
قناةٌ تُعنى بالحديثِ وفوائدِه، ونمير الفقه وفرائدِه، والتَّفسير ولطائفِه؛ اجتهدت في جمعِها بغيةَ تحريك القلوب إِلى أَجلِّ مطلوب، إِذ لا بُدَّ للسَّالكِ من همَّةٍ تسيِّره وترقيِّه، وعلمٍ يُبصِّره ويَهديه.
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معالي وزير التربية

Last updated 1 год, 1 месяц назад

تعلم الانجليزية ومارسها
نقدم الكثير من الدروس مع الاسئلة لتثبيت المعلومه!

للتواصل @YRRRR

Last updated 3 месяца, 1 неделя назад

مُمتلئ بذلك الهراء.

Last updated 1 год, 5 месяцев назад

1 week ago

The strong believer is better and dearer to Allah than the weak believer, but in each there is merit. Strive for that which brings you benefit, seek Allah’s help and do not give up. If something unfortunate happens to you, do not say, "If only I had done such-and-such..," but say, "It is Allah’s decree; what He wills He does." "If only" opens the door for Satan.

— Muslim no. 2664

1 week, 3 days ago

With every hardship comes ease.

Quran 94:5

1 week, 3 days ago

Each night Allah descends to the lowest heaven when the final third part of the night remains and He says, "Who calls upon Me so that I may answer him, who asks Me so that I may give him, who seeks my forgiveness so that I may forgive him?"

— Bukhārī no. 1145

3 months ago
3 months ago

A man asked the Prophet ʿalayhi al-salam about the most meritorious deed in Islam. He replied, "That you feed the hungry and greet those you know and those you do not know."

— Bukhārī no. 12

3 months ago

Abū Yūsuf said, "Knowledge will not give part of itself to you until you give your all to it."

— Al-Khaṭīb, Tārīkh baghdād, i. 97

5 months, 3 weeks ago

"Are the blind equal to those who can see? And are the depths of darkness equal to the light?" (13:16)

Faith within the heart is nourished by listening to the Quran much like water cultivates plant life. Music, on the other hand, sows seeds of hypocrisy. The two can never be equal until truth and falsehood become one.

— Ibn Rajab, Majmūʿ rasāʾil ibn rajab, i. 474

5 months, 3 weeks ago
5 months, 3 weeks ago
5 months, 4 weeks ago
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معالي وزير التربية

Last updated 1 год, 1 месяц назад

تعلم الانجليزية ومارسها
نقدم الكثير من الدروس مع الاسئلة لتثبيت المعلومه!

للتواصل @YRRRR

Last updated 3 месяца, 1 неделя назад

مُمتلئ بذلك الهراء.

Last updated 1 год, 5 месяцев назад