The People's Revolution

The People’s Revolution & Triccy
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru

Last updated 6 days, 5 hours ago

1 Monat, 1 Woche her
Two birds same of the wing.

Two birds same of the wing.

Labor and Liberal.

1 Monat, 1 Woche her


What a great post and a reminder for us all.

"This is what a king looks like in his last moments of life ?
The scene was captured by photographer Larry Pannell, who released this shocking photo in 2018 ?.

We found him lying in the grass, exhausted and unable to move. We were no more than a meter away from him as he died in the shade of a tree. Dropping my camera, we stared at each other, closing our eyes for what seemed like an era. I just wanted him to know that he wouldn't die alone as he struggled to breathe, his chest only gets hurt from time to time. Then one last tickle, his last breath, he was gone. The king was dead.

Life is short. Power is ephemeral. Physical beauty is short-lived, I have seen it in lions. I have seen it in old people. Everyone who lives long enough will become weak and very vulnerable at some point.

Therefore, let us be humble. Help the sick, the weak, the vulnerable and most importantly never forget that we will leave the stage one day.

Credit: Larry Pannell."

1 Monat, 3 Wochen her


Next Rally - 31.08.24.

1PM Brisbane CBD.

Details to come.

Big focus on community, demonstrations, activities, music and good vibes!

4 Monate her
While cost of living crisis worsens, …

While cost of living crisis worsens, the tax payer funded police sit at the bottom of steep hills, hiding in the bushes with speed guns.

Not acceptable.

4 Monate her

Hey all,

Things have really ramped up and Team TPR find ourselves with the need to bring on extra volunteers, to help with the increased work load. A good problem to have ?

Our team consists of unpaid volunteers who have families and work full time, so at times balancing our own lives with getting things done for the movement, is a struggle.

Many hands make light work, so if you, or someone you know can help with the following, please ask them to contact us at [email protected] , with the subject line "VOLUNTEER".

- We are looking for multiple People who have experience in constructing emails in software such as Brevo, Sendin Blue & Mailchimp.

- We're also looking for someone who has experience in Events and Campaign Management, for a variety of things such as helping to organise various aspects of the rallies, community events, documentary nights etc.

- Finally, we're after moderators/admins for social media groups.
We're not after People who will use this as an opportunity to soothe their ego and boss others around, but instead to realise their duties to initiate community engagement and help keep those conversations on path.

We're in exciting but extremely busy times and look forward to taking more People from the community in to our team of volunteers.

Thanks all, see you on the streets soon.


4 Monate her


I call it the: "Drunken Chemtrail Pilot" ?

Help us beat the censorship and also follow us on Facebook and Instagram:

Triccy on FB -

The People’s Revolution on Facebook -

The People's Revolution on Instagram -

4 Monate, 1 Woche her



The W.H.O push for the Pandemic Treaty has been stalled.

It was expected the world's nations would reach agreement this weekend in Geneva, however, they have agreed to postpone the agreement and have a set a new goal of finalising the Pandemic Treaty in one years time.

Director General of the W.H.O, Dr Tedros (who is NOT actually a medical doctor at all), has stated: "The next Pandemic is a matter of when, not if".

Just in the same way that Fauci stated the Trump administration would face a surprise outbreak. Crystal ball, Fauci?

My prediction is we have 18 months until the next "pandemic" and I say BRING IT ON!

Their C19 episode, awakened more People than any other single event in the history of the planet.

When the muppets try and pull the next one, there will be 10 times as many People who will stand up immediately and defend their rights and freedoms.

The harder they push, the more they expose themselves.
The W.H.O, The W.E.F, The U.N, we see through you like the water that comes down when it rains and the People will bring the rain when the times come.

Spend the time building your local communities, planting seeds, educating people, having those much needed conversations.
Don't let them forget the absolute level of ridiculousness we experienced during the C19 years.

Most of all, enjoy your lives and have fun.

See you all soon.


4 Monate, 1 Woche her

I just came across this graphic, which we made in 2021.

Accurate as of September 5, 2021, using the TGA statistics.
The same statistics, which the crooked government used to justify lockdowns.

This is exactly why the streets of Brisbane and every other capital city in Australia, exploded with numbers never seen before.

Australia spoke with massive numbers on the streets and we said we will not allow restrictions on our rights and freedoms for a cold.

We won, they dropped the mandates.

Coronavirus: "A type of common virus that infects most humans at least once in their lifetime. Illness caused by corona viruses last a short time, normally with mild symptoms".

You can stick your nasty lockdowns up your....

Never forget. These psychopaths still sit in positions that allow them to make decision on our behalf. Time to remove them.


6 Monate, 1 Woche her


Seeing as today is Cash Day and many People around the nation withdrew cash to keep on hand to use and keep in circulation, we think it's also suitable to re-post our Cash is King poster, for businesses to use, laminate and stick on their counter.

The advantage of using cash when making a purchase, is that you are NOT charged EFTPOS fees and the bank doesn't get your money.

Many People from around the country, reported line ups at ATMs today. A good sign that a fair amount engaged in the activity.

In reality, every week, everyone that understands what a cashless society actually means and why the powers that be are pushing for it, should already be withdrawing cash and using it for all purchases.

Using or buying digital crypto does NOT push back against a cashless society and this is what this particular activity is aimed at.

While cash does not carry actual value as it is no longer backed by gold, using it, is a method that directly combats the local council's and government's attempts to use statistics to justify digital currency only and a cashless society.

Use something physical to purchase, trade and barter, regardless if it is cash, silver or gold and help push back a system of control and surveillance, AKA a cashless society.


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Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market

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Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru

Last updated 6 days, 5 hours ago