
India, the oldest civilization on the face of the earth shall free itself from the dark shackles of liberalism.
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7 months, 3 weeks ago
Hindus don't desire the humour in …

Hindus don't desire the humour in a joke but only its ability to be a mental weapon against those they seek to destroy, hence they perceive jokes that are genuinely in the spirit of humour to be also malicious as they cannot conceive one to function fundamentally differently than themselves, only difference being the group/ideology.

7 months, 3 weeks ago
Any nation that dabbles in usury …

Any nation that dabbles in usury and chases material wealth will eventually succumb to liberalism

7 months, 3 weeks ago
-A beautiful loyal loving wife

-A beautiful loyal loving wife
-Fame and money
-Fertile and strong genes

This left wing anti-Hindu nationalist youtuber is everything the hindu nationalists have ever wanted to be

He is multiplying and spreading his ideology while the Hindus keep on crying oppression, hating muslims, and blaming women for their loneliness because of their own lacking

Hindu nationalists have never seethed more

7 months, 3 weeks ago
History is just a great rhyming …

History is just a great rhyming poem?

7 months, 4 weeks ago
7 months, 4 weeks ago

Usury math fraud explained

8 months ago

Usury - The root of all evil


The Spirit of Now

Usury -The Root of All Evil? How the lending of money at interest lies behind many of the world's woes.

Usury - The root of all evil
10 months, 2 weeks ago

In freemasonry the compass /G\ represents the spirit, the heavenly, that which comes from above and the square \G/ represents the earthy, contaminated, the prison of the spirit. Squares are used for Euclidean geometry and compass for spherical non-Euclidean geometry. Freemasons believe that classical religious flat earthers are stupid 2 dimensional thinkers who stick to the flat plane concept just because thats what they can see. They have contempt for this archaic concept of our realm. Freemasons believe they are "the enlightened ones" that have risen above the old material thinking of man because with the globe earth concept they use non-Euclidean spherical geometry, the spiritual for the body, the heavenly for the earthly, the geometry of the celestial for the material. So as they unify the /G\ celestial and the \G/ material in their symbol to signify their transcendentalism, the Globe earth ? is the perfect unification of the spiritual and the material mirroring the same idea.

They believe they are truly spiritual unlike flat earthers but fail to see the fact that they are basing their spirituality itself on something material.

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Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago

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Last updated 5 months, 1 week ago

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Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago