.
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1 month, 3 weeks ago

Delphic Maxim 22:

Pursue honour
(Δοξαν διωκε)

Honour is one of the most difficult ideas to grasp. For many people think of something else, when they think of honour. Some say, it is the good name, and when someone slanders you, he or she damaged your honour; but I do not think so. Honour is what you do, for true honour is not diminished if nobody knows, nor would it be true honour when you get praise for something you falsely claim. The Gods see your actions, and only actions count. You can hold speeches and say idle words what you plan and desire, but only the test of action proves what sort of person you are. Your actions define your honour! Not your idle words, and not the petty words of others. Let thine actions speak for you!


1 month, 3 weeks ago
Roman period Head of Apollo

Roman period Head of Apollo

1 month, 4 weeks ago

The page the above is forwarded from tends competently to their craft of cataloguing minutiae of western Mythopoetic folklore & you ought all collectively give them a sub

Not because they are affiliated with us in any way but because they are Competent at their Craft of cataloguing western Mythopoetic minutiae to a good & high standard

An admin who gives a shit about his grand archives

2 months ago
The Paganist
2 months ago
The Paganist
2 months ago
Leto transforms the Lycian peasants into …

Leto transforms the Lycian peasants into frogs
By Alex Cristi 

2 months ago

To better help women understand the destructive force of feminism, I shall give an example of the damage brought about by "liberal" politics. The fact is, most men, never mind women, don't deserve to vote. If you're not studied or properly updated, why should you have a say on things which could be a massive act of manipulation? If I had my way, you'd have to sit tests and show your worth to be allowed to have a say in what goes on. If you spend every day ignoring politics, history and the hardship of studying, but for some strange reason think you're entitled to vote just because you exist, you're miles from understanding the process of national protection. We have become so used to the damaging, fallacious belief that we're all the same, that we've selfishly stopped giving credit where it's due. Even to those who bother to do the things most won't. The insecurities of the average person means that they're more scared of acknowledging the greatness of others than they are seeing society become a blank, communistic canvas. As long as we each think we're special, then nothing, and nobody really is.

2 months ago

Glorious Apollon, may song burst forth along your path as your radiance illuminates the world

2 months ago

*It only takes one or two generations for people to lose all appreciation or concept of reality, class, and overall standards.

Parents now feed their children cancerous filth not because they mean to, but because they genuinely believe it to be actual food.

As the children of the late 20th and early 21st century turn to adults, we're seeing the type of slobbery that couldn't have existed without capitalistic corporatism, disingenuous governments, and an abundance of poisonous, nefarious media sources.

How can children tell weak art or bad dress codes when their own parents were more willing to adopt their character from the television than that of their own minds? It genuinely doesn't matter if this applies to you, as I, like many of you, had some hard truths to face about what I did and didn't deem as important.

Only you will know if you think it's "cool" to reject academia and the type of class that sets a society apart from others.

In truth, we pretend not to see its importance because we're scared of the challenge.

Instead, we use various excuses and even slurs to pretend that intelligence, personal presentation, cultural appreciation, and societal aspiration are somehow evil or pathetic.

The reason it was so easy to push the "yobbishness is cool" mentality is because it requires so much more effort and concentration to take on the many challenges that make people and society worthy of respect.

Nowadays, people are so used to the ridiculous, deliberately planted excuse of not wanting to be "stuck up" that they've allowed fictional realities to degenerate society into an easily led cesspool of genuine devolution.*

2 months, 1 week ago

Churches have always been Israeli embassies, nothing more.

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