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7 months, 3 weeks ago

BENEFIT 196: Avoid Using The Gregorian Calendar As Much As Possible

Sheikh Abdulhamīd Az-Zu'kari ḥafidhahullāh:

"Using the Gregorian Calendar in Shari'ah related matters is something we advise to avoid and refrain from. If a person has to refer to it, they should begin with the Hijri calendar followed by the Gregorian. This is because many people and countries have come to rely on the Gregorian calendar. However, the fundamental principle is that we should record events according to the Hijri calendar, which Muslims have historically used to organise their affairs."


8 months ago

BENEFIT 194: Some people treat others harshly claiming that this is the way of the Salaf!

Question: You have mentioned that we should treat others gently, but some people are harsh with my friends and say that some of the Salaf like Shu'bah and Wakee' were strict and used to treat people harshly?

Sheikh Abdulḥamīd Az-Zu'kari ḥafidhahullāh:

The proof is in the example of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, not in Wakee' or Shu'bah. Exalted is Allah, how can one leave the example of the Prophet ﷺ and the examples of Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Ali, Talha, and Zubair, and instead turn to the example of Shu'bah, may Allah have mercy on him, or Al-A'mash? Suppose they were harsh in their teachings or had a stern approach with their students. The Salaf were indeed gentle, adhering to the Quran and Sunnah. However, due to the large number of students and persistent requests, you might observe some strictness from their teachers, which led to the mistaken belief that they were harsh with others. This is not correct!

The Salaf As-Salih were the most eager to adhere to the guidance of the Prophet ﷺ. Shu'bah was among the leaders of guidance and lamps of darkness, but sometimes circumstances with their students, like the overwhelming number of sessions and students' demands, caused them to be stern. A person is human and feels pain just like others. They might have done this to test their students. Those truly dedicated to Hadith would endure the harshness and strictness, while those indifferent might say, "I won't seek knowledge from him."

However, we must adhere to what has been confirmed by the Prophet ﷺ: "Be gentle," as he said in the Hadith. We should follow what Allah and His Messenger love. The Prophet's message, from beginning to end, was based on gentleness. Even when someone would grab his garment harshly, causing a mark on his skin, the Prophet would smile at them.

As we call for gentleness and recognise our need for it, some individuals, upon becoming religiously upright, become harsh with their parents. They think they're are righteous and that's enough. No, my brother, be gentle with your mother and father so they may join you in righteousness. Be gentle with your siblings so they may follow you in the righteous path. Condemn wrongdoings within the boundaries of Shari'ah with the best approach. Why jump to harsh methods from the get go?

Why not start by educating people, teaching them, guiding them, and inviting them? Once they know, as Allah says (interpreted meaning): "Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good instruction, and argue with them in the best manner."

Didn't the One Who say (interpreted meaning), "argue with them in the best manner" also say before this (interpreted meaning), "with wisdom"?

Wisdom involves gentleness, kindness, and endearing the religion to them, endearing knowledge and the Sunnah to them. Similarly, good admonition is necessary. If you see someone turning away, bring them proofs that deter them, and so forth. Argue with them in the best manner, which could sometimes involve the sword for those in authority and others.

We must progress gradually in our invitation and adopt the best possible attitudes. "Gentleness is not found in anything except that it adorns it, and it is not removed from anything except that it disfigures it." (hadith)

There is no conflict between gentleness and uprightness. Some think that gentleness is a form of Tamyee' (laxity). No, it is not. Legitimate gentleness is not Tamyee'.

Tamyee' is misguided gentleness. Legitimate gentleness is following the Sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ in returning greetings, in good speech, in good conversation, in good advice, in wishing well for others, and in inviting them to goodness. This is a legitimate matter.




