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2 months, 1 week ago

The death of the people of innovation exposes the condition of many of the living:
1. Their fanatics often glorify and praise them beyond what they deserve.

  1. The infiltrators and mumayyi'oon manifest in their admiration and commendation.

  2. The heedless among the people of the Sunnah confuse between giving condolences and refraining from that. We do not prohibit condolences for Muslims in general; we ask Allah to have mercy on all Muslims. However, spreading condolences for innovators is not appropriate because people are deceived and influenced. Whenever an innovator dies, you find these three categories, so beware of being among them, and adhere to fairness.

14th Shawwal 1445AH.


2 months, 1 week ago

The Death of Az-Zindaani

Praise be to Allah and peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah. To proceed, we have been informed on this day, Monday the 13th of Shawwal, 1445, about the passing of Abdulmajeed ibn Aziz Az-Zindani, the caller to misguidance, the mufti of the rebels, and one of the founders of the Muslim Brotherhood in Yemen. He advocated for democracy claiming it to be Islamic, endorsed elections under the pretext of Shooraa (consultation), called for unification of religions, and speaks about Allah without knowledge in many aspects of religion, such as his call to establish a council of Yemeni female religious scholars and his call for giving a fifth to the Houthis and those allied with them. Due to him, widespread corruption occurred, the extent of which only Allah is fully aware. Because of him and those like him, the Houthis reached Sana'a and Yemen was destroyed. May Allah deal with him and those like him as they deserve, and we say nothing but that we find relief from him and leave his affair to Allah.

Muslims must beware of his ways and methods, and his supporters should repent from their misguided doctrine and dissociate themselves from the injustices that occurred because of him, lest their sins increase in his grave. We seek refuge in Allah, and I ask Allah to grant us death as Muslims. Praise be to Allah, the Lord of all the worlds.

Abu Muhammad Az-Zu'kari



القناة الرسمية للشيخ عبدالحميد بن يحيى الزُّعكُري

الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله أما بعد فقد بلغنا في عصر هذا اليوم الاثنين ١٣ شوال ١٤٤٥ وفاة (عبدالمجيد بن عزيز الزنداني) داعي الضلالة ومفتي الثوار وأحد مؤسسي حزب الإخوان المسلمين في اليمن ومجوز الديمقراطية بدعوى أنها إسلامية ومجوز الانتخابات بدعوى…

2 months, 3 weeks ago

الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله أما بعد:
أقول لمن تصله رسالتي عيدكم مبارك وتقبل الله منا ومنكم صالح الأعمال.
وأعاد الله علينا رمضان والأمة الإسلامية في عز وتمكين ونصر مبين.
أبو محمد عبدالحميد الزُّعكري ١ شوال ١٤٤٥.

4 months, 1 week ago

Before you is an invaluable collection of fatāwā by the Noble Shaykh 'Abdul-Hamīd Al-Hajūri may Allāh preserve him regarding fasting

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4 months, 2 weeks ago

Indonesian Embassador visits Sheikh Abdulhameed's markaz

Praise be to Allāh, and may peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah. I bear witness that there is no diety worthy of worship except Allāh alone, with no partner, and I bear witness that Muḥammad is His servant and Messenger ﷺ.

As for what follows:

On this day, Saturday, the seventh of Sha’bān 1445 H., we met at masjid Aṣ-Ṣaḥāba with his excellency the ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia, where he and his accompanying delegation came to visit Indonesian students who are seeking Islamic knowledge, the science of the Qur’an and the Sunnah, at Dār Al-Ḥadīth in masjid Aṣ-Ṣaḥāba in the city of Al-Ghayḍhah.

He invited us, may Allāh grant him success, to visit Indonesia to give da’wah to Allāh, so we promised him to do so on another occasion, as I have just returned from a da'wah excursion. So I ask Allāh for us, for them, and for all Muslims success in obeying Him and to accept our righteous speech and deeds.

Abu Muḥammad Az-Zu’kari
7 Sha’ban 1445 H.


6 months ago
6 months, 2 weeks ago

𝗔𝗿𝗮𝗯𝗶𝗰 𝗣𝗿𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗯𝘀 & 𝗜𝗱𝗶𝗼𝗺𝘀 (40):

لَيَسَتِ النَّائِحَةُ الثَّكْلَى كالمُسْتَأجَرةِ

Hired mourners are not like those who mourn a real loss.

