Rev. James Costello

Pro-White activist. Minister of the White Man’s Creed, Creativity. Award winning author.
Telegram contact: @RevJamesCost
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3 months, 3 weeks ago

James Costello is such a sweetheart. He has just written me a letter saying he’s heard about Sam’s sentence and he’s asked me to take £500 out of his fundraiser and spend it on our children. Obviously we wouldn’t do that but I wanted to share this just to show you all what a lovely guy he is. He is serving the longest sentence out of all the PA guys who are currently inside, being sentenced to five years and having to serve about three and a half years. Still, he is always thinking of other people. It was a pleasure to shout his name down the megaphone on Saturday during our demo.

We will make sure that James receives the maximum canteen money each week so that he can be as comfortable as possible while inside. Please consider writing him a letter if you haven’t done so already:

NAME: James Costello PRISONER NUMBER: A3561FA DATE OF BIRTH: 08.01.1985 ADDRESS: HMP Liverpool, 68 Hornby Road, Liverpool, L9 3DF

(You need to put a name and return address or it won’t get through)

8 months, 1 week ago


Supporting Political Prisoner James Costello

On November 16th 2023 James Costello was jailed for 5 years. He was on trial for the content of a website relating to his chosen religion, Creativity, and fo...

Rev. James Costello
8 months, 2 weeks ago

I’m going away for a while, my beautiful people. Stay positive in your thinking. Strive to be the best you can be. 😇👍

8 months, 2 weeks ago
Rev. James Costello
8 months, 2 weeks ago
There is currently a police 'manhunt' …

There is currently a police 'manhunt' for a young woman who held up a placard poking fun at the Prime Minister and then Home Secretary. The media are supporting this course of action.
Now imagine for one minute if there was a police manhunt underway in Russia, with officers searching for a woman who held up a placard making fun of Vladimir Putin, there would be outrage from the Western media.
Every decent person should be objecting to this draconian policing, calling out the media's double standards and standing up for the right to speak freely.

8 months, 2 weeks ago

Remembrance Sunday 2023 in Liverpool.

No More Brother Wars.


8 months, 2 weeks ago

11am on the 11th November 1918

As we stand for 2 minutes silence, think of how cold it is today. Now imagine yourself soaked from the waist down in a muddy trench and a whistle is sounded, the ceasefire was agreed and it’s over.

No more bullets or bombs.
No more wondering if you’ll wake up tomorrow or if you’ll be another fallen hero.

8 months, 2 weeks ago
**VIDEO: Tommy is Leading You into …

VIDEO: Tommy is Leading You into a TRAP - Don't go to London
Tommy Robinson is calling for people to go to London this weekend to ‘defend the Cenotaph’ and the media are already writing headlines about clashes between ‘far right hooligans’ and ‘pro-Palestinian protestors’. Don’t fall into the trap of going to London and getting involved in violent disorder – this is what the media and the government want, as they will use this disorder as a reason to pass new laws that will take away our right to protest and diminish our freedoms. This is one big trap – stay away!
ODYSEE:'t-Go-To-London:f BITCHUTE:

8 months, 3 weeks ago

Friendly reminder: It’s considered antisemitic to be sad about all the innocent children and other civilians Israel kills in Gaza with their massive indiscriminate bombing campaigns.

8 months, 4 weeks ago

You would have to be completely ignorant or a total cretin to allow arseholes such as Douglas Murray and Laurence Fox to manipulate you into a violent confrontation. Now is the time we listened to the peace activists. 👏

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