قناة الشيخ عبدالحميد بن يحيى الزُّعكُري

***🔸******🔹******🔸*** ***🔹******🔹*** ***🔸*** ***🔊*** #الفتاوى ***🔹*** سلسلة الفتاوى الصوتية ***🔸*** ***▪️***للشيخ أبي محمد عبد الحميد الحجوري الزعكري حفظه الله تعالى. ***🗓*** السبت 08/ محرم / 1441 ***⭕️***#أسئلة\_المدينة\_المنورة\_على\_صاحبها\_أفضل\_الصلاة\_والسلام\_ ***⭕️*** السؤال***9️⃣******⭕️*** ***🔘*** قد ذكرتم لنا بأن نعامل مع الأخرين برفقٍ…

8 months, 1 week ago

تنبيه مهم:
Important note:

لا يجوز صيام يوم الثالث عشر من ذي الحجة
It's not allowed to fast the 13th of Dhul Ḥijjah (today)

إلا لمن لم يجد الهدي
except for the (mutamatti‘) who hasn't found (or can't afford) a sacrificial animal

فهي أيام عيد
That is because these (11th, 12th, 13th) are the days of ‘Eid.

فعن عروة، عن عائشة وعن سالم عن ابن عمر رضي الله عنهم قالا:
On the authority of ‘Urwah from ‘Ā’ishah and on the authority of Sālim from Ibn ‘Umar, may Allāh be pleased with them all, that they both said:

لم يرخص في أيام التشريق أن يصمن إلا لمن لم يجد الهدي.
“No concession was given to fast during the days of tashreeq (11th,12th & 13th of Dhul Hijjah) except for the one who had no sacrificial animal.”

أخرجه البخاري.
Reported by Bukhārī

فقوله: لم يرخص دليل على المنع في حق غير من رخص له
So his saying, 'no concession was given' indicates that its impermissible for everyone (to fast) excluding those on whom the concession applies.

والله أعلم.
And Allāh knows best

أبو محمد الزعكري 13 الحجة 1441
(Written by) Abū Muḥammad Az-Zu'karī (on) the 13th of Dhul Ḥijjah 1441 H.

10 months ago

The death of the people of innovation exposes the condition of many of the living:
1. Their fanatics often glorify and praise them beyond what they deserve.

  1. The infiltrators and mumayyi'oon manifest in their admiration and commendation.

  2. The heedless among the people of the Sunnah confuse between giving condolences and refraining from that. We do not prohibit condolences for Muslims in general; we ask Allah to have mercy on all Muslims. However, spreading condolences for innovators is not appropriate because people are deceived and influenced. Whenever an innovator dies, you find these three categories, so beware of being among them, and adhere to fairness.

14th Shawwal 1445AH.


10 months, 1 week ago

The Death of Az-Zindaani

Praise be to Allah and peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah. To proceed, we have been informed on this day, Monday the 13th of Shawwal, 1445, about the passing of Abdulmajeed ibn Aziz Az-Zindani, the caller to misguidance, the mufti of the rebels, and one of the founders of the Muslim Brotherhood in Yemen. He advocated for democracy claiming it to be Islamic, endorsed elections under the pretext of Shooraa (consultation), called for unification of religions, and speaks about Allah without knowledge in many aspects of religion, such as his call to establish a council of Yemeni female religious scholars and his call for giving a fifth to the Houthis and those allied with them. Due to him, widespread corruption occurred, the extent of which only Allah is fully aware. Because of him and those like him, the Houthis reached Sana'a and Yemen was destroyed. May Allah deal with him and those like him as they deserve, and we say nothing but that we find relief from him and leave his affair to Allah.

Muslims must beware of his ways and methods, and his supporters should repent from their misguided doctrine and dissociate themselves from the injustices that occurred because of him, lest their sins increase in his grave. We seek refuge in Allah, and I ask Allah to grant us death as Muslims. Praise be to Allah, the Lord of all the worlds.