Meaning: The one who really grieves is the one who actually loses a loved one.


QUESTION: What is the meaning of this proverb - "A bereaved woman is not the same as a hired woman"?


“The نائحة الثكلى is the woman who has lost her husband, child, brother, etc. So she cries from her heart with a burning pain. As for the hired mourner, perhaps she is given ten thousand [YR] and comes in and cries for 15 minutes and then leaves while she's laughing, or maybe she cries without shedding any tears.

I swear by Allāh, we knew some women from childhood who would enter the house while the house was quiet, then as soon as she reaches the entrance she screams, causing everyone else to cry with her; the young and the old; even males would cry - if they were present. And she would do various things to arouse sadness, then she would sit down, drink coffee, laugh, and then she leaves.

So the proverb is said in relation to someone who has a burning pain over something, unlike the one who enters into the lane.

And they used to hire women for this matter from back in the day. For example, [When Abu Salamah died] Umm Salamah said:
لأَبْكِيَنَّهُ بُكَاءً يُتَحَدَّثُ عَنْهُ
I will weep for him in a manner that would be talked about [for generations to come].”

Then a woman wanted to enter Abu Salamah’s house to join her in crying, so the Prophet ﷺ said:
أَتُرِيدِينَ أَنْ تُدْخِلِي الشَّيْطَانَ بَيْتًا أَخْرَجَهُ الله مِنْهُ؟!
“Do you want to bring the devil into a house from which Allah has driven him out?” Upon hearing this, she refrained from that. [Sahih Muslim, 922] ”



Mufradaat | Arabic Vocab

6 months, 3 weeks ago

Many people are shocked at the reason why such-and-such person falls into Fitnah!

Oh Miskeen, I ask Allah for safety for us and you, one does not enter Fitnah based on it being a Fitnah!

Rather the affair becomes mixed up upon him and may enter it with the claim of distinction or the claim of gentleness, or he may enter it with the claim of reconciling between the people of truth and those who oppose them. He may enter it with the claim of piety or he may enter it desiring wealth thinking he will be safe. He may be trialed by way of allegiance, one he sits with, or due to blind following, or it may be due to the people of falsehood being many, or due to not being satisfied with the Salafi Manhaj, or because of listening to or reading for the people of falsehood.

The pathways of Shaytaan to trial a person are many. We seek refuge with Allah from Trials, that which is apparent and hidden.

Abu Muhammad Az Zu’akari

6 months, 3 weeks ago

The most that can be said is that the said Sheikh infringed upon this Da'wah, he oppressed this Da'wah, but we cannot overstep the mark and accuse him of things that he is free from. And if someone saw that thing with him but it was not clear for others, he should not behave harshly by testing and warning from his Salafi brothers.

These issues relating to the subject of Jarh wa ta'deel should be referred to their rightful people; the sincere advisors from amongst the scholars, those who have wara’ and Taqwa.

And I would always repeat when I was in Dammaj, in Makkah and in Yemen, that the issues of tabdee', tafseeq and takfeer are not open to everyone, rather they are for the scholars. That is why you find the scholars saying, “Imams of Jarh wa ta’deel”, ”Scholars of Jarh wa ta’deel.” We don't find them explicitly stating: "Taalib Jarh wa ta'deel". There is no such thing. The role of a taalib is merely to take what the scholars have said and convey their speech. His role is to spread the speech of the scholars. He stops at the limit that the scholars have drawn for him; Those whom Allāh has made as gaurdians over the Shari’ah.

But you find those who transgress the limits disparaging, endorsing, passing judgements, and eventually even making tabdee on his own brothers, as is the case with many of those whom we may have advised, whether in Yemen or outside Yemen.

The point being, we advice our Salafi brothers in Britain, Canada, America, and in all other Islamic countries, to fear Allāh Almighty and not to transgress in rulings, and not to cause agitation among the Salafees, which may lead to Fitnah, disagreement, disunity, boycotting and alienation. Let everyone come together to warn against falsehood and the people of falsehood and the misguided innovators.

As for causing rifts inside the Da'wah; this one accuses the other of being a mumayyi', and the other counters by accusing them of ghuluww; this is inappropriate.

We have no mumayyi' nor any people of ghuluww in the Da'wah. The person of ghuluww will eventually leave just as the mumayyi' will leave. The Salafi Da'wah only accepts those who are on the pleasing path. It is like a sweeping torrent, whoever falls sick is expelled and rejected; whether his illness was due to ghuluww or his illness was due to harshness. No one remains firm in this Da'wah except those who adhere to the manhaj of the Salaf, may Allāh be pleased with them; those who follow the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ; who adhere to his way and his guidance; who do not transgress the limits neither in theoretical matters nor in practical matters.


6 months, 3 weeks ago

Question: What are your thoughts regarding those who disparage their brothers from the Salafi du'at in Britain, simply because they do not agree with warning against Sheikh Sulaymān Ar-Ruḥaili, and when the disparagers were presented with the speech of Sheikh Yahya regarding Sheikh Wasī'ullāh Abbās, they explained that the Sheikh only said that because he was in Saudi and he was unable to speak clearly about issues of Jarh wa ta'deel whilst in Saudi, and that it shouldn't be circulated because it is not found on his website.

Sheikh ’Abdulhameed Az-Zu'kari ḥafidhahullāh:

This speech, that when the Sheikh was in Saudi he was unable to speak clearly about Al-Jarh and so on, this speech is false! It has no basis!

During his stay in Saudi, Sheikh Yahya ḥafidhahullāh was given good treatment by the authorities of that country, may Allāh rectify their affairs and protect their country. They allowed him to teach, and so people would come to him from here and there, and his affair was like that of any other advisor and reformer from among the scholars, and there were no conditions placed upon him - that you can speak about certain issues but not others. So this (speech) is like the saying of some, that Sheikh Yahya has changed after leaving Dammaj. So one has to be just and they should not insult their Sheikh, whether knowingly or unknowingly.

Thereafter, our brothers in Britain, Canada & America, we hear good things about their Da'wah, such as our brother Abu Ishaq, our brother Abu Atiyyah; both of whom are in London. Similarly, our brother Abu Fajr in Canada, and also the brother Majeed Al-Afghani who has good translations and good efforts in Canada. And the likes of AbdulHakeem Al-Amreeki and Isma'eel Al-Ghazzali, both of whom are in America, and many others whom we do not know or remember their names. They are all upon Tamayyuz, upon a Salafi Da'wah, upon a pleasing path, as we perceive from them and Allāh is their Judge.

And if there are any shortcomings, then no one is safe from shortcomings. Surely Muslims advice one another. As for disparaging them, and speaking ill of them in an indirect manner; why didn't you say such-and-such? Why didn't you declare so-and-so to be an innovator?

The Da'wah has its men. It has its scholars and its bearers. It is not left open ended. Thus whoever is declared an innovator by the scholars, then the ruling of the scholars is to be taken and benefitted from. And whoever has not been declared an innovator, there's no need to dispute concerning them. There are some mashayekh who have not reached the point of innovation, but they have mistakes, they have violations, they have errors in manhaj, and so on, so if the scholars have not declared them to be innovators, then do not use them to test your Salafi brothers, such that you attack them and keep them busy with things which they do not need to be busied with.

Alhamdulillah, Ahlus-Sunnah are far from being deceived - not by the Hizbiyyeen, nor by the mistakes of those who have not reached the point of Hizbiyyah.

Also, beware of introducing people to issues they are not in need of, like the issue of Al-Udhr bil Jahl (the excuse of ignorance). We're done with this matter alhamdulillah. The matter has been clarified and made clear; that being, it is an issue of differing - so whoever excuses the ignorant ones based on legal conditions, he is neither deemed an innovator nor a Faasiq, nor is he boycotted or warned against. Similarly, whoever does not excuse them -without transgressing the limits like those who make takfeer of anyone who excuses them based on legal conditions- he too is not to be rebuked. Both paths have been trodden by the scholars.

Also, the issue of accusing others of irjaa'. There may be differing between us and some scholars pertaining to manhaj and so on, however, one of them goes and accuses him of irjaa' and wants to generalise this ruling to everyone, whereas others may not see there to be any irjaa'.

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