Abu Muhammad Az-Zu'kari



القناة الرسمية للشيخ عبدالحميد بن يحيى الزُّعكُري

الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله أما بعد فقد بلغنا في عصر هذا اليوم الاثنين ١٣ شوال ١٤٤٥ وفاة (عبدالمجيد بن عزيز الزنداني) داعي الضلالة ومفتي الثوار وأحد مؤسسي حزب الإخوان المسلمين في اليمن ومجوز الديمقراطية بدعوى أنها إسلامية ومجوز الانتخابات بدعوى…

10 months, 2 weeks ago

الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله أما بعد:
أقول لمن تصله رسالتي عيدكم مبارك وتقبل الله منا ومنكم صالح الأعمال.
وأعاد الله علينا رمضان والأمة الإسلامية في عز وتمكين ونصر مبين.
أبو محمد عبدالحميد الزُّعكري ١ شوال ١٤٤٥.

1 year ago

Before you is an invaluable collection of fatāwā by the Noble Shaykh 'Abdul-Hamīd Al-Hajūri may Allāh preserve him regarding fasting

? Translated into English
? PDF format

English Channel Link:

1 year ago

Indonesian Embassador visits Sheikh Abdulhameed's markaz

Praise be to Allāh, and may peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah. I bear witness that there is no diety worthy of worship except Allāh alone, with no partner, and I bear witness that Muḥammad is His servant and Messenger ﷺ.

As for what follows:

On this day, Saturday, the seventh of Sha’bān 1445 H., we met at masjid Aṣ-Ṣaḥāba with his excellency the ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia, where he and his accompanying delegation came to visit Indonesian students who are seeking Islamic knowledge, the science of the Qur’an and the Sunnah, at Dār Al-Ḥadīth in masjid Aṣ-Ṣaḥāba in the city of Al-Ghayḍhah.

He invited us, may Allāh grant him success, to visit Indonesia to give da’wah to Allāh, so we promised him to do so on another occasion, as I have just returned from a da'wah excursion. So I ask Allāh for us, for them, and for all Muslims success in obeying Him and to accept our righteous speech and deeds.

Abu Muḥammad Az-Zu’kari
7 Sha’ban 1445 H.


1 year, 1 month ago
1 year, 2 months ago

?????? ???????? & ?????? (40):

لَيَسَتِ النَّائِحَةُ الثَّكْلَى كالمُسْتَأجَرةِ

Hired mourners are not like those who mourn a real loss.

Meaning: The one who really grieves is the one who actually loses a loved one.


QUESTION: What is the meaning of this proverb - "A bereaved woman is not the same as a hired woman"?


“The نائحة الثكلى is the woman who has lost her husband, child, brother, etc. So she cries from her heart with a burning pain. As for the hired mourner, perhaps she is given ten thousand [YR] and comes in and cries for 15 minutes and then leaves while she's laughing, or maybe she cries without shedding any tears.

I swear by Allāh, we knew some women from childhood who would enter the house while the house was quiet, then as soon as she reaches the entrance she screams, causing everyone else to cry with her; the young and the old; even males would cry - if they were present. And she would do various things to arouse sadness, then she would sit down, drink coffee, laugh, and then she leaves.

So the proverb is said in relation to someone who has a burning pain over something, unlike the one who enters into the lane.

And they used to hire women for this matter from back in the day. For example, [When Abu Salamah died] Umm Salamah said:
لأَبْكِيَنَّهُ بُكَاءً يُتَحَدَّثُ عَنْهُ
I will weep for him in a manner that would be talked about [for generations to come].”

Then a woman wanted to enter Abu Salamah’s house to join her in crying, so the Prophet ﷺ said:
أَتُرِيدِينَ أَنْ تُدْخِلِي الشَّيْطَانَ بَيْتًا أَخْرَجَهُ الله مِنْهُ؟!
“Do you want to bring the devil into a house from which Allah has driven him out?” Upon hearing this, she refrained from that. [Sahih Muslim, 922] ”



Mufradaat | Arabic Vocab

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